Eternal Existence

Chapter 769: Donglong Island

You should know that Phantom Die is a top demon king. He has gained some results from practicing in the Longevity Tower recently. He was able to reach the demon fairy realm. Later, he refined and absorbed the spirit of the immortal. Phantom Die felt that his chances of success in advancement had increased a bit. However, due to the suppression of the Longevity Tower, Phantom Die still had to practice for a while and wait until he was sure of it before crossing the tribulation.

Then Phantom Die entered the Longevity Tower. As for the hellhound and other demons, they were in the same situation as Phantom Die. Chen Feng shook his head and could only go on his own for the time being. However, when he was in the Heavenly Man Realm, he could stir up trouble in the cultivation world. Now he has been promoted to the Human Immortal Realm. His strength has greatly improved. Chen Feng felt a sense of pride in his heart.

"Hey, if I return to Beiyuan now, it will be very interesting. The cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace should be a little surprised."

"Hey! I don't know how the master and others are doing. If they knew that I have cultivated to the realm of human immortals, they should be very happy."

"And they should know my origins, but before that, I have to solve one thing."

"Donglong Island, Golden Turtle Ancestor, I should still be able to make it now."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng no longer hesitated, took out the map, and quickly found the location of Donglong Island, and then started to travel quickly.

Donglong Island is an inland island five million miles away from the Daluo Mountains. The island is huge, equivalent to a small country. Donglong Island itself and the surrounding areas are rich in resources. Usually, it will attract some cultivators to go on adventures. Of course, since it is an adventure, there will definitely be some dangers.

The occupant of Donglong Island is a golden old turtle who has been cultivating for many years. After a chance encounter, he has cultivated to the level of a high-level human immortal. He is also well-known in the Central Plains cultivation world. Even the high-level cultivators sent by the big door generally do not provoke him.

Xie Hongyan, Luo Pianpian and other monks from Daluo Academy boarded Donglong Island in search of some special elixirs, and were then besieged by monks under the Golden Turtle Patriarch. In the end, the two sisters Jian Qingling escaped, but Xie Hongyan and the other five were captured and imprisoned on Donglong Island.

The Golden Turtle Patriarch did not take the identity of Daluo Academy students seriously at all. He had practiced for too long and had accumulated a wealth of experience far beyond other monks of the same level. He was only one step away from being promoted to the ranks of earthly immortals. By then, he would be the top existence in the Eternal World, and it would not be a problem for him to venture into the outer space.

Although there were earthly immortals in the four holy places, the Golden Turtle Patriarch also had some means of self-preservation, so he was not too worried.

This time, his men did not take the students of Daluo Academy too seriously.

However, not long after that, Lan Ling brought several monks from the Daluo Academy to rescue people, so another battle broke out. Lan Ling and others came prepared and repeatedly killed and injured the local monks of Donglong Island. Finally, they angered the Golden Turtle Patriarch. So the Golden Turtle Patriarch took action. Although he did not capture Lan Ling and others, he also besieged everyone on Donglong Island. Once everyone's cultivation was exhausted, they would be captured obediently.

When Chen Feng arrived, everyone was about to give up.

"This is Donglong Island. The terrain is unique and the environment is beautiful. The most important thing is that there is sufficient spiritual energy. This is also the reason why the surrounding resources are rich. It is indeed a blessed place. However, it is natural that it is occupied by a high-level immortal. I heard that the owner here, the old golden turtle, has lived for 100,000 years. I don’t know if it is true." Chen Feng said lightly while looking at the island in the clouds in the distance.

"Haha, this friend is here for the first time. No one knows whether the Golden Turtle Patriarch has lived for 100,000 years, but he has a cultivation of 100,000 years." At this time, two monks came to Chen Feng with a smile.

Chen Feng only took a glance and was sure that the two cultivators were also here for adventure.

Both of them were beginner immortals, and one of them should have just passed the tribulation not long ago, which was similar to Chen Feng, and this was also the main reason why the other party came up to chat.

"Are you two here for adventure?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes, we came here for a few spiritual herbs, but it is on Donglong Island. Although it is very close to the island, it is not so easy to get on the island, so I would like to ask this friend to join forces and go to the island together." One of the cultivators wearing white armor invited Chen Feng.

"Haha, no problem, I'm Chen Feng, what are your names?" Chen Feng did not refuse. After all, he had just arrived and was not very familiar with the situation here. It was a good opportunity to find some people to learn about it.

"Mo Wen."

"Liu Jia."

After the three exchanged their names, they set off. Because there were strong restrictions around Donglong Island, they could not fly to enter the island, and could only use other means to pass through the surrounding seawater.

Mo Wen and the other two were well prepared. With a wave of their hands, a small wooden boat about ten meters long landed on the water. After the three people stepped on it, the boat rushed forward like a sharp arrow that broke through the wind and waves.

"Hehe, I wonder which sect Brother Chen is from?" At this time, Mo Wen began to question Chen Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hehe, from the Tianjian Sect." Chen Feng said lightly.

"So you are from the Tianjian Sect, I'm sorry." The two were shocked, and their attitudes changed a little.

You should know that sects of this level of the Tianjian Sect still have a great weight in the cultivation world.

After knowing that Chen Feng was from the Tianjian Sect, the two did not speak as casually as before, and even their tone changed.

At first the water was calm, but soon waves began to hit the boat. The waves seemed small, but they contained millions of pounds of power. If Mo Wen and Liu Jia hadn't taken action, the boat would have been smashed into pieces.

Then the sea surface began to become more and more violent, and water columns continued to rise into the sky, like water dragons rushing towards the three people. At the same time, undercurrents surged underwater, and whirlpools appeared, and they seemed to be determined not to break the three people into pieces.

"Is it because of the restrictions here?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Of course, more than half of the restrictions around Donglong Island are naturally formed, and they are very powerful. This is also a major barrier for Donglong Island."

Chen Feng nodded, stretched out his hand and grabbed the air, splashing water, and water columns exploded one after another. Then Chen Feng pressed his palm down, and the chaotic water surface began to slowly calm down.

Chen Feng's move was not just about strength, but he used some of the immortal laws he had recently comprehended. It felt powerful and a bit handy, and it directly suppressed the chaotic sea water.

This has exceeded the concept of strength, it should be pure mana.

Seeing Chen Feng's move, Mo Wen and Liu Jia were a little surprised. Didn't they say that Chen Feng was a cultivator of the Tianjian Sect? However, the two did not feel the temperament of a pure sword cultivator from Chen Feng.

"Could it be that he lied to us?"

"But what good would it do to lie to us?"

After Chen Feng used the immortal power to suppress the water surface, the speed of the boat began to increase, and it soon advanced one-third of the distance.

"It won't be so calm." Chen Feng couldn't help but said.

"It shouldn't be." Mo Wen and Liu Jia were also a little surprised. It shouldn't be so easy to enter Donglong Island.


Just as the three were talking, a volcanic force erupted from below, smashing the boat under the feet of the three into pieces. Although the three could not fly, they kept moving on the water and soon pulled away, swaying slightly along the waves of the sea.

A strange huge water monster emerged from the water, with a round head as big as a hill. There were no clear facial features on the head, but there were three round holes.

"Do you know what kind of water monster this is?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know, it should be a water monster specially raised by Donglong Island."

Chi Chi Chi!

Three water columns shot out from three holes like sharp arrows, attacking Chen Feng and the other two respectively.

Pah Pah Pah!

The three of them took action, and the water column was blocked, and then the three of them laughed, because the attack power of this water monster seemed disproportionate to its huge size.

"Let me try, you two hold the line." Mo Wen took action alone, took out a flame gun, and attacked the water monster fiercely.

After a few rounds of fighting, the water monster screamed and disappeared into the water, never to come out again. This situation made the three people laugh.

Then the three people simply stepped on the debris and moved forward. Although they could not fly, they also had a sense of transcendence.

However, when they were about to approach Donglong Island, they encountered obstacles again. Humanoid water monsters emerged from the water, holding various weapons in their hands to block the way of the three people.

So there was another chaotic fight.

It was not a problem to solve these water monsters with the strength of the three people, but it would take some time. Chen Feng came to save people, and he became impatient after fighting for a while, so he used the power of the thunder bead to smash all the water monsters in front of him into pieces.

"The power of the Taoist weapon." Mo Wen and Liu Jia were a little surprised, and their eyes looking at Chen Feng were also a little complicated.

"As expected of a disciple from the Tianjian Sect, he is not comparable to a small cultivator like us."

Chen Feng was also somewhat helpless. When in the Tianchen battlefield, everyone had a Taoist weapon. After arriving at the Tianchen Ancient City, the Taoist weapon became the most common magic weapon, and even the immortal weapon appeared from time to time. However, he did not expect that he could not use the Taoist weapon casually after coming out, because it might cause some trouble.

Chen Feng used the Taoist weapon to clear the barrier in front of him, and the three of them successfully boarded Donglong Island. As soon as they stepped on Donglong Island, the three of them immediately felt that the spiritual energy suddenly became rich, and the air was so fresh that the three of them could not help but be surprised.

"Practicing here is much stronger than communicating with the immortal world and absorbing immortal energy."

"Be careful, find what you need and leave quickly. If we alarm the Golden Turtle Ancestor, none of us can leave."

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