Eternal food paradise

Chapter 110 ‘Sunset Thistle’


The bell rang, signaling the official start of the two-hour festival.

Eizan Ezuya took a deep breath.

It can be said that every one of Totsuki's Ten Heroes has rich experience in shokuji, and they are not the kind of rookies who are easily nervous when they first come on stage. Because their mood swings are too big and then they perform abnormally and the quality of the dishes collapses, it is almost impossible to happen at any time. On the top ten heroes.

No matter how frightening the first few seconds were.

He looked away from the big screen.

He took deep breaths continuously to clear his mind of distracting thoughts and quickly stabilized his mood.

No matter what, Ruishan now can only trust his own preparations.

At this time.

The host of the ceremony leads the audience, starting the interview from Ruishan who is relatively close to her. He carefully looks at the ingredients prepared by Ruishan with curious eyes, guiding the atmosphere of the audience with words, and asks in a pleasant voice:

"Contestant Eizan, are the ingredients you prepared..."

Obviously, the female host had figured out what the cabbage-like vegetable that Ruishan placed on the kitchen counter was, but she still asked deliberately.


So, when I saw the close-up of the vegetable, which looked like a flower bud with leaves wrapped in layers, the audience was filled with commotion and whispers.

Kojiro Shinomiya’s interested voice of science popularization also came from the judging panel at the right time:

"Artichoke, also known as French lily."

"You can also call it chrysanthemum thistle, cardoon or lotus lily!"

"This is a typical Western-style vegetable native to the Mediterranean coast. The Romans ate it in large quantities two thousand years ago. Of course, in today's world, France is the area where artichokes are most widely grown, or to put it another way, French cuisine is In this country, anyone who knows a little bit about French food will know artichokes..."

After hearing this, the female emcee immediately cooperated and let out a long ooh full of exclamation.


Then she suddenly remembered something.

“Isn’t the title of this meal just ‘appetizer’!”

"As far as I know, although there are many ways to eat artichokes, generally speaking, they are made into very simple appetizers such as salads..."

The director, or Totsuki's Shokuki director, also knew how to cooperate, so the big screen above the venue made a "dong" sound, and two large, dense square Chinese characters appeared——


Therefore, even the audience who did not know the title and scope of Shoji were now awakened.


with ‘appetizers’.

A natural combination, a perfect partner!

In the guest seats, several top ten men looked at each other.


Kobayashi Ryuten raised his hand weakly and asked: "This guy Eizan, his preparation was like this before he knew the question, and it happened that the question hit his strike zone?"

"Or is it that after leaving the commander-in-chief's office yesterday, he wasted no time and got such strange 'artichokes' from nowhere?"

But no one spoke up.

If it is said that before the question is revealed, there is such a set of trump cards in hand.

It can be said that Ruishan really won the Shokuji winning gift pack.

Before the battle even started, he had a huge advantage!

The corner of Kuaga Teruki's mouth twitched and he said in a low and muffled voice: "The commander-in-chief said that there are a total of 10 slips of paper in the question box. If you go from the 'appetizer' to the main course, soup and so on."

His expression was getting worse.

"Artichokes, in French cuisine recipes, can not only be used as appetizers. They can be used as main dishes and make a pot of artichoke soup. There is no problem."

"It can be said that if this is a trump card that has been prepared for a long time, Ruishan's chances of winning the winning gift pack are very high no matter how he draws it."

Professor Takao Miyazato, a knowledgeable culinary researcher who was not able to take the stage as a judge, stared at the enlarged close-ups of the "artichokes" on the screen.

When you see these artichokes, they are not ordinary.

The petals, which look like delicate red fish scales, with their color and appearance, are simply like the strange flower buds dyed red by the sunset in the land of a Mediterranean-style farm.

Miyazato Takao frowned and suddenly whispered: "It turns out to be this kind of artichoke!"

"It was just discovered two weeks ago."

"It was given a very nice name by the discoverer, an ordinary farmer."

"Sunset Thistle!"

Listening to the professor's soliloquy, the ten heroes looked at each other in surprise.

Is it really some kind of ‘mutated food’?

"Professor." Si Yingshi showed strong curiosity, "What is the most striking feature that distinguishes this artichoke called 'Sunset Thistle' from ordinary artichokes?"

Miyazato Takao replied in an uncertain tone:

“According to a good friend of mine, a French chef who has preliminary research on this ingredient, the taste of ‘sunset thistle’ has basically broken away from the framework of people’s impressions and is no longer ‘sweet, fresh and moist’.”

The professor had a look of doubt on his face.

"The taste hasn't changed much, but the taste, which originally smelled like walnut kernels, has become so rich that it has a strong exclusivity!"

"To put it simply, there is no room for other flavors on the same plate!"

"Even my celebrity chef friend has a lot of headaches and troubles!"

After saying that, he cast a solemn and doubtful look at the 'alchemist' in the close-up of the camera, Etsuya Eizan.

These ten heroes.

A current student in Totsuki.

How far can you cook ‘mutated artichokes’?

Miyazato Takao suddenly felt a long-lost and unfamiliar sense of excitement about the next plot development of Shokugeki.

"If he can use 'Sunset Thistle' to cook a dish that meets the level of the Ten Elites, and the quality is not too bad, due to the exclusive taste of the ingredients, the balance of victory and defeat may be instantly out of balance..."

At the same time, a certain stand in the venue.

Isekhui and everyone in Jixingliao were also discussing the ingredients of Ruishan.

"I feel a little bad." Yoshino Yuki lost her quirky smile and behaved like Tadokoroe and Sakaki Ryoko next to her, with sweaty palms and tense face.

Yisekhui's eyes darkened slightly, looking back and forth between the two opposing open kitchens on the central stage.


He was also a little confused.

Who on earth got the winner’s gift pack?

At this time, the host and Shinomiya Kojiro finally finished expressing their opinions.

The camera moved with the female host, and the broadcast screen switched to Xia Yan.

Due to the delay at Ruishan, when the scene was cut back, people found that Xia Yan had already started his own cooking rhythm, completely turning a blind eye to the host standing outside the kitchen table, and did not take the initiative to introduce his ingredients in a leisurely manner. Here I took out a "sea snake" with spots all over its body from the freezer. I didn't deal with it in a hurry. I put it in a clean basin first, as if it was waiting to be defrosted.

I turned around and went to unseal another plastic bag.

The camera focused and saw Xia Yan draining the juice from the bag and taking out a few thin pieces of transparent meat.

"Hey, this has been 'mature'..."

"Squid meat? Cuttlefish?"

There is still one update left, so I can only continue to supplement the liver~

It’s almost the New Year holiday and I’m quite busy. Please forgive me~~

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