Eternal food paradise

Chapter 105 The panicked Ruishan (Part 2)


From that day at the make-up exam venue, he received special treatment and was stared at by that "monster" for a long time. In the past few days, even in his dreams, Eizan Edazu often saw those pair of eyes observing him with great interest. Eye.

"what to do!"

Ruishan's mind was filled with this thought.

Don't blame him for being nervous.

When a piece of campus news was published in the Yuanyue campus newspaper two days ago, some relatively capable third-year students could no longer hold back and were about to make a move. The Shoji Jiji War Letter flew to the Ten Elite Council like snowflakes.

Everyone wants to unseat one of the top ten and secure the top spot for themselves, so as to obtain the qualification to compete for the "Assistant of the Scientific Research Team".


The lower the ranking of the top ten, the easier it is to be targeted.

As for the drawers almost full of notification letters with the names of the challengers written on them, Eiyama Edazu ignored them.


Ruishan didn't even respond to those "mangy dogs" who were unable to graduate normally.

What he really fears is...

In front of me, inexplicably, another piece of red mountain land appeared.

Spices flow everywhere.

A harsh torrent was formed.

The primitive tribe has regained some vitality, but the giant beast seems to have been dismembered and dried into reserve meat. Today is another bonfire party after hunting, and the fragrant smell of meat spreads.

Faintly smelling the smell, Eishan Edazu's body suddenly trembled:

""Must kill"! "

Voices full of panic and disbelief echoed in the exclusive classroom filled with sunset.

"He can actually improvise the "must-have" recipe on campus! "

"What kind of monster is this!"

boom! !

Stopped the restless pacing and wandering.

With both hands, he hammered hard on a kitchen table, and the loud sound of the impact probably spread through several floors.

This man with the nickname "Number One in Yanyi" had his pupils wide open and his face was covered with cold sweat in an instant. He ignored the dripping sweat that gathered on his chin. He fell into a state that he couldn't extricate himself from. In a panic nightmare.

Until a harsh phone call broke the dead silence.


Eizan Edazu also pursed her dry lips.


Listening to the report from the subordinates over there, Etsuya Eiyama, who was filled with lifeless energy, seemed to be glowing with life like a dead tree: "What, we have found the mutated herbaceous plant according to the clues from the foreign country. ?vegetable?"

As the one among the ten elites who is most diligent in developing connections outside the school, Eizan Edasu is actually quite famous outside the school and often appears on the covers of some gourmet magazines.

His subordinates control many restaurants and hotels, and the funds and resources they possess are beyond the reach of ordinary Yueyue students.

This is also the reason why the Ten Heroes of Yuanyue are always at the top.


Students like Yuanyue have extraordinary family backgrounds. Even if they are not top ten and don't have the resources of top ten, they can still rely on their families' help to collect some unique ingredients they want.

Not to mention the reputation outside the school, Ruishan's reputation within the school has never been very good.

This is a top ten player who often uses "outside moves".

Instead of relying on solid and unshakable cooking skills to kick out many competitors who threaten his throne.

There was a "beep" sound.

After hanging up the phone, Eizan Edasu seemed much more relaxed, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his heart, and a playful arc gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"No need to be more powerful than you, no matter how powerful the 'monster' is, I just need to disrupt your rhythm and disrupt the formula in your dishes..."

"You will definitely lose!"

Talk to yourself for a while.

I still had some free time to think, so I sat down at my desk, opened the drawer, and took out the notification letters one by one, and read them with interest.

As a result, nervous low laughter could be heard from time to time in the exclusive classroom.

That night, Nakiri's house.

There were a lot of guests at this family dinner, and everyone was sitting there.

Three professors came, namely Shiomi Jun, Miyazato Takao and Roland Chapel.

Dojima Gin and Yukihira Joichiro are also there.

In addition, there is the third graduate with a very arrogant hair color. His name is Shinomiya Kojiro. He has just returned from France and plans to open his own star-rated restaurant in Tokyo.

When Xia Yan arrived, of course he was "watched" for a while.

The professors were sizing him up.

Even Shinomiya Kojiro cast a stern look at him.

"Is this guy the 'candidate' you are very optimistic about, Dojima-senpai?" Shinomiya Kojiro said expressionlessly, "Sorry, since I am already a member of the scientific research team, any new person who joins must obtain all the qualifications. People’s consent.”

"Therefore, there should be no such thing as a 'candidate'. The quota cannot be predetermined. If he wants it, he must rely on his cooking skills to get it!"

Some words that were taken for granted were said in a cold tone, and the atmosphere of the family dinner suddenly changed.

Everyone present was familiar with Sigong's character.

They looked at each other helplessly.

Even Xia Yan sniffed and complained in his heart, "I'll go, this chef of Sigong really has a disgusting and bad character. It's better to be famous than to meet him once."

It was Gin Dojima who could only come out to smooth things over: "Haha, I'm just optimistic about him, and the commander-in-chief is also optimistic about him, but there is no such thing as a back door."

Yukihira Joichiro interjected here:

"I heard from Yin that you created a model recipe a few days ago that is enough to be included in a new textbook?"

He cast a curious look at Xia Yan at the end of the table.

At this time, everyone including Shinomiya Kojiro couldn't help but be moved.

"What kind of recipe is it?" Jun Shiomi and Takao Miyazato asked at the same time.


"The ingredients are... the wagyu beef from the ranch."

But it was Dojima Gin who answered with a smile.

Jun Shiomi, an authoritative female professor in the field of spices, asked with a hint of excitement: "Really? Is there a spice formula that can purify the fishy smell of beef?"

At this time, Nakiri Senzaemon, the leader, suddenly said:

"I'll have someone bring some beef, and you'll cook the same dish again to entertain everyone?"

So everyone watched intently.

Including Shinomiya Kojiro, everyone subconsciously pushed up the frames of their glasses, with a trace of enthusiasm flashing in their eyes.


Xia Yan spread his hands, but he had a good reason to refuse:

"I'm sorry, I've been cramming in my homework these days, and I'm not in good condition to cook anymore."


He changed his tone.

"However, I plan to initiate a shokuji before the start of school to get a spot among the top ten, and then I can legitimately compete for that qualification."

"So, I don't plan to cook anything before Shoji."

Listen to Xia Yan publicly express Shi Ji's wishes.

Out of curiosity, everyone suddenly changed direction.

"Which top ten are you targeting?"

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