Eternal Existence

Chapter 783 Auction House

After the four immortals said goodbye to Chen Feng, they immediately dispersed. One of them dispatched a large number of cultivators to secretly surround the courtyard where Chen Feng was. These people, some openly and some secretly, were actually hundreds of people in groups of three or two. More importantly, there were several immortals among them.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was really surprised. He secretly sighed at the strength of the Xu family, and could easily mobilize so many cultivators.

Apart from this person, one of them rushed to the outer city. As for what he was going to do, Chen Feng could not see for the time being. Another person quickly traveled through the inner city, entered a teleportation array, and disappeared directly.

The last person went deep into the Xu City. Chen Feng began to cheer up, because in Chen Feng's guess, this person should be looking for the top leaders of the Xu family.

In fact, as Chen Feng guessed, this person did enter the core area of ​​the Xu family, but after this immortal entered a magnificent palace, the tracking mark that Chen Feng attached to the other party disappeared.

"There is a ban set by the earth immortal, and my divine consciousness cannot enter." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and his face became solemn.

"Senior Phantom, I leave it to you." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"No problem!"

A black light flashed and then disappeared.

Phantom Divine Marten had already been promoted to the realm of demon fairy at this time, and he was cultivating the power of darkness. Chen Feng thought that he should not be discovered.

Then Chen Feng quietly waited for news in the small courtyard, while the eight siren guards went outside the courtyard and kept patrolling the surrounding situation.

An hour later, Phantom Divine Marten came back, and Chen Feng learned some information through Phantom Divine Marten.

"Now it can be confirmed that Ye Ziming is indeed a member of the Xu family, and there should be some special existence, but now I don't know whether Ye Ziming is dead or alive?" Chen Feng secretly calculated.

"It seems that I have to take the initiative." Chen Feng made up his mind. After receiving Chen Feng's order, a siren under his command immediately captured a monk hiding in the dark and walked in.

Chen Feng performed the soul-searching technique and really knew everything he wanted to know.

"It turns out that everything is for the struggle for power and profit." Chen Feng nodded.

In fact, the matter is very simple. Through the memory of the man just now, Chen Feng knew that Ye Ziming's original name was Xu Ziming, and he was a disciple of the Xu family's side branch. However, he later obtained the inheritance left by the predecessors of the Xu family, which led to the improvement of the status of Ye Ziming's lineage.

The result of the improvement of the status of this lineage was the suppression of the main family and other forces, and later they wanted to deprive Ye Ziming of his inheritance.

However, Ye Ziming's inheritance was a bit special, and even the human immortals could not succeed, so they imprisoned Ye Ziming. As for Ye Ziming's lineage, some were suppressed, some were imprisoned, and some were exiled.


Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head. This kind of thing was too common, but Chen Feng was still a little confused. It stands to reason that the Xu family could develop into such a huge force, and it should have its own rules and regulations.

"But it's hard to say. With a large family and a large population, all kinds of people will appear."

"Since I'm here, I have to find a way to rescue Ye Ziming. But the other party should be suspicious of me. If I act rashly now, they will definitely notice it. I don't care. At worst, I can just leave. I'm afraid that Ye Ziming will harm me. It seems that I still need to plan carefully."

For a period of time in the following period, Chen Feng never mentioned Ye Ziming. In addition to practicing, he would play in Xucheng when he had time.

The Xu family treated Chen Feng very attentively and enthusiastically. There were two human immortals accompanying Chen Feng. Of course, it was like this on the surface, but they were secretly monitoring Chen Feng.

And Chen Feng pretended not to know, and stayed in the Xu family without leaving, which made the Xu family cultivators secretly anxious.

"What is this kid planning? I think we should just take action and capture him for questioning."

"No, we can't do it without orders from above. Besides, this island master Chen is not simple. He is at the level of human immortals, and he has eight sea monsters at the level of human immortals under him. If he starts fighting, it will definitely cause chaos in the city."

"It's just a few primary human immortals, what's so great about it."

"Just in case, let's see the situation. The other side can't really make a big wave with just these few people. But we are the eight demon kings on Donglong Island. I heard that in addition to these eight In addition to the Demon King, there are some powerful demon kings. The ancestors of our Xu family have not appeared for hundreds of years, so it is better to be cautious. "


"So, let this kid stay here."

"Why, can't our Xu family afford to support these people? Since the other party is staying, that is the best result. It's okay to stay for 10,000 years. I am worried that the other party will have other intentions after leaving."

Not to mention that the people of the Xu family secretly discussed Chen Feng's affairs. On this day, Chen Feng took a group of guards and went out again accompanied by two human immortals from the Xu family.

The purpose this time was an auction house in Xu City.

Chen Feng went to the largest auction house in Xu City. The owner was naturally the Xu family. Recently, this auction house has been promoting it. Today is the auction day.

When he arrived at the auction house and had not yet entered, Chen Feng felt the chaotic popularity and knew that there were many people inside.

"Master Chen, the hall is for people below the human immortals. Let's go upstairs." At this time, the Xu family immortal said with a smile beside Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded. This situation was very normal. As a human immortal, he naturally could not get involved with ordinary cultivators.

After reaching the upper floor, there was a small auction hall, and Chen Feng and others were led into a VIP room.

Seeing Chen Feng and a group of sea monsters entering the VIP room under the hospitality of the Xu family cultivators, some cultivators present immediately shifted their attention to this young man, and were very curious about where this young man came from, and how he could be warmly entertained by the overlord Xu family.

Chen Feng also felt a stream of spiritual consciousness constantly sweeping towards him, and sneered in his heart, and snorted coldly, and directly cast the soul-soothing spell. An invisible wave swept across, and all the spiritual consciousness was cut off, and no trace of spiritual consciousness entered the room where Chen Feng was.

Several people groaned under Chen Feng's soul-soothing spell, and their faces turned pale, obviously suffering some small losses.

"Looking for death!"

"Who is this guy, so arrogant?"

Faced with Chen Feng's tyranny, some people immediately became angry. You know, those who can enter here are generally cultivators at the level of human immortals. If they were not concerned that this was the territory of the Xu family, they would probably take action immediately. However, some people still secretly hated Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's covert move also startled the two immortals of the Xu family. At the same time, they were secretly surprised. They didn't expect that this island master Chen actually had such a high level of cultivation.

"The skill that island master Chen used just now is quite good." One of the immortals said something to make conversation.

"Hehe, it's just a small immortal technique." Chen Feng waved his hand, his face calm, as if he was talking about something that was normal.

After hearing this, the two looked at each other again, with an indescribable feeling, wondering if Chen Feng did it on purpose.

"A small immortal technique that's not good enough, hey! Is this guy bragging?"

"No, the move just now was very magical. I haven't seen it. It should be an immortal technique, but from the power fluctuations just now, it doesn't seem like it."

"Humph, it's just a bumpkin from overseas. It's definitely not an immortal technique. It's just a trick."

Although the Xu family was very enthusiastic about Chen Feng's visit, to be honest, they looked down on Chen Feng, a nouveau riche.

No matter what the two people thought, at least on the surface they were still very respectful to Chen Feng.

"Here, the first step is that this auction house will take out some items for auction, and the highest bidder will win. The second step is that the immortals here will each take out some things, exchange them for other items, or directly use spirit stones to buy them, as long as both parties agree."

"This is today's auction list."

One of the immortals handed Chen Feng a list, and Chen Feng took it and just glanced at it casually, but he was a little excited.

Because there are things he needs in the auction this time, and there are more than one.

"Does Island Master Chen have any eyes?"

"Haha, there are a few rare items, but I don't know if I can get them." Chen Feng said with a smile, and casually put the list aside.

Then there was no excessive formality. The auction started soon, and there was no extra nonsense. The first auction item was placed on the round table. Everyone was an immortal, so they could see it clearly without their eyes.

The first auction item was a 30,000-year-old spiritual medicine. As soon as it was brought up, a stream of spiritual consciousness began to sweep over.

Only Chen Feng was unmoved. There were too many spiritual medicines of this level in the Longevity Tower, so many that Chen Feng was too lazy to count them.

"Is Island Master Chen not interested?" The Xu Family Immortal said with a smile.

"This level of spiritual medicine is everywhere in our Donglong Island." Chen Feng waved his hand and said disdainfully, with a local tyrant's air.

"Haha, that's right, I heard that overseas resources are rich, and there are countless spiritual medicines and Ganoderma lucidum. Island Master Chen naturally doesn't look down on such vulgar things." There was some irony in the words of the Xu Family Immortal.

"That's right, I really don't look down on such vulgar things." Chen Feng nodded, and then laughed, and the sound passed through the box and echoed in the auction hall.

The face of the Xu Family Immortal changed, and a surge of anger rose in his heart. He wanted to attack, but in the end he forcibly held it back.

The fact that the Xu Family Immortal didn't say anything didn't mean that others wouldn't attack. Someone immediately scolded: "Where did the madman come from? If you can't afford it, don't ask for it. You have never seen the world."

"Looking for death!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and then a black light shot out, piercing the box, and drilled into the room where the sound just came from.


First there was a muffled groan, followed by the sound of vomiting blood, and then the sound of objects hitting each other.

"You're such a vulnerable thing. This is an auction house. I won't kill you, but once you get out of this door, I'll take your life." Chen Feng said arrogantly.

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