Eternal Existence

Chapter 873 Various Creatures

"Someone saved us."

After killing the demon souls and resentful spirits, these monks all breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and smiled bitterly. They were all injured and could not hold on much longer.

"It was the person from Qi Sect who did it, otherwise we would all die here."

"My name is Chen Feng, why is this person so powerful?"

"It's not like I'm relying on the power of Taoist tools."

"Shut up, it was the other party who saved us."

"Yes, the other party doesn't have to take action at all. The warning just now is right. We can't go any further now. So many people are injured, Liu Tian, ​​He Ming, and Sun Huan are already dead. No matter how much we gain this time It’s not as important as everyone’s lives, so I recommend returning.”


"Chen Feng, Qi Zong, I remember this name."

After that, these people chose to leave one after another. After returning to Zhoutian World, these people began to inquire about Chen Feng. It was not until a long time ago that they found out that there was no monk named Chen Feng in the Qi Sect.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't know all this for the time being, because at that time, Chen Feng had returned to the eternal world, and by the time He Qizong faced him again, the plane war had already begun.

Millions of miles away, Chen Feng was fighting a monster made entirely of bones. This monster was a hundred feet long and had tens of thousands of various bones on its body. Traces of black magic flames were burning, chaotic. The aura and sky-high murderous intent were continuously released.

This is another creature on the plane battlefield, the Bone Demon.

It is composed of the bones of dead monks and produces a flame similar to the demonic flames of the demonic world. It can become a demon with a single thought. This kind of demonic flame is somewhat different from the demonic flames of the demonic world.

However, the bone demon in front of him is indeed very powerful, equivalent to the realm of a high-level human monk.

The bones on his body seemed to have been specially refined and were extremely strong. Chen Feng could not break through the opponent's defense even if he used the Eternal Sword. In the end, we could only use the Zhoutian Compass to suppress it.


In just one move, the bone demon fell apart. The bones were scattered but not shattered, which surprised Chen Feng secretly.

After the skeleton was scattered, a round bead fell into Chen Feng's hand. This is the core of this bone demon. With this core, one can search for bones and re-condensate a bone body.

"This thing is really weird. It seems to be something from the ghost world." Chen Feng shook his head and picked up a bone to study it.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, four figures flashed past, and someone else appeared. As soon as they appeared, Chen Feng was surrounded in the middle.

"Are these people trying to take advantage of others?" Chen Feng guessed in his mind.

"Hand over the bone demon's magic beads." One of them said lightly, with a proud look on his face.

"Middle-grade Taoist artifact, not bad, hand it over to us." Another person saw the Zhoutian Compass in Chen Feng's hand.

Chen Feng felt that this incident was a bit funny. Someone actually robbed him. He was really tired of living.

However, the cultivation of these four people is quite good. They are all top-level immortals, and all four of them have fluctuations in the power of the Dao. This means that all four of them have Dao weapons.

"Looking at the four of them, they should be from a first-class sect, but I don't know which sect?"

Speaking of Chen Feng's recovery of memory, it was not intentional. Invisibly, some of the monks in the world of life looked down upon them. Even in the immortal world, in Chen Feng's eyes, he did not want to be as arrogant as before. Seriously speaking, the major heavenly realms have never I have never put the fairy world in my eyes.

This is inherently condescending.

These people have nothing to be proud of in front of Chen Feng, because Chen Feng doesn't take these four people seriously at all.


Chen Feng did not speak. The power of the Zhoutian Compass fluctuated and burst into light. The power of the domain instantly unfolded, covering the four people.

Thunder and lightning roared, wind cut, mountains and rivers suppressed, and heaven and earth solidified. Launched a rapid attack on the four people.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Under Chen Feng's attack, the four of them had sarcastic smiles on their faces, and then a magic weapon was drilled out of each person's body. Their tyrannical aura rose into the sky, and they easily broke through the field set by Zhoutian Compass.

An axe, a spear, a long sword, an iron whip.

Four magic weapons floated above the heads of the four people, and the powerful aura fluctuations emitted showed that they were four middle-grade Taoist tools.

They are all the same existence as Zhoutian Compass.

Zhoutian Compass has just advanced not long ago, and the magic weapons of these four people all have a primitive atmosphere. It is obvious that the magic weapons have been around for a long time.

"Hahahaha, do you want to kneel down and kowtow right now, but it's too late for you to ask for mercy now."

"That's not necessarily the case. Kneel down now and maybe you can save your life."

"Hurry up and hand over the magic weapon and magic beads in your hands."

"Don't kneel down yet."

All four of them burst out laughing, each one showing their madness and gesticulating, and they did not look like advanced monks at all.

"No wonder these four people are so arrogant. It turns out they have the capital to be arrogant. However, the power in these four people's bodies is a bit weak. They should have been forcibly brought up by taking elixirs, and they also received initiation from masters. As for these four magic weapons, they were revealed later. What they got has stamps and restrictions on it, so it should be easy for these four people to control."

"These four people are just ordinary people. They are relying on the backers behind them to dominate. To be able to do this, the backers behind these four people are at least high-level earth immortals."

Chen Feng nodded, took out the Eye of the Deep Sea, and enveloped the four of them again.

Under the top-grade Dao weapon, the four men could no longer resist, and the Dao weapons in their hands flew out, and all four of them were swallowed by the rapidly rotating spring.

"Ah! It's a top-grade Dao weapon."

"Friend, let us go quickly, you can't afford to offend our backs."

"Let us go, and let this matter go."

"Boy, you are looking for death, we are behind the top earth immortals, you can't afford to offend."

At this point, the four people are still threatening Chen Feng.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng was unmoved, and activated the Eye of the Deep Sea to crush the four people into pieces one by one.

In the process of killing the four people, an image appeared in the bodies of the four people at the same time, and the majesty of the earth immortals was spread out, which was the mark left by the four top earth immortals in the bodies of the four people.

"Bold young man, why don't you stop it quickly."


"Looking for death!"


The images of the four earth immortals shouted and attacked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled faintly and said, "Why keep this kind of trash? Just kill them. You will thank me."

The shadow of a spear circled, and the images of the four people were all shattered.

"It's a fairy weapon."

"Little friend, please show mercy."

As the images were shattered, someone spoke up and wanted Chen Feng to spare the lives of these people.

Chen Feng was unmoved, and the Eye of the Deep Sea continued to rotate, completely killing them, even their souls were crushed and wiped out.

This kind of people is one of the types that Chen Feng hates the most. They are arrogant without any ability, and they will not live long even if they have a backer.

Look, they were killed when they met Chen Feng.

In the process of erasing the other party's soul, Chen Feng also got some useful information.

That is, there is not only a transmission channel to the Eternal World, but also some monks from the Eternal World are training here in this plane battlefield.

When the monks of the two worlds of Zhoutian and Eternal meet, fighting and killing will break out immediately. The scale will not be too large before the war begins, but the plane battlefield is large enough, and there will be several fights every day.

After getting this accurate news, Chen Feng was truly relieved.

The power of the soul spread again, and this time it spread to 500,000 miles before stopping. This is also the current limit of Chen Feng.

Within the range of 500,000 miles, there are indeed some cultivators, but there are more creatures such as blood demons and demon souls.

Chen Feng was very fast. It didn't take long for him to find these cultivators, and then he took action directly. After controlling the other party, he immediately began to search the soul and collect the information he needed.

The cultivators below the earthly immortals had almost no power to resist in front of Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng did not kill these people. He even changed the other party's memory after searching the soul, so that these people could not remember what happened when they appeared.

"The transmission channel is so far away from here, but at least we have a rough direction."

After finding the news, Chen Feng did not stop and started to hurry on his way. It has been ten years since he left the Eternal World. It's time to go back and take a look.

Of course, Chen Feng's main purpose is to arrange some things and then go out of the domain to venture out. Another reason is to avoid some potential dangers, such as the pursuit from the heavens.

The news that the Longevity Tower still exists has spread. This is a really big deal. Chen Feng can imagine the expressions and reactions of some advanced life worlds such as the heavens and the fairy world when they learn about this.

"Strength! It's far from enough." Chen Feng finally sighed.


A ball of fire exploded in front of Chen Feng, and then quickly changed into a human figure, holding a fire fork, as majestic as the god of fire.

After the opponent appeared, he attacked Chen Feng.

"This is a fire demon." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword light flashed, blocking the opponent's attack.

The fire demon is not an ordinary fire creature. The fire demon in front of him is completely a life condensed from the soul fire. It is a more powerful existence than the resentful spirit.

Each fire demon requires tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of soul fires left after the death of monks to be fused and forged in various ways before it has a certain probability of being produced.

It is a kind of perverted and weird existence, of course, it is also very powerful.

Just like what Chen Feng is encountering now.


The sword light exploded, and Chen Feng was retreating, but the attack of this fire demon did not weaken at all.

"The realm of earth immortals."

"Location of heaven and earth!"

The Zhoutian compass emitted two rays of light, which mixed into a small shield to block Chen Feng.


With a bang, the small shield broke again.

"Good guy!"

Chen Feng punched out, and the opponent's attack was finally blocked. Chen Feng immediately felt a strange energy flowing along his arm towards his sea of ​​consciousness.

This energy was cold on the outside, but extremely hot on the inside. This was an attack of soul fire, but the means and changes were several levels higher than ordinary soul fire.

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