Eternal food paradise

Chapter 147 Brutal Burning (Part 2)

Cruel burning.

In layman's terms, it's nothing more than roasting live animals over a fire. In fact, it's not uncommon to see raw grilled lobsters at fish market docks or restaurants that specialize in seafood.

The key point is still the word "cruel"!

Roasted alive!

"In the tempering of flames, can delicious food be created?" Si Yingshi actually came out from the defeat. It's not surprising when you think about it. He doesn't have as many complicated thoughts as Xia Yan, but he just performed like a representative in the classroom. He was Teacher education also means education.

Zaiha Chaoyang, whose alias was Suzuki Soma, stared closely at the blade in Xia Yan's hand.

This knife will kill the live shrimp on the red grilled net.

Even if the limb clamps struggled, the living alienated 'Ise Ebi' was still fixed there, motionless.

Not a few minutes.

The dark red carapace with a strong metallic feel on the surface of the large lobster changes to the familiar cooked color, which is red, bright and really beautiful.

"Such a live grilled lobster..."

Caibo Chaoyang's eyes flickered.

"Whether you split the lobster beforehand, grill the lobster in half over the charcoal fire, or split it after it's cooked, you will eventually have to wield the kitchen knife to show off your core craftsmanship——"

There was a sense of astonishment in his heart, as he didn't expect that his plan would be realized so quickly.

Come to Yuanyue.

Isn't the purpose of finding the guy who was suspected of completing the pre-processing of the 'Alienated White Sturgeon' just to get a glimpse of that kind of sword skill?

Caibo Chaoyang watched the short video officially released by Yuanyue more than once. He watched and pondered some key points over and over again.

For example, when Nakiri Senzaemon walked up to the water table for egg retrieval, no one was sweeping or cleaning it, but there was not a drop of blood or any dirt.

For example, the large pool next to the stage has dazzling lights.

The '100-year-old white sturgeon' kept inside, at the bottom of the pond where the light shines, is a large alienated fish with a strong figure, and it doesn't look like it has just undergone a spawning operation.

A little stunned, then a touch of enthusiasm and ecstasy.

"That knife!"

Caibo Chaoyang's eyes were full of collectors, eager to see the rare and rare things.

But he said this to Xia Yan.

He knew in his heart that his performance as a "class representative" was actually waging a smokeless war with Caibo Chaoyang.

"Does the system now meet the prerequisites for the mission 'The horn of the hunt is sounding'?"

Letting the lobster burn on the charcoal fire, Xia Yan cautiously communicated with the things deep in his head.

"The rules of Shokugeki: First, both players are in place, second, there is an odd number of judges, and third, there are equal stakes (conditions) for Shokugeki. There are no specific requirements for the audience, venue, or format of Shokugeki."

The players are already in place.

As for the judging lineup.

Xia Yan looked at himself, then at Si Yingshi and Caibo Chaoyang who were also on the auditorium stage, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Exactly 3 people, an odd number.

It is not illegal for "players" to serve as judges. On the contrary, it is more cruel and heart-wrenching for the loser to say something like "I lost" when they taste and comment on each other.

Finally, there is the equal Shoji bet.

"Lecturer Suzuki, how about we play a little game?" Xia Yan said directly as soon as he coughed.


"We presented the dishes one after another, and you, the lecturer, have to follow me to make the exact same dishes. With these basic rules, doesn't it seem like the arena has been set up at this moment? The winner, there must be some luck, this class It’s more interesting and impressive..."

However, Caibo Chaoyang could hear the subtle articulation of the words "rules" and "challenge" from his calm and unhurried words.

Meet those eyes again.

The two eyes met each other in mid-air.

There is a feeling of being silent.


Caibo Chaoyang's eyes were full of smiles, a kind of cunning that succeeded: "Then, if I win, you will give me your favorite kitchen knife as a gift."

The other side nodded:

"If I win, give me a pair of the most precious ingredients you hold most dear."

Caibo Chaoyang narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard these words.

In the morning, in the elevator, the words "I know you" from the first meeting suddenly echoed in my mind again.

Now listen to this meaningful sentence again.

Does he really know me...

Know that I have a treasure-level alienated lobster in my hand...

For no reason, Caibo Chaoyang's heart twitched violently, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong with the "hunter" clothes he was wearing.

The conversation between the two people was broadcast through the auditorium broadcast, and even some students who were slow to react could smell the sudden increase in the smell of gunpowder and gunpowder.

"These two people..."

"Hey, Monster Student and Instructor Suzuki, did you know each other before?"

"Not only do we know each other, I think we are enemies! Dead enemies!"

There were murmurs in the audience.

The area where the top ten are located.

Isshiki Kei, Kuga Teruki, and Nakiri Erina looked at each other in confusion.

"Isshiki, you and Xia Yanjun live under the same roof. You should know best what friends and enemies he has, right?" Erina asked slowly.


Isekhui scratched his head: "What goals he has, he can never tell them. Just like the battle with Ruishan, it was decided suddenly. I was worried before that he would choose me, hahahaha! "

And in the guest seat led by Commander Yuanyue.

"Commander!" Dojima Gin cast a stern look at Nakiri Senzaemon.


Nakiri Senzaemon nodded heavily, "After this class is over, find out the background and true identity of this Suzuki instructor as soon as possible."

Shadowed corner of the auditorium venue.

Yukihira Joichiro stood quietly, and when he heard his adopted son Saiba Chaoyang exchanging bets and conditions with his "prey" on the stage, he laughed and shook his head.

"Chaoyang, even if you win and get the kitchen knife he often uses, you won't get anything -"

In the field of vision, there seemed to be another sword light, splitting the chaos and slashing it down.

The back figure stood in the light of the sword.

Nothing else.

While the legendary chef with the name "Shura" couldn't help but reminisce about the incomprehensible sword skills, the auditorium, which had been quiet for a few minutes, heard Xia Yan's voice from the radio:



Caibo Chaoyang immediately looked at the grilling net and saw the colorful lobsters being grilled.

However, when he saw Xia Yan put the lobster clip on the tray, slashed it with a knife, and neatly cut off the shrimp head, without touching the fleshy shrimp body, he took the shrimp head and put it into another pot.

Red miso, bonito flower.

Yundan (sea urchin), mirin.

Caiha Chaoyang read out the materials used, and at the same time, they were played in real time on the screen in the auditorium.

When I saw the shrimp head, I finally boiled it with these ingredients in the same pot.

"Soybean noodle soup?"

“To be precise, it’s lobster noodle soup made with shrimp heads as the main ingredient!”

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