Eternal food paradise

Chapter 144 Special ‘Eating Halberd’

"Finally we meet -"

Saiba Chaoyang, who changed his name to "Suzuki Soma" and became Totsuki's temporary teacher, watched the elevator floor numbers flashing without squinting, and suddenly said this with a smile.

Then, Caibo Chaoyang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, waiting for the reaction of the "monster" student next to him.

Under normal circumstances, if such a person appears out of nowhere and says to you that we finally meet after a long absence, that face must be full of surprise, right?

But the actual situation was beyond Caibo Chaoyang's control.

The "monster" student kept the same pace as him and was also looking at the numbers on the elevator floors. He seemed not to hear his low-smiling greeting, and there was no reaction on his side face.


The elevator quickly landed on the ground floor, and the door opened. A student wearing Totsuki student uniform took a step out of the door, stopped immediately, and suddenly turned back to 'Suzuki Soma' in the elevator and said:

"I know you."

After saying that, he walked away without giving 'Suzuki Soma' a chance to ask further questions.


Caibo Chaoyang stood stunned for a moment before taking in enough breath. In the quiet teaching building and the unmanned elevator, he no longer concealed anything. His face was filled with surprise and he murmured, "You know me?"

Look at your full body image on the reflective wall of the elevator.

It shouldn't be.

The way he looks now is in his everyday attire, and his temperament is completely different from when he appeared as a 'late night cooker'. Even if he compares his before and after images, it is impossible to conclude that these are the same person.

"There should be no one in Totsuki who can be so sure of my identity, not even Dojima Gin and Nakiri Senzaemon." Saiba Zhaoyang thought about this, and his expression suddenly turned strange.

Perhaps it was the monster student who responded in his own way?

I said we finally met.

He also said that he knew you in a funny and naughty way?

In any case, Caiha Chaoyang would not be flustered and run away from Toyue in panic because of a unique greeting from a school student.

Just this greeting and meeting was impressive enough!

"Is his name Xia Yan?"

Caibo Chaoyang repeated this name repeatedly.

After walking out of the teaching building, Xia Yan was a little speechless.

Damn it, why is it that the plot and drama of the ‘King of Medicine’ Yukihira Souma is entangled in the original work, but now it happens to him, an outsider in time and space?

If his memory was correct, he remembered that 'Yako Brother' Saiba Chaoyang infiltrated Totsuki as a temporary teacher, which was also a bloody drama later. Saiba Chaoyang's doing this was nothing more than taking the initiative to find Yukihei Sozhenshoku. Ji, he wants to kick Souma Yukihira out from the first position where he has not yet been seated, thus proving that he is the strongest.

Regarding the matter of "being the strongest", Caibo Chaoyang was very persistent.

After thinking carefully about his bloody life experience, Xia Yan can understand.

The illegitimate son of Nakiri Thistle.

Adopted by Saiba Joichiro.

His adoptive father and master also had a real son, so Caibo Chaoyang was obsessed with proving his excellence.

The question is, how did I get "targeted" by him?

Xia Yan thought to himself.

Could it be that he was ruined by the huge 'Alienated Lobster Cooking Festival' not long ago, which made this guy disgraced and ended hastily...

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. Damn it, the hatred value was already maxed out.

It's no wonder that the drama in the original work was staged a whole school year in advance, and then Bo Chaoyang's direct target was replaced from the original pig's feet to him!


At this time, the ringtone of an incoming call rang in my pocket.


"Ah, Xia Yanjun, the commander-in-chief's office has come to inform you that there is a guided education class on alienated ingredients in the afternoon. It is a public class. Except for this year's first-year students, all second-year and third-year students must be present, including our top ten. I am informing you that this is I'm afraid you'll hide in the research institute's villa again and only see people at night..." Yi Sehui said with a wry smile.

Xia Yan was keenly aware of something: "Who is the lecturer?"

"The commander-in-chief is a professor in name only, but the few from the research institute will also come forward. Oh, by the way, the few powerful teachers temporarily hired by Yuanyue will definitely participate in the actual cooking instruction..."

"Because this is the first time to teach an open class, people from outside the school will definitely crowd the auditorium. Just pay attention to your words and deeds as the ninth seat, and don't lose your moral integrity on camera..."

It's around 2 p.m.

Totsuki's auditorium.

Because there are so many people inside and outside the school, the general large classrooms are not enough, so the school has to use the auditorium. There are a large number of auditorium seats outside the seating area where the second-year and third-year students are seated.

Ten chairs belonging to the top ten are placed in front of all student seats, adjacent to the guest seats where professors sit.

Xia Yan found his "ninth seat" chair and sat down. Among the many scrutinizing and curious eyes, he noticed a pair of eyes full of meaning. He looked over and saw a very young man sitting on the professor's seat. face.

Nakiri Erina, who was sitting at the tenth seat, had just sat down and frowned: "Is it Lecturer Suzuki? Xia Yanjun, there is a sense of danger in the way he looks at you."

Xia Yan was amused: "What about the way I look at him? Does it look like a hunter looking at his prey?"

Nakiri Erina glared over: "What a hunter and prey? Grandpa personally decided to apply for this Suzuki lecturer. The salary and benefits are very exaggerated, and his status is on par with those of specially appointed professors."

After a pause, Nakiri Erina lowered her voice:

"I also watched his cooking interview video."

"Grandpa also said that this is a real top chef who is less than 20 years old. Although it is not known who he studied under or where he honed his skills abroad, this strength is enough for Yuanyue to improve his resume and identity. Before the data collection is completed, break the rules and recruit him!

Xia Yan had something to complain about.

He wanted to say that this was the proud disciple of 'Shura' Saiba Joichiro, the great disciple of the school.

The class was on time. These days, Yuanyue's Special Research Institute had also compiled several small chapters of the cooking manual, so Roland Chapel was appointed as the lecturer for the theoretical part.

An hour passed quickly, and the remaining hour was a practical class.

"Now, welcome to the stage, instructor Suzuki Soma—"

Nakiri Senzaemon introduced the young teacher in a calm tone: "This is our newly hired powerful teacher Totsuki. He has rich experience in cooking with exotic ingredients, which is enough to support the second half of this class." part."

The auditorium was filled with whispers.

In the midst of many strange eyes, the young 'Suzuki Soma' appeared on the stage, standing at a kitchen table and smiling at the audience:

"I need two assistants, teaching assistants."

"Excuse me, Xia Yan and Si Yingshi."

The two people named by the practical class instructor stood up at the same time and walked to the kitchen counter.

Zaiha Chaoyang, whose pseudonym is Suzuki Soma, looked at the audience:

"The two people standing next to me should be the two strongest people in this academy. Do you have any objection to what I say?"

Suddenly, there was silence in the audience.

Not to mention the second-year students, those third-year students who were qualified to improve their graduation results or were quietly building up their strength couldn't help but nod secretly.

In any case, the two students on the stage are recognized as not to be messed with.

"My teaching is quite special."

Just listen to the specially appointed lecturer continue: "I guide the two students in handling the ingredients, and then leave the cooking process to them, allowing them to perform freely. Finally, I follow their dishes and recipes to make and present the same dish. Let them compare the dishes before and after and tell the difference themselves.”


"The same dish, made by different chefs, will definitely have different quality!"

As soon as these words were said, Yuanyue Auditorium fell silent for an instant.

Top ten seats.

Isshiki Kei opened her mouth, and when she was about to say something, Teruki Kuga was already confused and asked: "Why do I think this Suzuki lecturer is going to cause trouble?"

Kobayashi Rgentan nodded in agreement: "I called the two people who can best represent our Totsuki students, and they kept saying that their special teaching was to follow them, make exactly the same dishes, and call Si and Xia Yanjun themselves Eat the difference and taste the good and the bad..."

"Kill and kill the heart!" Yisekhui uttered a word inexplicably.

"What's the meaning?"

"That's it. Xia Yanjun once wrote it out in handwriting and explained it to me solemnly..."

The area where everyone in the research institute and Nakiri Senzaemon were seated.

Dojima Gin and Shinomiya Kojiro looked at each other in astonishment, and then looked at Nakiri Senzaemon with a deep expression. Unexpectedly, Commander Totsuki didn't explain anything at all. He only said: "Let's take a look."

In the corner of the auditorium, Ichiro Saiba crossed his arms and acted very quiet.

Go back to about two days ago.

Saiba Chaoyang and Saiba Joichiro, the adoptive father and son, met quietly in the wilderness behind the research institute's villa.

"Leave, Totsuki is not a place where you can make trouble." Saiba Joichiro said.

"I'm just looking for someone."

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Caibo Chaoyang faced his former adoptive father and master.

"You can tolerate this little willfulness, right? I actually attach great importance to the title of 'The No. 1 Cooker of Treasure Ingredients'. If it hadn't been for that person, perhaps this title would have been assigned to me by the public. But just one hour's gap caused me to lose such an honor forever..."

Face to face, at close range, seeing the sharp eyes of the adopted son without any concealment, there was a coldness written in them.

Saiba Joichiro sighed: "Prey, hunter, there is a possibility of identity reversal!"

"I can't even understand that student, I can't see clearly."

"If you still want to use your unique 'copying' talent to kill people and punish people, I advise you..."


Caibo turned his back to Chaoyang: "This is my strongest 'weapon'!"

"Isn't it right to use this to achieve a beautiful victory?"

Saiba Joichiro opened his mouth at the shadow of his adopted son walking away. He wanted to say that the target you are aiming at probably also has the ability to 'copy' and even steal the craftsmanship of the demon king Nakiri Senzaemon. Go and transform into something of your own.

The perspective shifts back to the auditorium.

‘Suzuki Soma’ pointed to the classroom instruction ingredients brought to the stage by the staff:

"let's start!"

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