Eternal Existence

Chapter 806: Void Soul Star

After Chen Feng entered the realm of human immortals, the power of many skills and secrets in the Changsheng Sutra was greatly improved, and many secret skills that could not be practiced before could be practiced.

After entering the realm of human immortals, the Changsheng acupoint in Chen Feng's body doubled in size. Not only did the space volume and power increase, but it also faintly communicated with the Changsheng Heaven Realm. A unique breath different from the immortal world was transmitted to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that this was the power of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, which was more special and more advanced than the immortal world.

A trace of the power of the Changsheng Heaven Realm entered the Changsheng acupoint, and Chen Feng's body underwent earth-shaking changes.

This change was within Chen Feng's expectations. If Chen Feng had not recovered his memory, he might be very surprised and then asked the tower, but now it was different. Chen Feng himself had a deep understanding of the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

You should know that Chen Feng is from the Changsheng clan, and he has an unusual identity in the entire Changsheng heaven. There is a bloodline inheritance in the depths of his soul, and he has been trained by nature since he was a child. It can be said that when Chen Feng was six years old, his understanding of cultivation was not comparable to that of the earthly immortals or even the upper immortals in the heaven. However, after a series of changes, Chen Feng wandered in the universe for millions of years, and his cultivation was completely destroyed. His spiritual roots were also destroyed, and his memory was also sealed.

But it was different at this time. Chen Feng recovered his memory. Although his spiritual roots were not restored, the knowledge in his heart and the inheritance in his blood were all back.

Chen Feng was very clear about the changes in his body, so he quickly operated the Changsheng acupoint and closely combined it with the Changsheng heaven. A wonderful wave spread throughout Chen Feng's body, making Chen Feng's body suddenly light. Chen Feng knew that the imprisonment of the Eternal World on him had disappeared. If he wanted, it would not be a problem to ascend to the immortal world. Of course, the most important point after the Changsheng acupoint and the Changsheng heaven were connected was that Chen Feng could enter the Changsheng heaven and return to the Changsheng clan.

But Chen Feng knew that he couldn't do this. With his current strength, if he showed up, his fate would be miserable. Even the Tower of Immortality would be robbed. Although the Tower of Immortality was knocked down by other forces in the heavens, the Heaven of Immortality was not stable.

In a word, no matter where he was, even among his own people, power was the first priority.

In order to return to the Heaven of Immortality safely, his cultivation must be better than that of the immortals, and the Tower of Immortality must be at least at the level of an immortal weapon.

However, it would not be possible to reach this level in a short time, and there were many accidents that might happen.

As the power of the Heaven of Immortality descended, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness began to rage, and the fire of his life began to spread to the true fire of his life. After his life became true, his spiritual realm was also raised to a higher level.

Blood continued to flow in his body, and various mysterious and wonderful runes flashed in his blood, making Chen Feng's body glow like a strange jade.

This is the inheritance hidden in the blood, which could not be revealed in the past. Now it finally began to show its power after communicating with the immortal heaven.

In just a few breaths, Chen Feng felt that his spiritual realm had been raised by two levels, and his physical body was several times stronger than before.

This substantial improvement made Chen Feng tremble with excitement.


The immortal weapons in the immortal cave were the first to be affected. After being tempered by the immortal power absorbed by the immortal heaven, they began to transform and advance continuously.

Originally, these immortal weapons had reached the level of second-grade holy weapons during Chen Feng's refining, and they were not of much use to Chen Feng at this time.

But now it is different. Under the blessing of the immortal power, these immortal weapons began to advance one after another.

Third-grade holy weapon!

Fourth-grade holy weapon!

Fifth-grade holy weapon!

This speed of advancement even frightened Chen Feng, who had been mentally prepared.

The power of immortality rolled in the Changsheng acupoint, and at this time, the spirit in Chen Feng's body began to condense, and rushed into the Changsheng acupoint.

After the immortal weapon reached the fifth-grade holy weapon, it still did not stop, but continued to climb, and stopped when it reached the level of the eighth-grade holy weapon in one breath.

Eighth-grade holy weapon!

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and his mood could not be stabilized.

From the second-grade holy weapon to the eighth-grade holy weapon, or thirty-three immortal weapons were advanced together, this span is rarely seen by cultivators who practice in the Changsheng heaven.

Chen Feng moved his feet, and the whole person kept flashing in the space. The faint figure disappeared from time to time, as if he shuttled through the void and changed time.

Chen Feng also comprehended the fourth style of the immortal step.

The power of the immortal handprint was also increased several times, which was an essential improvement.

"In addition to the Changsheng Step and Changsheng Great Handprint, there are also some secret techniques in the Changsheng Sutra, such as Changsheng Finger, Changsheng Wing, Immovable True Self Mantra, Changsheng Boundary Technique, etc. However, I don't have time to practice these secret techniques for the time being. I'm afraid it will take me some time to digest the benefits I got this time."

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Chen Feng then fell into the state of practice again.

With the improvement of realm, the state of mind has become calm. Chen Feng practiced for three years.

Three years later, Chen Feng's whole person has undergone a qualitative change. Standing there, he seems to be integrated with the world, and seems to be beyond the world, giving people a vague and ungraspable feeling, as if an ancient immortal has descended to the mortal world, making people dare not approach, and can only worship from afar.

During this period, when Chen Feng was practicing, Bishuidie came to visit Chen Feng once. When she saw Chen Feng, she was surprised. Although she knew that the other party was at the level of a primary human immortal, in her perception, he was like a towering, immovable, majestic mountain in front of her.

"I knew this guy was not simple, but now it seems that my evaluation is still a little low." Bishuidie said in her heart.

This was just an ordinary visit. Chen Feng took out various spiritual fruits to entertain the other party warmly. Chen Feng's wealth once again surprised Bishuidie secretly. Not to mention anything else, it was just Zhoutian fruit. Bishuidie had only seen it and had never eaten it.

After returning to her cave, Bishuidie's vigilance against Chen Feng became much weaker. This feeling surprised Bishuidie and even a little panicked.

"I am now sure to pass the tribulation and be promoted to a mid-level human immortal." Chen Feng understood his current cultivation, but after thinking about it, he decided to suppress it for a while.

When Lan Ling came to Chen Feng, she lost her composure for the first time and was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lan Ling's face turned red: "Chen Feng, there seems to be something wrong with your aura."

Lan Ling could only describe it with the three words "wrong", because in Lan Ling's eyes, she couldn't see Chen Feng's current state clearly.

Ethereal but real, Chen Feng's every move seemed to have left this world and entered another time and space.

This is Lan Ling's feeling.

"I'm just comprehending a space technique." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"By the way, Senior Sister Lan, you must have something to do this time?"

"Of course there is something. We plan to go on an adventure in a month. I wonder if you are interested?" Lan Ling said with a smile.

"Explore, where?"

"Xuhun Star."

"That's the place. It's a dangerous place." Chen Feng laughed.

"There will be gains only if there is danger. How about you join or not?"

"I'll join."

I have been practicing in recent years. Now that my cultivation is stable, it's time to go out and explore.

Xuhun Star is not close to the Eternal World. Even the earth immortals who can survive and explore in the starry sky need some time to get there.

Chen Feng and the others naturally would not travel through the starry sky, but would use the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is very old, and no one knows when it was handed down. It is jointly managed by the four holy places. Of course, only students from the four holy places can enter it for adventure and training.

To put it bluntly, although the Void Soul Star is dangerous, it is just a trial field used by the four holy places to train students.

This time, the small group going to the Void Soul Star, including Chen Feng, has a total of six people, namely Lan Ling, Tie Yuan, Feng Jian, Hu Xian'er, Chen Xing'er and Chen Feng.

The teleportation array was activated, and then the six people began to be teleported. The transmission time was very fast, that is, everyone arrived at the Void Soul Star in a few breaths.

As soon as they landed, everyone felt the unique breath and power of other life planets. Everyone was on the Void Soul Star for the first time, so they were naturally curious. They kept looking around while secretly adjusting their cultivation.

"Although the Void Soul Star is very dangerous, it is not the Void Soul Star itself that is more dangerous." At this time, Lan Ling spoke.

"It is the other cultivators on the Void Soul Star." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, there are many students from the four holy places who come to Xuhun Star for adventure. They are all geniuses among geniuses and elites among elites. It is normal for them to have friction and collision with each other."

"In fact, many times everyone will hunt each other."

"In short, everyone should be careful and it is best not to separate."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several cultivators flew through the air on a huge bird, bringing a strong wind to sweep towards everyone.

"Hmph!" Fengjian took action and dissolved the strong wind. Before everyone could counterattack, the huge bird had disappeared.

"It is a student of Tianjian Academy. The opponent is not as strong as us. They ran fast, otherwise they would have a good time." Tieyuan said indignantly.

"There will be plenty of opportunities next." Chen Feng said lightly. With a wave of his hand, the Longevity Spear flew out and nailed to the ground. Then the earth shook, the soil rolled, and a hundred-foot-long earth dragon drilled out from the ground, and the Longevity Spear thrown by Chen Feng was firmly inserted into the tail of the earth dragon.

"It is a primary demon king. I didn't expect it to be hidden underground. Even we didn't notice it." Tieyuan said and launched an attack.

Everyone attacked. Although the demon king was strong, he died before he could hold out for long under the siege.

"Brother Chen, how did you find out there was a soil dragon underground?" Myolie Wu squeezed beside Chen Feng, looking at him with fiery eyes. Not to mention Chen Feng, even the others couldn't stand it.

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