Eternal food paradise

Chapter 102 Ancient flavor

"Hey, is this the 'texture' you want to convey?"

Nakiri Erina blurted out.

Asking this sentence means that she is awake.

In reality, the figures of the "tribal leader" and the boy wearing Yueyue's uniform quickly overlapped.

Xia Yan spread his hands and really couldn't answer.

Answer, yes?

But the problem is, he just strictly followed the 'universal stew spice package' in his mind and memory, and made a relatively safe imitation of the spice formula. The result was that the imitation was quite good, and at least the ten heroes were shocked. After a while, even he was surprised in his heart.

Before, he could only conclude that this was a package of secret recipes for stewed meat, which he drew from a series of spices such as 'Dahurian Angelicae' and 'Alpinia galangal'.

However, Xia Yan never expected it.

This packet of spice recipes is so picturesque when used in actual cooking!

"Barbaric, primitive, rough?" Xia Yan pondered.

"I go!"

“Isn’t this a certain stylistic fit with the ‘variant beef shank’?”

The cooking information is floating on the retina at this time.

[Cooking successful. 】

His eyes were fixed on the beef shank skeleton in the pot, and detailed dish information popped up:

‘Darkness Index’ - High.

‘Drug Index’ – Gao et al.

Dishes star rating - 6 stars.

"Dual qualities, double higher concentrations?"

Xia Yan was secretly stunned: "Is this considered an impromptu creation of a campus "must kill" on the spot? Darling, it’s still a 6-star rating. Doesn’t it mean that my cooking skill level has improved by another star in the system? "

The culinary ceiling has quietly reached six stars.

This is completely the strength of the top ten candidates!

Even without any "certain kill", I can still have a head-on battle with the guy at the end of the ten jierli cranes.

Then the problem comes again.

Double high index, how to do it?

Xia Yan had to find an explanation. This involved him pushing away the key to the [drug] trait.

For a detailed explanation of the index in the system information, click on it.

He looked strange.

"The dark index comes from the spice formula?"

"Most of the drug index comes from the ingredients?"

The fingerpoint was instantly pointed at the 'mutated beef shank'. Xia Yan held his chin and thought in surprise: "So, the problem with the ingredients is huge. Rich in fat, strong bones, and rough meat, it's just on the surface."

"The true inner self may have been distorted by the deviation value in the world of "Spirit of the Halberd Eater"!"

I added something silently in my heart.


Distortion is more appropriately described as pollution.

It's just that this "pollution" does not transcend the rules of this plane.

To put it simply, those contaminations seem to magically merge with the unique rules of drugging.


It was only then that he didn't put in much effort, and as a result, the recipes and dishes all contained [high] drug concentration.

"This can only be interpreted as——"

"Ingredients that have their own 'medicinal' power?"

Xia Yan's mind was spinning rapidly.

In this way, the outstanding characters in the original Shokiji novels gradually became accustomed to those distorted and polluted food ingredients and ecological chains, and were able to control and use them calmly.

The chefs, who already have strong medicinal powers, now have suitable medicinal ingredients...


Adding medicine to medicine?

Intensify? !

Xia Yan shivered inexplicably. The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't even imagine it.

"However, the deviation reaches 50%. Maybe not only the ingredients are contaminated, I have to continue to explore!"

At this time, a burst of applause sounded.

The ten heroes broke away from the state of looking at each other in silence with shock in their eyes. They looked up and saw the white-haired and white-bearded old man who was applauding and walking into the hall, "General Commander!"

"When did you come?"

Isshiki Kei and Kuga Teruki looked at the boy who was scratching his head in embarrassment and following Nakiri Senzuoe's butt.

"Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Yukihira Soma shrugged and said, "He brought me here."

He pointed at the old man who had already walked in front of Xia Yan.

Now no one questioned it.

Nakiri Senzaemon walked straight to Xia Yan and looked intently at the beef leg skeleton with not much meat left in the steamer. He had a faint smile on his face: "Can you give me a plate? You don't need a lot, just a few pieces of meat." can."

"I want it too!" Xingping Soma calmly raised his hand.

He still doesn't know the identities of the ten heroes present, but even if he knows, given his character, he will raise his hand frankly when he wants to eat, which is completely opposite to Nakiri Erina's arrogance.

"no problem."

Xia Yan readily agreed, they were all acquaintances.

So, he handed two more plates to Soma Yukihira and Nakiri Senzaemon respectively.

In one breath, he chewed several large pieces of beef shank.

Although Nakiri Senzaemon was older, his teeth were no worse than those of young adults. He was biting the meat of his hind legs, and the look of surprise in his eyes gradually became stronger.

Swallow the food in your mouth.

After a moment of silence, Commander-in-Chief Yuanyue said with a deep sigh: "...Magical spice formula! Formula!"

“A perfect example of using ‘mutated ingredients’!”

"Isn't it possible to completely purify the 'fishy smell' inherent in the ingredients? So, you move the residue to a suitable place to form the material for your own cooking oil painting, so as to deduce the wonderful barbaric and rough flavor? "

"A stroke of God!"


The ten heroes present, as well as Xia Yan and Xing Ping Soma, saw the famous scene of Commander-in-Chief Toyuki's "clothes torn apart".

However, this time it wasn't just the kimono on the upper body that fell off automatically.

Even the waistband...

The old man, with only a narrow crotch cloth remaining on his body, did not care that his strong body had been exposed for many years to the eyes of a group of students. He calmly continued to eat the beef shank on the dinner plate.

"It's amazing! No wonder it's called 'The Stroke of God'!"

Yukihira Souma was also chewing pieces of meat. In his field of vision, there was a rugged mountainous area with rift valleys and ravines. However, in those cracks in the ground, there were rapid "streams of spices" flowing.

The rough mountainous terrain is a true reflection of ‘rough beef shank’!

In other words, these pieces of meat have been completely penetrated by the spices.

Even more terrifying and unbelievable.

This chef, this chef.

Use it flexibly to eliminate the 'fishy smell' that cannot be eliminated.

Just like a great artist with splattering skills and terrifying accomplishments, he casually takes black and white materials and sprinkles them on his white canvas, and it becomes a beautiful abstract cooking painting!

Xingping Soma's vision suddenly blurred, and he saw a devastated primitive tribe.

The leader led the tribal warriors to dismember the corpse of the giant beast.

They had obviously just finished a hunt.

There is no sadness of the destruction of the home, only the open-mindedness and heroism after the hunt.

It's in a ruined clearing.

A bonfire was set up, and a few spears were used to skewer the huge animal legs. As the legs were roasted, the legs crackled with hot grease, and the leader sprinkled some rustic seasonings on them at will.

The strong fragrance spreads far away on the red earth.

I saw the faces of these people clearly.

There was also an old man who had just joined naked.

Yukihira Soma stared at the leader surrounded by everyone and murmured:

"Ancient flavor..."

"Spice interpretation..."

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