Eternal Existence

Chapter 751: Entering the City

Although the two sides seemed to be on the verge of a fight, they did not fight. First, neither side really wanted to clash. After all, the most important thing at the moment was the city in front of them. Before that, they would not waste their strength.

But the most important point was that the city in front of them had changed again.

One after another, red forehead light pillars shot up into the sky, and the time between them became shorter and shorter. Soon, the number of red pillars had increased to ninety-nine and eighty-one.

These pillars were all the same size, and each had a diameter of a hundred miles. The energy and destructive power contained in them made all the monks present feel dizzy.

The sky had been pierced, and the space had changed from being fragmented at the beginning to being completely shattered, revealing a violently rolling void turbulence.

"Each of these red beads is equivalent to the attack of an immortal weapon. It seems that this city is a little different from what we imagined before."

"Humph, I heard that someone wanted to use the Qiankun bag to collect it before. It's really funny."

"It's a bit funny. Just from these light pillars, you can see that this city was built by an immortal at least, and it might even surpass the immortal."

"If it really surpasses the existence of the immortal, the people present will definitely fight desperately. Don't you think that things of this level will attract more powerful people?"

"So the most important thing now is that the city comes out quickly, we enter it as soon as possible, get what we want and leave immediately."

"How can it be that easy."

"Ninety light pillars."

"Let me try the power of these light pillars."

A war spear cut through the void and flew towards one of the red pillars.

"Low-grade Dao weapons, hey! This guy is really generous."

"It's the Water Moon Demon Lord of the Demon Realm. I don't know how many immortals he has killed in the Immortal Realm. Throwing out some Dao weapons is nothing."

The result is obvious. This Dao weapon-level war spear flew into the red pillar and never came out again, just like paraffin entering the fire and being melted.

"One hundred light pillars."


Finally, no more light pillars appeared. A total of 108 red light pillars shot up into the sky, forming a strange shape in space.

At this time, the rolling void turbulence also disappeared, and what appeared again were 108 stars. Each star corresponded to a light pillar. These stars were in the universe and the distance from here was unknown, but each one was transmitting powerful energy from a distance, merging with light pillars, and finally entering the city.

After receiving 108 stars, the city finally drilled out of the ground completely and sat steadily in the desert. It seemed that the inside of the city was calm, with only waves of powerful pressure radiating around.

Seeing the full picture of the city, all the cultivators present took a breath of cold air, and even those well-informed immortal cultivators were shocked.

It was not because there were no such large-scale cities in the immortal world, but because such a large-scale city should not appear in the Tianchen battlefield.

"This city should not be left after the war. I suspect it existed before that war."

"No way, it's too long ago."

"What's so strange about this? With the power of the Great Dao, there will be nothing for millions of years."

"The city that has been silent for such a long time did not appear during the war. Now it suddenly appeared. There must be some reasons."

"Why bother so much, just get the benefits."

"It's not that easy to be afraid."

Because of this incident, Tian Xiaozi and Qinghun and others naturally couldn't fight. Qinghun did not despise Chen Feng because of his low realm. Instead, he expressed some goodwill and then pushed him away.

Tian Xiaozi glanced at Chen Feng coldly and took people away. He actually contacted other cultivators. It seems that he was preparing for the next thing.

"I've never even heard of a city over 100,000 miles long, let alone seen one." Chen Feng said with a smile. Although he was still shocked, he calmed down a little.

"It's more than 100,000 miles long. Who knows if there are other caves inside? Brother Chen, I'm afraid the harvest this time will be greater than before, but the premise is that you can get it. I'm already feeling the pressure like a mountain." Liu Wuxiang shook his head. His face was somewhat calm, but his eyes were constantly flashing, obviously thinking about something.

"Let's take a look at the situation first, and wait for others to go in."

"I'm afraid no one will come forward first."

"What did you two find?" While chatting with Liu Wuxiang, Chen Feng was also communicating with the tree demon and the hellhound.

"Some discoveries." Facing Chen Feng's inquiry, the two demon fairies actually spoke at the same time.

Chen Feng was surprised and curious, so he said secretly: "Tell me."

"This city has existed for at least millions of years, or even longer."

"There should be life in it."

"This city is integrated."

"This city should be built by a being beyond the immortals."

"It doesn't look like the style of the immortals."

"It's not the style of our hell, nor the ghost world or the underworld."

"It's probably dangerous to enter it."

The hellhound and the tree demon talked a lot, which made Chen Feng stunned, but then Chen Feng began to think.

"It does have the power of a true immortal." At this time, the tower also interrupted.

"True immortal! A realm above the immortal?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"You are not even a human immortal now, so it is useless to ask so many questions." Ta said directly and bluntly.

"But this city does have some origins, and there should be something I need in it."

"Even the immortal weapon can't rush in, the danger inside can be imagined, your current strength?" Chen Feng was a little worried.

"I know it in my heart, if it really doesn't work, I can find a way to leave here."

One hundred and eight light pillars began to rotate slowly, and I don't know how much star energy poured into the city, like heavy rain washing the green mountains, the old city began to become bright, and a trace of spiritual energy finally condensed into mist, making the city more mysterious.

"The city is reviving, there won't be any living things in it."

"I hope so."

"No one will take action first, let me try." Finally, someone couldn't hold back, took a step, and actually advanced hundreds of miles.

"Hey! The pressure is gone, can I enter?"


Thinking of this, the cultivator waved his hand, and a talisman flashed with luster, turned into a goshawk and flew in.

The hawk bypassed the red light column safely and entered the city, then disappeared in a flash.

"You can go in now." The monk's eyes lit up, revealing a look of surprise. His body flashed, as fast as lightning, and he turned into a ray of light and entered the city.

"What! This guy went in."

"He got there first."

"Let's go!"

"The opportunity cannot be missed."

Someone started, and the rest of the monks couldn't help it. Under the instigation of desire, they all set off. Only to see a series of bright lights in the sky, and the monks present, including those in the dark, disappeared into the city.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other, and the light in their eyes flashed at the same time, and then they laughed.

"Wait a little longer!"

"No hurry!"

Suppressing the impulse in their hearts, both of them squinted their eyes and looked at the ancient city in front of them. They only felt that they were in front of the most magical beast in the universe, which gave people a kind of spiritual shock and shock.

"How is Brother Liu's strength recovered?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's almost done. It won't affect the fight. Brother Chen, what do you think will be in this city?" Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Such an old city, maybe there will be some rotten things, but the spirit gathering array inside is not bad, you can study it." Chen Feng said seriously.


"Okay, it's almost done. It's time for us to act." After an incense stick of time, the two decided to move.

"Wait, look there." Chen Feng pointed.

There were two tall gates on the huge city wall that opened silently, and you can even see the buildings in the city through the gates.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other, and they laughed again: "It should be safer to go through the main gate than to climb over the wall."

"I hope so."

After making up their minds, the two walked towards the gate, and the hellhound and the tree demon followed Chen Feng closely.

"I hope I can gain something this time and let me increase my power, otherwise I will still be despised by the two-headed dragon." The hellhound was secretly looking forward to it.

The process of entering the city gate was smooth, and Chen Feng even felt like he was entering an ordinary city. However, after the two entered, they turned around and found that the city gate had disappeared. Behind them was only the ancient city wall, on which there were some mottled traces left by the years.

"It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out." The two shook their heads and walked forward along the wide road.

What the two didn't know was that a dozen monks entered the city through the city gate later, but this city gate only appeared for an hour, and then it was closed again quietly.

The road paved with bluestone, with ancient and unique buildings on both sides, single-family houses, or rows of shops, all of which made Chen Feng have an illusion, an illusion completely different from what he thought before entering.

"It looks like there is no other place, except that there is no one." Liu Wuxiang said.

"An empty city?" Chen Feng shook his head and walked into the house with the door open next to him.

Soon Chen Feng came out, and at this time Liu Wuxiang also walked out of another courtyard. As for the hellhound and the tree demon, they followed Chen Feng without saying a word, only scanning the surroundings with their eyes.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other, shook their heads, and then separated and entered other buildings again.

Finally, Chen Feng found a mummy in a small courtyard made of rocks, but when Chen Feng came to a distance of ten feet from the mummy, the mummy, which was still intact, immediately weathered. Surprisingly, there was not even a trace of powder left, as if it was just a video.

"What do you think?" Chen Feng stretched out his finger and knocked on his head.

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