Eternal food paradise

Chapter 119 How to lose when rice is riding on the face (please subscribe!)

"Salt and spicy"?

Jun Imusaki, a taciturn member of the Jokusei Ryo, was sitting next to Isshiki Hui. When he heard the soliloquy next to him, he immediately showed a surprised expression.

Jun Imusaki, nicknamed the "Smoke Master", is good at all kinds of smoke.

strictly speaking.

Among the members of the Jokusei dormitory, the one who knows "Shio Xin" the most is not the leader, Isshiki Hui, but Ryoko Sakaki, who has the biggest European style in the dormitory.

This girl is good at "koji".

The strokes of Chinese characters are very complicated, and Jun Imusaki felt that he couldn't write them anyway.

But in the final analysis, the essence of "koji" is nothing more than fermentation.

There is no problem in directly understanding it as a fermentation technique.

It just so happens that "Yan Xin" is a dish that requires microorganisms for fermentation.

From the most common marine fish.

to all kinds of scallops, shrimps and crabs.

Even now, one of the contestants took out squid innards that surprised the judges.

Anyway, as long as the seafood ingredients are delicious and fresh enough, they can be pickled directly and fermented using only the enzymes of the ingredients themselves.


On the field, the last judge lit up the voting machine.

Jun Imusaki looked up.

It was the school commander who had not expressed his attitude before. He silently put on his kimono, returned to his seat, and tapped the ticket register on the table.

at the same time.

The big screen above the venue was once again split into two screens.

The two shots focus on the Shokuki kitchen where Xia Yan and Etsuya Eiyama are located.

The vote count results are reflected in time——

Xia Yan, 5 votes

Eizan Edazuya, 0 votes.

Undoubtedly, a clean victory!

Even at the scene, Jun Imusaki watched the whole process carefully, and his eyes slightly covered by thick bangs could not help but be filled with wonder and shock.

The challenger wins unanimously.

As the ring leader, the person guarding his place among the ten elites is the ninth seat, the ‘Alchemist’, Eizan Ezuya...

I swallowed the duck egg easily.

"Ruishan... zero, zero, zero votes?"

Jun Imusaki heard a murmur from the stands near the Ji Xing Liao crowd, and then the venue became buzzing and commotion. Anyway, it was full of discussions. The scene was noisier and more lively than the early morning harbor fish market.

The taciturn Jun Imusaki can barely control his facial expressions.

But other people in Ji Xing Lao are not as reserved as him.


Yoshino Yuki covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes widened, and when she came to her senses, she let out a scream that attracted four people's attention.

Next to her, Ryoko Sakaki quickly came over and covered her mouth tightly. The girl, who was afraid of weird things and acted willfully, yelled out some shameful words in her excitement.

Anyway, Ryoko Sakaki, who has a mature personality, doesn’t want to be surrounded by onlookers and be killed by the looks of the crowd.

As for the Shoji Platform.

As someone who has swallowed duck eggs, it is not just a defeat, but also a disastrous defeat. Such a defeat is not only for Etsuya Eizan, but also for a "Top Ten Elite" who has a clear plan for his life and even started his own business outside of school. "Let's talk.

It's simply impossible to accept it!

Losing the top ten spots suddenly didn't seem so bad.

What's even worse is that with such a defeat, the golden business card he managed to build may be ruined from now on.

Witness the number of votes displayed as "0" on the screen after your name.

A chill suddenly hit the back of Ruishan's head, and soon his whole head was numb.

"How can it be!"

"I got zero points?!"

I was confused for a while at first.

With his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, Ruishan stared at the academy commander who cast the last vote, instantly losing all suspense for Shokugeki, and kicked him into the abyss mercilessly, and asked in a difficult voice:

"Why did my 'Sunset Thistle' lose?"

I didn’t ask how my cooking skills were, I just asked how the ingredients were.


The reason why he accepted the invitation was not because he was extremely confident in his cooking skills, but because he had the idea of ​​​​"extraordinary tricks".

Ordinary artichokes, after chewing them slowly, the sweetness that remains in the mouth can also form a sharp trap for the food served later.

As for the 'Sunset Thistle', Ruishan was able to successfully prepare it. Of course, it is clear that these mutated "vegetable queens" will leave a more noble, elegant and indelible mark on the judges' mouths.

So the trap instantly escalated into a landmine pit. When he was considering and planning the recipe, the reason why he kept everything simple was actually because he wanted to be the first!

Of course, the plan went smoothly, and Ruishan submitted an answer sheet to the judging panel in just over an hour.

But he couldn't think of it anyway.

The "mine pit" that I carefully laid out was flattened by the people who came after me.

What about being smashed to pieces?

Why, why was it that I was killed instead?

When Eizan stared at Senzaemon and asked, his mind was still full of messy question marks.

A voice answered on his behalf:

"The things in your dishes were actually erased on the first step."

Dojima Gin cast a sympathetic glance.

Ruishan: "???"

It's so hard for me!

Why is it the first level, and what the hell is being erased?

Why does it sound like forced memory erasure?

Seeing this, Shinomiya Kojiro shook his head and said in a colder tone: "Stupid!"

"The purpose of your 'simplest' cooking is nothing more than to rely on the taste of the ingredients to set a trap for those who come after you."

"But it's a pity that the sashimi platter originally pursued the 'simplest' and 'original' cooking method. You guys crashed on this point. However, your layout seems too naive. You want to rely on the aftertaste of artichokes. The aftertaste disrupts the seasoning formula of his dip dish.”

Xi Jianrun added weakly:

"It's a pity, Mr. Eizan, you didn't expect that the taste and memory you left in our mouths were completely frozen on the first layer of ice, as if they had never existed. Pass."

Roland Chapel nodded:

"Yes, after the Shokugeki is over and the show is over, and after leaving the Moon and Sky Room, a colleague will ask me, Eizan-san, what is the taste of your dish? My answer will be... nothing!"

"No memory! Can't remember!"

"It's like how many times I drank water or how many glasses of water I drank in a day. Very few people will remember carefully. It just passes by..."

You say something to the judges, and I say something.

The merciless concluding speech immediately hit Eishan Ezuya with countless arrows in his heart. He felt that his eyes were going black, he couldn't breathe, and his body was swaying.

Suddenly, a life-saving light flashed in my mind.

Eizan Edasu seemed to have caught something, and shouted: "He went off topic!"

"The title of Shoji is 'Appetizer'!"

"The purpose of this topic is not about big fish and meat. He emphasizes a rich and colorful sashimi feast, which is a mistake in itself——"

As he spoke, Ruishan's originally rapid breathing quickly became calmer.

The order of speech is also much clearer.

He probably regained some sense and his mind was no longer blank. He seized the opportunity and stated:

“The biggest significance of appetizers is to stimulate appetite and pave the way for the main course. It should not and will never be the protagonist on the table!”

None of the judges spoke, and stared at him calmly.

The venue fell silent again.

At this time, a voice that seemed to have been waiting for a long time belatedly said: "Ah, is that your definition of 'appetizer'?"



Ruishan watched his opponent Shokuri come out of his kitchen, came to him, and brought the porcelain bowl he was holding in front of him.

Turn down the venue lights.

The moon sheds a clear light.

He lowered his head and looked at the bowl presented by his opponent. Inside, there was a large bowl of rice.

The corner of the rice bowl is covered with a sticky layer of fermented food.

The squid liver and another kind of pickled vegetables, which mainly have a salty and refreshing flavor, seem to be mixed with each other under the combination of the sticky and disgusting, turbid-colored fermented juice.

"This is..." Ruishan smelled a fishy smell, and his Adam's apple moved up and down uncontrollably.

"The 'Appetizer of Truth' I put on the ninth floor!"

Seeing his opponent hand over the rice bowl, Ruishan somehow, in a strange mood, stretched out his hands to hold the rice bowl firmly.

The rice is still warm.

The strange "salt" on the surface is full of personal characteristics. It is not fermented with pure salt, but with pickled vegetables.

"Stir it with chopsticks..."

After hearing what the voice said, Eizan did the same.

Stir with chopsticks.

Snow-white rice is mixed with fermented food that is almost the color of soy sauce to form onigiri.


Ruishan was caught off guard and was hit directly in the face by the beam of light that spread and rose in his field of vision. After two seconds, he looked up in confusion and saw the beam of light rising higher than the dome, from 'between the moon and the sky' The gap in the sky above the venue shone through, and the moon looked extremely dim under such "light".

Then, Ruishan put the ball of rice and fermented food into his mouth.

On the face.

Naturally, it shows a sense of satisfaction!

Happy, joyful.

His face, which was zoomed in by the camera, suddenly showed a smile from the bottom of his heart.


“It smells so good!”

He murmured inarticulately.

“I feel like my appetite is expanding infinitely——”

I heard the loser say this himself. After Xia Yan handed over his rice bowl, he said to the stupid judges and hostess: "No matter what dish, whether it's an 'appetizer' or a 'main course', isn't it just for the sake of it?" Satisfy the guests' appetites and satisfy them?"

"What's more, I think the 'appetizer', well, one dish is enough. There is no need to pay attention to the complicated specifications and etiquette of appetizers and main dishes. When it comes to the table, just serve the most sumptuous one!"

A long while.

Nakiri Senzaemon used a slightly dumbfounded tone to draw a successful conclusion to this Shokugeki:

"Then, I hereby declare."

"Xia Yan is the winner of Shiji!"

"And he will also take over the ninth seat of the "Top Ten Elites of Yuanyue" and become the new member of the Ten Elites! "

There was a roar and thunderous applause.

A three thousand word chapter is here!

Don't panic, let me report that the results of this book are pretty good as expected. It's just that there were 5 updates yesterday and they were not sent out uniformly. It's a pity that I didn't get the premium badge on the first day.

It was rare that I slept until noon today and finally got more than 8 hours of sleep. I went out to deal with things in the afternoon. It will be the annual holiday soon. You don’t have to worry about updates. The author who has died during the year basically doesn’t visit to pay New Year greetings~

So, it’s not bad to get a high-quality product today. I will update the first chapter first, and the subsequent updates will be after 12 o’clock. The author continues to make up for it, but I don’t know how many chapters I can write by the morning. Well, I will guarantee a minimum of two chapters. Yes, please forgive me for being handicapped~~

In addition, the temporarily calculated debt repayment data is——

Monthly ticket +1.

The first order on the shelves is 3600, so +6.

One alliance leader +2.

Helm +1.

I owe a total of 10 chapters to be updated. From now on, I will repay my debt by updating the chapters at a minimum of 2 per day~

Thank you for your support!

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