Eternal food paradise

Chapter 141 The Realm of ‘Broken Painting’

The fourth house...


Xia Yan subconsciously touched the top of his head. Fortunately, the breath that filled his brain when he was chewing the steak seemed to be just an illusion. taste……

"Found it, here -"

The tongue couldn't help but sweep around the mouth, gums, and gums.


At this time, Nakiri Erina's murmur came from not far away, answering for Xia Yan the "characteristics" that appeared in everyone's mouth.

"It feels like there are mushrooms growing everywhere!"

Nakiri Erina suddenly understood why her grandfather mentioned her friend's remarks to her with deep meaning.

Not only from the first bite, I felt like I was surrounded by countless mushrooms.

At this time, her tongue, a soft tissue carrying the function of the 'God's Tongue', was carefully, like a traveler breaking into a wonderful secret vault, checking and searching for the remaining breath in area after area.

just like.

There really are mushrooms, an indescribable thing. From that magnificent fantasy emerald green woodland full of mushrooms, from a French oil painting, it comes alive and takes root in the mouths of diners!

Tiny bits, stationed in every corner of the teeth.

The tongue probed away.

Every time she collected a hint of the flavor of the 'steak + morel' combination, her taste buds suffered an aftershock, and Nakiri Erina opened her eyes wide in surprise:

"They're coming in!"

"It took root and sprouted in my mouth!"

Next to her, Si Yingshi, the chief student at the school, was still talking excitedly to himself, with epiphany written on his face: "I understand! Why did I always feel that my 'cooking world' was not real enough, like a colorful world?" The bubble bursts as soon as it is poked, and cannot withstand the repeated taste and scrutiny of the tongue..."

"It turns out that the problem lies in this. Fantasy is too illusory. It will eventually come to reality. And in Shinnomiya-senpai's cuisine, the 'morels' he used came out of the painting, and they appear on our tongues and mouths... …Thick as substance!”

Broken painting!

Xia Yan strongly agreed with Si Yingshi's words, and probably used the term "broken painting" to describe the characteristics displayed by Shinomiya Kojiro.

Simply put, what diners see and hear is no longer limited to imagination and fantasy.

In other words.

Where do these delicacies and culinary fantasies come from? That’s the “first bite”, when it enters your mouth and tastes on your tongue!

Therefore, what the Fourth House does is to make these drugging scenes that transcend the mouth and tongue return to the place of birth, the origin, and the beginning.

It’s not just as simple as presenting a complete world of gourmet cuisine on the plate.

"Huh." Xia Yan was thinking and suddenly thought of something.

Before, he tried to eat the 'treasure grade caviar' refined by Nakiri Senzaemon. What he saw was not only an iron palm and an iron fist, but it took him from being so ecstatic that he almost flew into outer space. In the torrent of drugging, I picked it out abruptly and pulled it back to the ground. I deeply felt Senzaemon's powerful and confident presence as a demon king.

This time, I had a similar experience with Sigong’s dishes.

Xia Yan wanted to slap his head.


His previous understanding was wrong!

That sudden gap between fantasy and reality is probably not Senzaemon's personal talent, exclusive to the Demon King.

Rather, it is an essential skill for all top chefs.

The area lies in what techniques and methods to use to express "artistic skills".

Nakiri Senzaemon is a powerful "Iron Fist".

As for the fourth house, starting from French cuisine, first let the morels disappear on the plate, forming a hidden 'meat dish', which merges with the steak, a double attack of meat dishes, and then, the flavor is as strong as the substance. Rooted in the lips and teeth, the aftertaste is endless, allowing tasters to gain unexpected rewards every time they stick out their tongues...


Xia Yan couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Si Gong, who was the chief ten years ago: "I have a clear understanding of the true level of famous French chefs today!"

After hearing this, Shinomiya Kojiro was expressionless when all the judges, including Si Eishi, Nakiri Erina and others, were full of praise, but a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

Obviously, hearing your "opponent" praise yourself is the most enjoyable part of the discussion and communication for the fourth house.

But Shinomiya didn't find the problem with his sudden improvement in mood.

If an ordinary student gave a thumbs up like this, he would leave after just one look, not to mention causing mood swings. The problem was that Shinigong himself didn't realize that in his heart, the little chef in front of him had moved to a new one. High position, so when the other party is in a "high position", praise from a person in a high position is obviously more valuable.


Dojima Gin clapped his hands and stopped everyone.

"It's time for us to taste the next contestant's dish."

Because he had cut too many fish, there was no shortage of fish roe ingredients, and there were many people in the house. Xia Yan did not follow the style of high-end restaurants that deliberately control portions, and used almost all the fish roe that could be used. After kneading, washing and marinating, there was now a large pot of caviar on the table, weighing at least several kilograms.

Seeing this weight, Shinomiya Kojiro's eyebrows twitched slightly.

When did fish roe become such a piece of cake?

Dojima Ginze acted like he was doing his part and filled a big bowl full of caviar first: "I'll go first. Sorry, I'll start now!"

Phew, there was no need for a spoon, the portion was sufficient, and there was no need to be cautious or afraid of eating it all in one bite. Dojima Gin just held up the porcelain bowl and poured it into his open mouth.

Their cheeks bulged as a result. Everyone saw Dojima Ginhao chewing the fish roe, and the sound of the fish roe exploding at that moment was heard.


I couldn't help but swallow my saliva, I just felt like there was a tide of delicious food surging in my mouth at this moment.

"Hey, Chief Dojima, please slow down, don't choke."

Xia Yan couldn't stop laughing, but as soon as he finished his words of admonishment, he saw other acquaintances and reviewers, not to be outdone, they surrounded the big pot of caviar and kept putting it into their own bowls.

Even Shiomi Jun, a female professor, filled her own small bowl with fish roe and piled it into a pointed hill.

She is also a graduate of Gokusei Ryo, a descendant of Gin Dojima and Ichiro Saiba. Although she was bullied by these two guys' dark cooking during her student days, she secretly respects and admires the "Legend of the Golden Age" in her heart.

Seeing Dojima Gin and Joichiro both throwing away their burdens and opening their minds to eat something rudely, Shiomi Jun paused for a moment, then took a sip at the pointed mountain of fish roe in the bowl and took it into his mouth. tip.

In an instant, Shinomiya's personal exclusive cooking room was transformed into a lively scene of evil tigers snatching food.

Shinomiya was stunned.

At this time, a bowl of crystal clear fish roe was delivered to him.

After sniffing his nose, Shinomiya suppressed his appetite to knock on the door, only to hear the chef who handed him the bowl said leisurely to him:

"Senomiya-senpai, I remember you said that if you put it on the same dining table as the special chef's "must-have" dish, it will make the judges put down their chopsticks and keep eating..."

Si Gong was speechless and speechless.

The judges, including Tsukasa Eishi and Nakiri Erina who joined later, were within his sight, chewing fish roe with their faces full of happiness, which naturally made Shinomiya feel very uneasy. He was undoubtedly The "must-have" dish was served first, and the defense had been built in advance. But even so, the defense and the advantage of being served first had never been the same.

I don’t know who said something vaguely:

"The taste of this 'fish roe' is very wrong!"

"Because the cuisine of Shinomiya was picked up midway, there will inevitably be flaws to be found, but this is only from our perspective. Logically speaking, facing the impact of a student's dishes, the breakwater should be as stable as a mountain..."

"It's so strange...there are shadows of the commander-in-chief, but not the smell of the commander-in-chief!"

Shinomiya Kojiro picked up the spoon, put a small spoonful of caviar into his mouth, and was petrified while tasting it.

Today’s update is delivered. Happy New Year’s Eve and Spring Festival everyone~

In addition, please pay attention to epidemic prevention and stay at home this year~

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