Eternal Existence

Chapter 755 Chaotic Battle

"Forget it, it's too dangerous. If we can't break free, we will become emotionless killing machines in the future." The Phantom Dirk was the first to shake his head.

However, the tiger demon, the wind and thunder double-headed dragon, and several demon kings showed some signs of being ready to move, but the situation outside was really weird, and they couldn't take advantage of their own strength, especially these demon kings with insufficient cultivation, so after hesitating for a while, they all suppressed their impetuous mood.

"Hehe, let's see what's going on. Maybe you will be needed later." The tower smiled.

Not only this red light column was surrounded by monks, but there were more than a dozen red light columns in the whole city with monks around them. These monks were like bloodthirsty mosquitoes. When they entered the light column, they fell into murderous intent, lost their reason, and began to go crazy.

As the number of casualties increased, the whole city began to have blood and air floating around, adding some mysterious atmosphere to the already weird city.

Up to now, one third of the monks who entered the city have been caught in a frenzy of killing. You should know that everyone has the same idea in mind, that is, to find the red light column, so naturally they are affected by the blood light in the light column.

At this time, the city is completely exposed to the ground and sits firmly in the Death Desert. The 108 red pillars can be seen in other spaces, not to mention in the Tianchen battlefield. Even the monks scattered throughout the Tianchen battlefield can see them. Even if they can't see them, they can feel that the power emanating from a city of this level is too strong.

After Chen Feng's wave of monks entered the city, in the following time, almost one or two people arrived from afar every day and entered it.

On this day, a young man with a vertical eye on his forehead and a somewhat weird appearance came to the city with a halberd in his hand. At this time, there was no gate open on the city wall, as if the previous gate was just a flash in the pan.

"Hey, it's the ancient city of Tianchen. This city was built by the immortal Tianchen. It is said that there are relics of the immortal Tianchen in it. The wars of the year did not lead the ancient city out. I didn't expect that I dared to attack it." The strange monk did not fly in directly, but took out a tattered map. After unfolding it, the lines on the map emerged and burst into a dazzling light. Then he rushed out and opened a passage on the wall in front of him.

The strange monk walked into it slowly, and then the passage disappeared.


After the strange monk disappeared, the space not far away slowly cracked into two holes, and two monks, one fat and one thin, came out, landed lightly on the ground, and looked at the city in front of them in silence.

"It's the ancient city of Tianchen left by the Tianchen Immortal. We've come to the right place."

"Just now it was the True Moon Patriarch of Xuantian Sect. This guy was already a high-level earthly immortal tens of thousands of years ago. The two of us can only escape together. I'm curious about how this guy got here through the passage."

"No matter what, the True Moon Patriarch is not easy to deal with. Anyway, we have to be careful."

Then the two of them also entered the city.

Afterwards, there were cultivators appearing one after another, including people from the ghost world, the underworld, and some other worlds. In addition, there were some cultivators from unknown worlds. What was different from before was that more and more of these people had high cultivation, and occasionally there were high-level earthly immortals.

Another difference was that these people with high cultivation actually knew the name and origin of this city.

Outside world.

Tianjian Sect.

On the top of a mountain that towered into the clouds, there was an exquisite pavilion. Although it was in the wind, the pavilion was warm as spring, and the knife-like wind from the outside world could not blow in.

Jian Xiaotian, Wen Shaoxiu and others were drinking and chatting casually in the pavilion.

At this time, Jian Xiaotian had already been promoted to a half-step human immortal. His aura was strong and stable, and his eyes were full of energy. He was only one step away from breaking through to the human immortal realm.

Wen Shaoxiu, Jian Zhiqiu and Li Shilong had a breath as deep as the abyss. They sat there and their breathing was faintly in harmony with the surrounding heaven and earth. Some experienced cultivators could see that this was the performance of a human immortal.

"Junior Brother Xiaotian, it seems that you have gained a lot from your retreat at this time. You are only one step away from becoming a human immortal. Congratulations." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

"It seems that Junior Brother Xiaotian will soon surpass us." Li Shilong also said.

"Don't make fun of me. Now you are all human immortals. It is not easy to get through the heavenly tribulation in between. I don't know when you will be promoted to a human immortal?" Jian Xiao said.

"Haha, Junior Brother Xiaotian, don't be modest. Everyone knows that you have gained something in the Tianchen battlefield. The reason you haven't broken through to the human immortal at this time is just because you are suppressing yourself and want to lay a solid foundation." Jian Zhiqiu, who doesn't like to talk, also said with a smile.

After everyone talked for a while, they soon shifted the topic to the Tianchen battlefield, and of course they had to mention Chen Feng.

"Hey! If it weren't for Elder Chen at that time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come out alive." Li Shilong sighed.

"Yes, I was in there at that time, thanks to Brother Chen." Wen Shaoxiu also nodded.

"The last two people from Wuqing Tianzong and Shenmo Cave came out a year ago. I heard that these two people got immortal weapons in there. Hey, it's good luck, but it violated the time stipulated by our sect. I don't know how our sect will deal with it."

"I'm afraid it's difficult to deal with. These two are the top geniuses in Wuqing Tianzong and Shenmo Cave. More importantly, they got the immortal weapon this time, and these two sects would not agree to it even if they risked their lives."

"Hey! It's been so long, and Brother Chen still hasn't made any movement. I hope nothing unexpected happened in there."

"Yes, I heard that something happened in the Tianchen battlefield, and even the human immortals evacuated. Now the people entering are all earth immortals from major sects, and I heard that some of the earth immortals who entered also died."

"In this way, it seems that we were lucky to get out alive at that time."

"Junior Brother Xiaotian, you have the best relationship with Elder Chen, don't you worry?" Jian Zhiqiu couldn't help asking curiously when he saw Jian Xiaotian's unconcerned look.

"Hehe, if other people can't get out in there, I will definitely think of the worst. Even if it's the earth immortal senior of our sect, I will be worried, but Chen Feng is in there, I don't need to worry at all." Jian Xiao said.

"Although Elder Chen has good combat power and can fight with human immortals, he is still a cultivator in the heavenly realm. According to the news we have received, even the earthly immortals are in danger and may even lose their lives. I don't know where your confidence in Chen Feng comes from, Junior Brother Xiaotian." Wen Shaoxiu also said the same thing. Although Wen Shaoxiu has also seen Chen Feng's strength and knows that Chen Feng is powerful, no matter how powerful he is, Wen Shaoxiu thinks that he can't compete with the earthly immortals.

"Hehe, I said I'm not worried, so Chen Feng must be fine. I think you guys don't have to worry about it. Although Chen Feng hasn't come out yet, I think it should be Chen Feng himself who doesn't want to come out. He will come out naturally when it's time."

"Come on, everyone, cheers!" Jian Xiao raised the wine glass in his hand. Although everyone is a fellow disciple, there are some things that cannot be said. In Jian Xiaotian's view, even if all the earthly immortals who entered the Tianchen battlefield this time died, Chen Feng would be safe and sound, and there will be rich gains in the end. This is Jian Xiaotian's understanding of Chen Feng.

"Haha, since Junior Brother Xiaotian said that everything is fine, then we don't have to worry. Let's drink. When Chen Feng comes out, we can drink to our heart's content." Wen Shaoxiu also laughed.

Jian Xiaotian was full of confidence in Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's situation and state were not very good at this time, because Chen Feng was completely immersed in killing.

If Chen Feng could not occasionally release the power of the immortal weapon, coupled with the powerful and super strong power contained in his body, I am afraid that Chen Feng would have died ten times at this time.

You must know that even if Chen Feng is powerful, he is only a cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm. He can usually be powerful among cultivators of the same level, and can also kill the opponent beyond his level, but the opponent he is facing now is really much stronger than himself.

Under normal circumstances, a terrestrial immortal can kill a terrestrial immortal with a sneeze, not to mention that the one in front of him is not a terrestrial immortal, but a terrestrial immortal from various races in various worlds. With so many terrestrial immortals fighting, Chen Feng, who has two Taoist weapons, the Blood Gathering Pearl and the Thunder Pearl, is still constantly injured.


An attack came from nowhere, but it just passed through the defense loophole behind Chen Feng and hit Chen Feng. A blood arrow flew out of Chen Feng's mouth and he fell heavily to the ground. Cracks extended to the distance. I don't know how many buildings collapsed and turned into fragments.

Splash! Splash!


A stream of energy flowed out from the depths of Chen Feng's body like a stream, and then quickly spread out to repair Chen Feng's injuries. In just a few breaths, waves of powerful power emanated from Chen Feng's body.

"Hey! I consumed some energy again, but I also consumed some of my spirit. Hey! It's a mixture of good and bad." Chen Feng, who was caught in the killing, had such a thought in his heart.


A blood dragon struggled out of the blood bead, and roared to the sky as soon as it came out. The naked murderous aura instantly exceeded Chen Feng several times.

This was a blood dragon that was completely condensed from blood power. Although its power was somewhat unstable, the dangerous aura it exuded caused a Hades general who was about to attack Chen Feng to take a few steps back.


The Hades general retreated, but the blood dragon rushed forward and knocked the Hades general away with just one attack. The Hades general deserved his bad luck and flew directly into the red light column. Then the Hades general began to disintegrate, and after a burst of spirit and energy, not even a trace of his physical body was left.


Another blood-colored light wave rushed out, and several immortal world cultivators who had just arrived and were planning to watch the excitement were also involved. Soon, they were fighting each other with red eyes.

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