Eternal Existence

Chapter 720: Encountering a Human Immortal

"Hey, some people say that the most important thing on the road of cultivation is to concentrate and find a path that suits you best. I have put so many things on myself, will there be some impact?" Chen Feng couldn't help but said.

"What do you think?" Ta said casually.

"I think this method is quite suitable for me, and my cultivation level is improving very quickly." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"That's it, kid, if you have nothing to do, just practice honestly and don't disturb me." This sentence symbolizes that Ta is already a little impatient.

"Do you think I want to disturb you? Aren't you bored with so many words?" Chen Feng was a little helpless. Cultivation is boring, especially when he is alone in seclusion. Although Chen Feng's cultivation is improving day by day, he still can't do things that last for several years or decades, let alone for hundreds or thousands of years.

"It's still not enough." Chen Feng sighed.

"What's so boring? I wouldn't feel bored even if it was ten thousand years."

"Forget it, let's practice." Chen Feng shook his head, stretched out his hand, and a lotus seed and a golden pill appeared in his hand.

The lotus seed is the Heavenly Demon Lotus, and the golden pill is the Nine-Turn Golden Pill.

"Both of these things can increase the power for a thousand years, but the number of Nine-Turn Golden Pills is greater." You should know that Chen Feng has taken over the Tianju Immortal Mansion of Tianju Immortal and obtained the inheritance of Tianju Immortal. There are naturally a lot of pills in it, including a large number of Nine-Turn Golden Pills.

"Hey, if I take it first, it will definitely lead to an unstable foundation, but the cultivation can directly break through to the realm of human immortals." Chen Feng looked at the lotus seeds and pills in his hand and hesitated.

But this hesitation soon disappeared, and he also took the Heavenly Demon Lotus and Nine-Turn Golden Pill in his hand.

The foundation is very important on the road of cultivation. What Chen Feng lacks the least now is the cultivation materials, so Chen Feng decided to stabilize the foundation before taking these pills.

"The power I have cultivated is the most important. I have relied on too much external force during this period." Chen Feng shook his head, and the immortal qi circulated over and over again, flowing through his body. With every breath, Chen Feng would feel that some impurities in his body were extracted. In fact, these are not impurities, but just some conflicts caused by too much energy in the body. What Chen Feng needs to do now is to make the power in his body more pure.

Chen Feng has only practiced for an hour, and when his condition is getting better and better, the sound of fluctuations from outside startled Chen Feng.

"Who is outside?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. You must know that Chen Feng had arranged some restrictions around him when he was practicing. These restrictions can block the attacks of ordinary human immortals, but at this time, waves of fluctuations were transmitted through the restrictions, and Chen Feng knew that the people outside were at least human immortals.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he clearly saw the situation outside through the restrictions. Two human immortals were besieging a unicorn monster.

The two immortals attacked with sharp sword energy, which forced the unicorn monster to retreat continuously. However, the defense of the unicorn monster was too strong. It had not been fatally injured, but became more violent, which made the two immortals more and more cautious.

"These two are immortals from the Tianjian Sect. They look familiar, but I don't know them specifically. It's strange. It's not time yet. How come these two immortals came in? However, this unicorn monster is not simple. Although it is only a low-level demon king, its defense is too strong. The attacks of these two sword cultivators are comparable to those of mid-level immortals, but they still can't deal with this unicorn monster.

Swish, swish, swish!

The two immortals were very fast. Sword energy kept slashing at the unicorn monster. Although it left wounds on the opponent, the unicorn monster The aura of the beast has not weakened.


A beam of light came out from the horn of the unicorn monster, and then split into two, attacking the two human immortals respectively.

After launching the attack, the unicorn monster turned around and fled far away without looking at the result. It was a coincidence that the direction of the unicorn monster's escape was exactly where Chen Feng was.

Pah pah pah pah!

The restrictions that Chen Feng had arranged around were broken one after another, and soon Chen Feng's figure was revealed.

Or the unicorn monster itself discovered Chen Feng's existence and deliberately rushed over here.

But no matter what the other party Whether it was intentional or not, Chen Feng had decided to take action. Facing the attack of the unicorn monster, Chen Feng stepped forward and punched out casually.

Chen Feng had been practicing for a while, and naturally and unintentionally accumulated some strength. Although it was a casual attack at this time, it all burst out in one breath.


Chen Feng's punch hit the unicorn monster's horn, just like two mountains colliding with each other. The ground under Chen Feng's feet began to break, and the surrounding mountains began to collapse. Chen Feng flew up, but the unicorn monster seemed to be a little Miserable, being blown away by Chen Feng's punch, rolling in the air, and directly smashing a big hole in the ground thousands of feet away.

Seeing this scene, the two human immortals of Tianjian Sect were stunned. You know, when they fought before, they also discovered the restrictions here, and they also knew that someone was practicing here. When the restrictions were broken and they saw Chen Feng, they had a familiar feeling, but they didn't wait to remember it because they were stunned by the subsequent scene.

Although Chen Feng's punch did not break the unicorn horn, it shook the unicorn monster's internal organs to rupture, and blood kept pouring out of its mouth.

"good chance!"

The two immortals sent by Tianjian immediately took action as soon as they reacted. Two long swords flew out quickly and attacked the one-horned monster.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

With a series of sounds, the one-horned monster was penetrated by the sword energy several times. The vitality in the body continued to disappear under the cutting of the sword energy, and finally the vitality was cut off with a whine.

After taking care of the one-horned monster, the two immortals immediately met with Chen Feng.

"Dare you ask this fellow Taoist?"

"I have met two honorary elders of the Tianjian Sect." Chen Feng said and took out a token, which was the identity token of the honorary elder of the Tianjian Sect.

"It turns out to be Elder Chen. No wonder he looked so familiar before." At this time, the two immortals finally remembered Chen Feng, but they used to just treat him as an ordinary monk in the heavenly realm, but now after seeing Chen Feng's strength He immediately lifted Chen Feng to the point where he was on equal footing with the two of them, or even a little higher. After all, the two of them thought they couldn't injure the one-horned monster just now with one move.

"I'm the Iron Sword Immortal."

"I am the Changhe Immortal."

The two of them announced their names one after another.

"You two are very polite." Chen Feng quickly returned the courtesy: "Don't we wait until we leave the heavenly and human realm before the human immortals can come in? How come you two?"

"This is what happened." The two looked at each other, and then Changhexian opened his mouth and told the reason for the matter.

Chen Feng nodded after hearing this. He and others took risks and fought in the space battlefield. He didn't expect so many things to happen outside.

"Speaking of which, if it weren't for Elder Chen's existence, the casualties among our disciples would have been even more serious." Iron Sword Immortal said.

Chen Feng shook his head with a smile, and then told some things he knew bluntly. As expected, the expressions of the two immortals became a little solemn.

"It turns out to be someone from the Immortal Realm. This is a bit troublesome. Elder Chen, are you sure he is someone from the Immortal Realm?" Iron Sword Immortal asked with some uncertainty after thinking about it.

"They are definitely people from the immortal world, and there are more than one wave. Most of them have the cultivation level of earth immortals." Chen Feng said with certainty.

"In this case, I will go out, Changhe Immortal, and you can contact other fellow disciples." Iron Sword Immortal was very straightforward. After making the decision, he immediately crushed the teleportation talisman.

"Actually, I hope everyone will leave here." Chen Feng thought for a moment and said suddenly, because Chen Feng had roughly guessed what would happen next. After Iron Sword Immortal brought the news out, there might be something more powerful. When monks come in, there may be earthly immortals.

When Chen Feng thought about it, there must be some earthly immortals among these first-class sects, and Chen Feng also had a deeper guess, that is, there were so many treasures in this immortal battlefield. Since the Heavenly Sword Sect discovered it and entered It is impossible not to send some masters secretly into the passage, and the level of masters may be Earth Immortals.

Everyone is an Earth Immortal. Chen Feng does not think that the Earth Immortals from the Eternal Great World are the opponents of the Earth Immortals from the Immortal Realm. In comparison, Chen Feng naturally prefers the Eternal Great World. He even thought of the Earth Immortals from the Immortal World for the first time when he saw them. He had already done some tricks on the other party. Of course, this trick was done secretly by Ta.

"I don't know where Iron Sword Immortal will be teleported if he comes in again. I don't know if Elder Chen is interested in joining me." Chang Hexian sent out an invitation.

"Forget it, I like to walk around alone. The atmosphere of this space is ancient, and there are some things that I need to understand." Chen Feng shook his head and refused.

"Since this is the case, I won't force myself. I hope that Elder Chen can break through to the Human Immortal Realm as soon as possible. I have a sketch here. Although it is a bit vague, I think it will be of some help to Elder Chen's next actions." Faced with Chen Feng's rejection Chang Hexian didn't say anything. Instead, he took out a piece of jade and threw it to Chen Feng.

"Farewell, I hope everyone has something to gain." Then Chang Hexian's figure soared into the air and disappeared in an instant.

After passing the news to the human immortals of the Tianjian Sect, Chen Feng felt that he had relieved a small burden, and it was time for him to act as he pleased.

A burst of soul power was injected into the jade in his hand. Chen Feng immediately saw a large and complex map. After looking carefully, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. This turned out to be a map of the immortal battlefield.

Although it is a sketch, and most of the places are very blurry, with only some general terrain directions, it is already much better for Chen Feng. You must know that people like Chen Feng are teleported in, and they appear wherever they are. Randomly, most people don't even have a sense of direction. Now with this map, Chen Feng can save a lot of time no matter what he does next.

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