Eternal Existence

Chapter 712 Black Robe Monk

"Poison gas attack, which sect is this person from?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the black smoke immediately condensed into a ball. With a wave of his hand, the poison gas ball drilled into the ground, and the ground immediately began to turn black and rotten.

However, this delay caused the other party to drift away from Chen Feng.

"The accumulation on this person is enough to impact the realm of human immortals." Chen Feng looked at the other party. The man was covered in a wide black robe, and only his eyes flashed from time to time. Although the black robe of this man was a holy weapon, it contained mysterious fluctuations, but Chen Feng still saw through it.

"This is a young and handsome cultivator, but his face is a little pale, and his eyes are a little gloomy, but Chen Feng still did not determine where the other party came from.

"It should be a casual cultivator, no matter what, ask about the situation first. ”

Speaking of it, the cultivators who can enter the immortal battlefield this time all have some background. Chen Feng is just relying on the title of honorary elder of Tianjian Sect. Of course, the most important thing is that Chen Feng has saved many disciples of Tianjian Sect, so he has that value.

To be honest, Chen Feng can be regarded as a casual cultivator. Of course, the other casual cultivators who got the quota are also not simple. One is that they have good relations with some sects, and the other is that they have strength.

For example, the casual cultivator in front of him, although the whole person is hidden in the black robe, the evil spirit emanating from the invisible can still be felt by Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately knew that this guy has rich experience in fighting and killed countless people. It can be seen from the fact that he attacked Chen Feng before he saw Chen Feng.

"Wait a minute. "Chen Feng shouted.

But the black-robed monk laughed and a puff of black smoke came out of his mouth. This time the black smoke was different from the previous one. Instead, it condensed into a stream and burned towards Chen Feng. At the same time, the black-robed monk's ten fingers kept flicking, and pieces of spiritual stones flew around Chen Feng.


The space in front of him changed, and Chen Feng fell into the formation. At the same time, the black smoke drilled into Chen Feng's body like a spirit snake.

"You do have some tricks, but it's a pity that I haven't opened up the poison cave yet, otherwise I can absorb all the poison gas." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the black smoke. A ball of fire came out from his palm, and soon the black smoke was burned out. During the burning process, the black smoke even emitted bursts of piercing screams.

"Such a strong toxin, but it's useless to me. "Although these poisonous gases are powerful, they cannot even penetrate Chen Feng's skin, so they are still useless.

The Zhoutian domain unfolded, with wind and thunder, water and fire, sweeping and colliding in all directions. There were bursts of crisp sounds, and the formations that besieged Chen Feng broke one after another. Chen Feng rushed towards the black-robed monk.

"Since you don't know how to appreciate it, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng stopped dawdling with the other party, performed the Qilin Step, and stretched out his hand to grab the black-robed monk.

The black-robed monk was also surprised that Chen Feng could break his attack so quickly. He knew that he had met a master, but he didn't panic. Facing Chen Feng's attack, his whole body was billowing with black smoke, and he released poisonous gas again.

This time, there was more poisonous gas, part of which condensed into true energy to block Chen Feng's attack, and part of it turned into several spirit snakes that entangled Chen Feng.

"Is this the only way? "Although the opponent's reaction speed is fast and his methods are good, it is not a threat to Chen Feng at all.

Because in front of the power of decision, all methods are just tricks.

"Can you block it?" Facing this kind of attack, Chen Feng's palm did not stop, and he still grabbed the black-robed monk. At the same time, the Zhoutian domain became more violent. The black-robed monk's attack immediately melted into the fire as soon as it encountered Chen Feng's Zhoutian domain.

Pah pah pah pah!

Chen Feng's five fingers easily broke through the opponent's poison gas barrier.

"Not good!" After seeing Chen Feng's strength, the black-robed monk's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he was careless, and then his whole body shook, and the black robe on his body rolled up, just like a whirlpool undercurrent in the deep sea, which could crush everything, and there were two lightning-like eyes piercing Chen Feng.

It turned out that he could launch a soul attack on Chen Feng while launching a magic weapon.

"This guy is really not simple, even more powerful than Wen Shaoxiu. "Chen Feng smiled. Facing the opponent's pupil attack, he did not dodge or evade, allowing it to penetrate into his eyes. His palm suddenly grabbed, and with a loud bang, a big hole was torn in the black robe.


Changing the claws into palms, the black-robed monk was knocked out.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa!

Another series of noises came from the black-robed monk's body, which was the sound of broken bones and veins.

As for the pupil attack, it was useless to Chen Feng.

"What other means do you have? Just use them, but I promise I won't hold back next time." Chen Feng said lightly while looking at the black-robed monk lying on the ground.

Originally, the black-robed monk wanted to take out the magic weapon to fight again, but looking at Chen Feng's deep eyes, a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart, and he knew that if he took action, he would most likely die.

"Are you a human immortal?" The black-robed monk asked in a deep voice.

"You don't need to ask this, just answer my questions. If I am not satisfied, I will kill you at any time. "Chen Feng's expression was calm. Although he had a smile on his face, he was even more elusive.

"What do you want to ask?" The black-robed monk looked at Chen Feng and sighed, but he still didn't relax secretly.

"Tell me everything you know about what happened recently." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I have been practicing here and don't know much." The black-robed monk struggled to sit up and began to speak. At the same time, he quickly analyzed the situation in front of him and finally came to a conclusion, that is, if he didn't choose to take action at the beginning, the later things would not have happened.

"I hope the other party really has no ill intentions, otherwise I will crush the teleportation talisman." The black-robed monk thought so at last.

The black-robed monk made a long story short and quickly told what he knew. In fact, the black-robed monk had only been exploring and practicing in the past few months. Although he had met other monks, he didn't know much.

Chen Feng didn't say anything after listening, but he was also summing up in his heart. The black-robed monk didn't know much, but some of the news was very important.

The first news was that someone broke through to the realm of human immortals.

The second news was that the Tianjian Sect and Wuqing Tianzong were fighting more fiercely.

The third news was that someone got the fragments of the immortal weapon, but he didn't know who it was.

"That's all I know. What else do you want to do?" The black-robed monk looked at Chen Feng in silence and couldn't help asking.

"Is that all? It seems that there are still some things you haven't said. Are you going to force me to use the soul-searching technique?" Chen Feng said lightly, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"I have said everything I know, and I can't tell you about those things you don't know." The black-robed monk said hurriedly, and at the same time, he secretly guessed where Chen Feng came from. A monk with such strong strength should not be an unknown person.

"Then why did you come here? Don't say that you came here unintentionally. You only have this one chance now. Don't blame me if you miss it. You can't even crush the teleportation talisman in front of me." Chen Feng said lightly, with a hint of black light in his eyes, making people look even more weird.

"Actually, there is nothing. It's just that I noticed a fluctuation here some time ago, so I came here." The black-robed monk sighed, but he didn't expect that he was still noticed by the other party.

"What fluctuation, how long has it been, and how far is it from here?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"It should be the fluctuation of the immortal law. The time was three days ago. The specific direction should be about 100,000 miles to the left front." Since he said it, the black-robed monk no longer concealed it.

However, seeing Chen Feng's suspicious expression, the black-robed monk smiled bitterly again: "I was practicing a secret technique at the time. I can sense far away places in a short time, and I am also somewhat sensitive to energy fluctuations."

"Is that so?" Chen Feng looked at this man deeply, nodded, and then disappeared in a flash. When the black-robed monk looked up, he could only see a vague black dot.

Seeing Chen Feng disappear, the black-robed monk was truly relieved, and only then did he feel cold sweat all over his body.

You must know that in this environment, even fellow disciples sometimes fight each other, and if the monks of other sects meet, it is even easier to attack. If Chen Feng really attacked just now, the black-robed monk would not have full confidence to escape.

"I thought that I should be considered a master because of my recent strength growth, but I didn't expect that there are people who are so much stronger than me. It seems that I have to be more careful next time, but if I don't go and take a look, I will always be a little unwilling." The black-robed monk showed a complicated look in his eyes, and finally gritted his teeth and followed.

"It's good to be able to sense the movement of a hundred thousand miles away, but my dark magic pupil can also do it." Chen Feng sped up, because what the black-robed monk said just now made Chen Feng very interested. In Chen Feng's view, there are many situations in which the immortal law can appear, but no matter which one, it is attractive to these heavenly cultivators.

And under Chen Feng's soul monitoring, he is not worried that the other party is lying.

"Could it be that an immortal weapon has been born?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"By the way, Ta, do you think there are still ancient immortals alive in this space?" At this time, Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"It's hard to say, but according to my speculation, the probability of the existence of ancient immortals is very small." Ta thought for a while and said.

"Oh, how do you say it?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's very simple. This space is only attractive to cultivators of your level. Those ancient immortals, each with profound magic power and powerful strength, would have left long ago if they didn't die in the war that year. The fragments of immortal weapons here are treasures for you, but they don't look down on them." Ta said lazily.

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