Eternal Existence

Chapter 775: Ancestor Youtian

Nine Nether Earth Python successfully ascended to the top demon king, and then without delay, he went directly into the Longevity Tower, because it was the safest place in the Longevity Tower.

As soon as he entered the Longevity Tower, all the other demons surrounded him, exclaiming in amazement, and looked at Nine Nether Earth Python with envy.

"Okay, all of you stay away, don't disturb Nine Nether. If anyone else is ready, you can come out to survive." Chen Feng's voice rang out in the Longevity Tower.

"I'll do it!"

The Four-eyed Spirit Fox and the Sky-covering Skylark spoke at the same time. Seeing that Nine Nether Earth Python survived the tribulation successfully, all these demons could not bear it anymore. After all, the eight demon kings were at similar levels of cultivation, and they were on par with each other. If Nine Nether Earth Python could succeed, the others should be able to do the same.

"Okay, I'll send you two out to survive the tribulation. Now that I have occupied an island, you can come out later." Chen Feng nodded and urged the Longevity Tower to send Sky-covering Skylark and the Four-eyed Spirit Fox away from Donglong Island.

One on the left and one on the right, the two demon kings were scattered on both sides of Donglong Island, no longer suppressing the breath in their bodies, and the two calamity clouds began to brew at the same time, and then began to pass the calamity at the same time.

The movement of two high-level demon kings passing the calamity was still very large, and one demon king had already passed the calamity before, so all the cultivators and guards on Donglong Island were shocked at this time, and began to secretly guess the identity of the new island owner. When Chen Feng occupied Donglong Island at the beginning, some guards were still a little dissatisfied and discussed how to overturn Chen Feng's notice next. However, when they saw three demon kings coming out to pass the calamity in a row, these people immediately dispelled their thoughts. The previous island owner, the Golden Turtle Patriarch, was just a high-level demon king. At this time, not counting Chen Feng, there were three more demon kings with the same strength as the Golden Turtle Patriarch. A large part of the cultivators on Donglong Island had already made up their minds and thought about how to please Chen Feng.

The sky calamity encountered by the sky-covering skylark and the four-eyed spirit fox was exactly the same, and the time of passing the calamity was almost the same, and finally they passed the calamity successfully at the same time.

After the two demon kings entered the Longevity Tower, the other demon kings could no longer bear it and wanted to come out one by one.

However, they were stopped by Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, come one by one, and it will be your turn after they come out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Chen Feng was very proud. With the advancement of three demon kings, it was easy to guard Donglong Island.

The next time passed quickly. Chen Feng was either a cultivator, or understood the situation of Donglong Island, or gathered some cultivators on the island.

In this way, a month passed in a flash. The three demon kings of Jiuyou Diming Python came out of the Longevity Tower at the same time and came out of the Longevity Tower according to Chen Feng's instructions to guard Donglong Island.

Just when Chen Feng was about to release other magic beasts to survive the tribulation, troubles finally came one after another.

"Ancestor Youtian has arrived. The monks of Donglong Island are here to welcome him." A thunderous voice came from afar. The person seemed to want to show off his strength and intimidate the other party. Wherever the voice passed, the sea surface suddenly rolled, the sea water rushed up to the sky, and a compressed sound wave force rushed towards the island.

No matter how powerful it is, at least it looks very impressive on the surface, and it is also an obvious provocation.

The island's ban was activated, easily blocking the attack of the sound wave. Chen Feng walked out surrounded by a group of monks.

"Ancestor Youtian." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

Through previous understanding, Chen Feng knew that Ancestor Jinbie had three close friends in the nearby sea area. These three were Ancestor Youtian, Ancestor Baili and Ancestor Biyan.

Ancestor Youtian's body is Youtian Kunpeng.

Ancestor Baili's body is Baili Xuanmang.

Ancestor Biyan's body is Biyan Jinjing Beast.

Together with the Golden Turtle Ancestor, the four are all high-level demon kings. In addition, they have a deep friendship with each other. When they join forces, they are feared by the four seas and lands. In the era when earthly immortals rarely appear, even ordinary first-class sects dare not provoke each other.

Before hearing the news that Donglong Island was occupied, Ancestor Youtian did not believe it, but as time went by, there was no news about the Golden Turtle Ancestor. Ancestor Youtian had a bad idea in his heart, so he sent his men to contact the other two partners, and he led his people to arrive first to investigate the situation first.

"Island Master, it's Ancestor Youtian. I think the other two should come too." Goat Beard whispered beside Chen Feng.

This cultivator is called Yuanchen Immortal. He has cultivated to the Yuanchen Purple Light Art, a good heaven-level technique. He is the smartest among the four human cultivators conquered by Chen Feng. Since Chen Feng refined the array eye and took control of Donglong Island, Yuanchen Immortal immediately showed his submission and sincerity to Chen Feng. So far, it seems that he is still trusted by Chen Feng.

"Really? It's just right. I was originally planning how to attack the other three islands. Now that the enemy is here, there is still some time left." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Why don't you come to greet them quickly? Are you looking for death?" A sea monster with scales all over its body and holding a sea god fork appeared in the air, gesticulating and yelling at the bottom.

"Shut him up." Chen Feng shouted in a deep voice.

Yuan Chenxian and his men hesitated for a moment, wondering whether to take action, but the two sea monster guards took action at the same time and went forward to fight with the other party. In a short time, the sea monster in the sky was picked up and flew out.

Chen Feng didn't say much, but just looked at Yuan Chenxian and the others calmly. Although his eyes were calm, they made Yuan Chenxian and the others tremble with fear, fearing that Chen Feng would suddenly attack them. At the same time, he smiled bitterly. Since he had made up his mind to submit to the new island owner, he had to stand firm in his position so that he could gain the trust of the new island owner.


A stream of light suddenly exploded in the space, and the two sea monster guards flew out at the same time and fell heavily on the ground.

"It was Patriarch Youtian who took action." Chen Feng nodded. The two sea monster guards were at the level of middle-level demon kings just now. If they were knocked away by one move, then the other party must be at least at the level of high-level human immortals.


The restrictions of the entire Donglong Island began to flicker, gathering into an energy ball, crossing the space and violently colliding with the newcomers.

The wide long sleeves suddenly covered the sky, and with a sudden roll, the energy ball was pulled out and flew out. It fell into the sea thousands of miles away and exploded violently, and a tsunami rose up to the sky. I don’t know how many fish and shrimps in the sea died.

"Boy, it’s you who occupied Donglong Island." The old ancestor Youtian was wearing a loose gray robe, with a simple face and starlight flashing in his eyes. He had an aura of immortal style.

"Yes, you are the old ancestor Youtian?" Chen Feng smiled and said.

"Where is the old ancestor Jinbie?"

"I killed him. Now that you are here, you should know what to do."

"What to do."

"Of course, surrender to me, so that you can save your life." A glimmer of light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"With a kid like you, I'm afraid you don't have that ability. The Golden Turtle Patriarch must have been trapped by your trick. Now I will capture you. It's impossible for you to surrender." Patriarch Youtian laughed loudly, not taking Chen Feng seriously at all. He also brought some men with him, and the other two partners would come at any time. In Patriarch Youtian's view, it was normal to deal with the kid in front of him.

"Jiuyou, you come to deal with the other party." Seeing Patriarch Youtian's arrogant laughter, Chen Feng suddenly lost the intention to take action.

Jiuyou Diming Python suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng with Chen Feng's voice, and returned to its original form. Its huge body swelled up in the wind. The powerful demonic energy rushed into the sky, and all the cultivators present felt their hearts thumping. In fear, they had the idea of ​​turning around and running away immediately.

"The demon beast, or the top demon king level demon beast, it's broken." Patriarch Youtian immediately knew that something was wrong, and reacted quickly. He didn't fight with Jiuyou Diming Python at all, and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"I am just a high-level demon king. Facing a top demon king, the result is definitely a dead end." Patriarch Youtian understood the situation very well. But he did not understand that it was also very difficult to escape from a top demon king.

The Nine Nether Earth Python had already launched an attack and entangled Patriarch Youtian. As soon as they fought, Patriarch Youtian was at a disadvantage.


The monks and sea monsters who followed Patriarch Youtian could not bear it and were about to besiege the Nine Nether Earth Python, but at this time, the sea monsters and monks on Donglong Island also came forward to attack, and because of the local battle, there were more monks on Donglong Island, and soon the monks brought by Patriarch Youtian were beaten to pieces.

"Not an opponent, run away." Patriarch Youtian shouted.

Some of his monks did escape, but Patriarch Youtian was gradually unable to resist the attack of the Nine Nether Earth Python at this time. With a difference of one realm, it was considered that Patriarch Youtian was powerful to be able to hold on until now. Of course, this was also because the Nine Nether Earth Python received Chen Feng's message that he would not kill the other party.

"Bai Li Bi Yan, come and save me, I will die if you don't come." The consciousness of Patriarch You Tian was transmitted quickly and spread rapidly in space.


Patriarch You Tian was distracted and was hit by the Nine Nether Earth Python. A huge wound appeared on his body and blood gushed out.

Following the call of Patriarch You Tian, ​​the other two demons arrived quickly, or the other party had already started on the road.

Patriarch Bai Li and Patriarch Bi Yan arrived at the same time, and there were a large number of subordinates behind them.

When the two arrived and saw the situation in front of them, their faces suddenly changed. Without saying a word, they stepped forward and began to besiege the Nine Nether Earth Python. With the three sea monsters who had accumulated deep accumulation joining forces, the Nine Nether Earth Python began to feel some pressure.

"These three guys are just high-level demon kings, yet they are so powerful. They can make me feel the pressure. If I am given another year to consolidate my cultivation, these kinds of stuff can be easily dealt with." Although the Nine Nether Earth Python thought so, his hands were not idle. Although the two sides were evenly matched in the current situation, as time went on, the final winner would definitely be the Nine Nether Earth Python.

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