Eternal Existence

Chapter 747: Escape

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The hellhound kept moving in the darkness. In the eyes of the netherworld, all attacks from all directions were invisible. After falling into the Xiaoqian Secret Realm, the hellhound encountered several attacks, but never confronted them head-on. Every time, it dodged with its penetrating eyes and agile speed.

"Since I came in, I have traveled at least a million miles, and now I can only vaguely feel Chen Feng's position."

"The opponent's strength should be similar to mine, but his realm is higher. With the opening of the Xiaoqian Secret Realm, he can only trap me for a while."

"We still have to find Chen Feng as soon as possible."

If it were normal, the hellhound would not worry about Chen Feng, but now it is different from the past. Two immortal artifacts and a corpse of an immortal are not so easy to collect. Now the Changsheng Tower must be busy suppressing it, so Chen Feng cannot mobilize too much power.

Similar to what the hellhound thought, Chen Feng's current situation is indeed a bit bad. Under Gu Feng's attack, Chen Feng is at an absolute disadvantage.

Gu Feng has the characteristics of a cultivator from the Savage World. He has a strong body, a fierce and violent fighting style, and he is also very powerful and has rich fighting experience. Even if Chen Feng uses two Taoist tools, he is always in a defensive state.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Gu Feng's attack went from violent at the beginning to more and more violent later, and the spear in his hand never left Chen Feng's vital points.

Gu Feng himself is at the level of a mid-level human immortal, and the spear in his hand is also at the level of a Taoist tool. Although his fighting experience is not as rich as Chen Feng's, his fighting methods make up for it.

Because it is too intense and domineering, sometimes it is mixed with the momentum of both sides being injured and dying together.

The momentum is violent and the madness is exposed, which makes Chen Feng complain and secretly admire him.

"This guy's fighting power is probably comparable to that of a high-level human immortal. If the current situation continues, I will lose as soon as my momentum weakens."

"Do I have to escape into the Longevity Tower?"

"We still have to think of a way."

The power of thunder continued to gush out from the thunder bead, and the blood-gathering bead emitted a thick blood barrier that enveloped Chen Feng in the middle, resisting Gu Feng's attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The war spear continued to impact, piercing through the balls of lightning, and the last ball of lightning exploded, and Chen Feng flew backwards.


Gu Feng's figure swayed and came in front of Chen Feng, stabbing Chen Feng's head with the war spear in his hand.


Chen Feng sighed, and the blood-gathering bead suddenly glowed with blood, and the blood tree danced wildly, and countless branches extended from the void, whipping Gu Feng.

"Open it for me!"

The spear waved, and all the branches exploded and turned into fragments. Gu Feng was about to move forward, but the front of him turned red, and two blood rivers rushed towards him from the left and right.

Gu Feng did not dare to be careless. He shook the spear in his hand, drew a circle, and retreated quickly at the same time. The blood river rushed above the circle and was immediately blocked by an invisible barrier, and could no longer move forward.

"The cultivators of the Eternal World are really too weak. They dare not fight me in close combat." Gu Feng laughed.

"Isn't it a joke when you say this?" Chen Feng sneered.

"I am only at the eighth level of the heavenly man realm, and you are already a middle-level human immortal. If the realm is equal, I can kill you directly."


Gu Feng's face was a little ugly after hearing what Chen Feng said, knowing that the other party was indeed reasonable. After a cold snort, he said no more, and the spear was raised, and he attacked again.

"It seems that I need to use the secret technique in the Blood Nether Yin." Chen Feng unfolded the longevity step to avoid the opponent's attack.

"I definitely can't control the immortal's blood essence now, but the demon god's blood essence should be fine." Chen Feng made up his mind.

The last time he killed the demon god, Chen Feng retained some blood essence, which came in handy at this time. Moreover, because Chen Feng practiced the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, he also had some suppression effect on these demon blood.

After a ball of demon blood flew out, Chen Feng began to operate the secret technique of the Blood Underworld Attraction, and at the same time, the Thunder Pearl exerted its most powerful force to delay the opponent's attack.

"Hey, the momentum is up, what tricks can you play now? You don't want to escape, you can't escape here." Gu Feng was a little surprised, but he didn't think much about it. After all, in Gu Feng's view, the current situation is already under his control, and there is really nothing to worry about.


The hellhound slapped out with a slap, and the attack in front of it was smashed to pieces.

"We are about to find Chen Feng, but the opponent's attack is fierce again. I just don't know how many people there are on the other side?"

"Hell Cave Heaven!"

The Hell Eye is running to the extreme, a blue light breaks through the air, and actually opens a long passage. As the passage spreads, the surrounding space begins to become unstable, and countless cracks begin to spread around.


The huge body of the hellhound suddenly jumped, the darkness around disappeared, and the familiar laws of heaven and earth descended again.

"It's out!"

The hellhound felt relieved, and then his eyes swept across and began to observe the situation around him.

"One of them broke out, Liehuo, leave it to you."

"No problem, hell creature, not bad, just take it as a mount."

A red light rushed towards the hellhound, and soon fought with the hellhound.

Not far away from the battle between the two sides, a monk wearing animal skin armor was flying in the air, with long and messy hair flying, his eyes closed tightly, a circular mark between his eyebrows was blooming with light, and the fingers of his hands were constantly moving. Dancing, there is a dark circular barrier under his feet.

"I didn't expect these people to be a bit difficult to deal with. These are the corpses of two immortals. They will get them no matter what."

boom! boom! boom!

The giant palm continued to bloom with starlight, and then exploded in clusters. Then a new giant palm appeared again, and then was shattered again.

After being broken a hundred times in a row, a transparent palm appeared from behind Liu Wuxiang. With just one slap, Liu Wuxiang flew away. The slap made Liu Wulian vomit blood, and then the transparent palm grabbed it. After catching the Demon Refining Furnace flying in the air, seals began to form, trying to seal the Demon Refining Furnace.

"Hahaha, the immortal monks are nothing more than that." Zhuo Fan sneered.


A smile appeared on Liu Wuxiang's face, and he stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. A powerful aura rose into the sky, and under this aura, the surrounding space began to vibrate violently.

A whirlpool began to grow in Liu Wuxiang's eyes, and then two sharp gazes flashed past. Zhuo Fan hurriedly retreated, but did not avoid it. A blood mark appeared on his face, and blood slowly flowed out.

"You are actually an Earth Immortal!" Zhuo Fan exclaimed.

"That's right, so you're going to die next." Liu Wuxiang raised his hand as he spoke, and a Yin-Yang Cave appeared in front of him, swallowing Zhuo Fan.

At this time, Liu Wuxiang's strength was more than ten times higher than before. In the next fight, Zhuo Fan was swallowed up by Liu Wuxiang's Yin-Yang Cave in just a few rounds.


The Demon Refining Furnace also broke free of the seals around it and fell into Liu Wuxiang's hands again.

"Hey! I didn't expect that the hidden strength was exposed, but in this case, let's rush out first." Liu Wuxiang said as he slapped the demon refining furnace, and more intense fire shot into the sky, directly tearing through the darkness.

Then Liu Wuxiang reached the outside world with a straight body.

"It turned out to be an Earth Immortal. Now the plan has changed." The face of the monk with the mark between his eyebrows finally changed.

Originally, I led three partners to launch a sneak attack this time, and brought the opponent into the Xiaoqian secret realm that I had opened up. I thought it was a sure thing, but unexpected changes occurred one after another, and even Zhuo Fan was killed by the opponent.

"But things are still under my control."

"I hope Gu Feng can handle the weakest boy."

"Haha, the monks in the immortal world are indeed extraordinary, but what chance do you have of winning against me." The monk with the mark between his eyebrows said with a smile.

"You'll know after you try it." At this time, Liu Wuxiang was filled with violent fighting spirit, and he launched an attack as soon as he finished speaking.

At this time, Cerberus and the opponent are still fighting inextricably. Cerberus has become invincible by virtue of its speed and subtle observation. The opponent is not simple either. He is an Earth Immortal who cultivates the path of fire. Although the avenue is not complete yet, with its ferocious momentum and violent attacks, it also poses some threats to the Cerberus.


Chen Feng was knocked away again, and the blood and thunder light covering his body were scattered. However, Chen Feng's body swayed, and he kept changing his body shape on the Qilin Step, and finally stopped suddenly.

"Xue Ming Yin! Blood Source Explosive Sword Technique!"

Chen Feng pushed it out with both hands, and a bit of blood grew rapidly from small to large, and finally exploded after reaching a certain level.

A bloody sword flew out in a spin, tearing through the darkness in an instant and filling the dark space as far as the eye could see. The target was of course Gu Feng.

"What kind of secret technique is this? My strength has increased so much."

Gu Feng stabbed out quickly with the war spear in his hand, and the blood swords were continuously shattered, but Gu Feng began to retreat quickly under the tyrannical impact.


There was a flash of blood, and a bone-deep wound appeared on Gu Feng's body. The moment the wound appeared, a blood sword turned into a ball of blood mist and penetrated into Gu Feng's wound.

This time Gu Feng's movements finally became chaotic, and the war spear in his hand could no longer block the attack of the blood sword, and was finally submerged in the blood sword.

"Good boy, your strength has improved." At this time, Ta's voice rang.

"Huh! This is my strongest attack, and it also uses the essence and blood of the devil. Don't rush out yet." Chen Feng was slightly out of breath, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. It was obvious that the attack just now had a negative impact on Chen Feng. Feng's strength was consumed a lot.

"Of course you can't get out with your own strength, but I can help you."

Following the sound of the tower, a surge of energy flashed past, and then it was like a star exploding in the dark universe, blooming with dazzling light.

The night was torn apart, the passage was opened, and the scope was getting wider and wider, just like a hole appeared in a piece of paper, and it was still spreading to all sides.


Chen Feng took a step forward and passed through the opened passage.

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