Eternal food paradise

Chapter 152 New Organization

The conversation between Nakiri Erina and the 'secretary' Nito Hisako was just an ordinary episode in the Nakiri family kitchen.


On this day, something seemed unusual because an express package was delivered to my house and Nakiri Erina was asked to sign for it.

Nito Feisako didn't leave for a few minutes before he returned to the cooking room with the package in his arms.

"What's this?"

Nakiri Erina glanced at her.

"Your delivery."

"Can you help me open it?" Erina waved her hand, thinking it was a small greeting gift from some restaurant or person.

"It's been opened. There's only one letter inside."

Nakiri Erina frowned, opened the envelope handed over by the 'secretary', and flattened a piece of letter paper.

Above is a list of URLs.

Add a strange multiple choice question:

"What do you think is 'glowing cuisine'?"

"A. Too much phosphor, bad review!"

"B. Impossible cuisine! False!"

"C. Flawless, sublime cuisine."

"D. Food that brings happiness to people."

When she saw the multiple-choice question, Nakiri Erina was suddenly startled.

‘Glowing cuisine’?

In fact, she has seen it more than once.

From the dark version of "Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Peppers", to the shakiji that made a lot of noise a while ago, the "Ninth Level Sashimi", the last bowl of rice + the ultimate dish of squid offal.

Nito Feishako saw the eldest lady lost in thought and left quietly.

Not long after she left, Erina Nakiri closed the door of the cooking room with her backhand. Without changing into kitchen clothes, she went straight back to her courtyard and boudoir, and sat down in front of her laptop.


Enter the URL.

A webpage with a pure black background popped up, and the same multiple-choice question appeared. Without any hesitation, Nakiri Erina clicked the mouse twice.

Her answer is C+D!

[Welcome to the "Eternal Food Paradise". 】

The man behind the express delivery to Erina Nakiri was of course Xia Yan.

There was no other way. This girl was so obsessed with cooking that she hadn't even touched her computer in the past two days, and her phone was also in a state of disconnected shutdown. In order to try out new functions as soon as possible, Xia Yan had no choice but to take the next step and deliver it directly to Nakiri. The home attracts young girls to take the initiative to turn on the computer and enter the website address.

"I'm coming!"

Manager Xia, who was in the main store of Shu, seemed to have his eyes across a large map, directly projecting on a certain street in Guangdong, Guangzhou, and the female player who had just appeared.

Such an experience made Xia Yan secretly say that the 2% deviation value was not in vain. The special 'pass' simply came with its own backdoor applet. It actually installed surveillance eyes on these aboriginal players. If the aboriginal players find themselves in the future Having been bugged, will the incident be named 'Prism Gate'?



Nakiri Erina stayed where she was, petrified for at least ten minutes before she digested and accepted the fact that she was suddenly far away from modern Tokyo and appeared in this ancient alley.

Listening to passers-by wearing old-fashioned clothes, speaking Chinese that is often heard in Ikebukuro and Shinjuku areas of Tokyo.

Among the languages ​​that Nakiri Erina mastered and was proficient in, there was no Chinese. But somehow, these sentences fell into her ears at the moment and seemed to be automatically translated into a language she was familiar with:

"Go quickly——"

"That 13-year-old brat actually represented our leading Yangquan Restaurant in Guangzhou in a cooking competition with John Badgeroo!"

I saw passers-by on the street rushing towards one place.

Nakiri Erina couldn't help but be curious, but at the same time, another thought also flashed in her mind: "If it were in reality, I could understand it, and I can follow Xia Yanjun back next time..."

At this time, a voice interrupted the girl's reverie:

"Hey, new guy?"

A woman, about twenty years old, was walking in a hurry. She saw the novice uniform on the girl. She stopped and looked her up and down. She was not too surprised by Nakiri Erina's strange hair color. She just muttered to herself, "Look." When others look at their growth, they feel like they are hitting a wall and want to die.

"There is a cooking competition ahead. If you want to learn about the world as soon as possible, you might as well join in the fun."

After saying that, the woman waved her hand.

Cooking competition!

This was the second time Nakiri Erina heard it in just two or three minutes.

Go check it out!

She pursed her lips, followed the flow of people, and found the venue easily.

There were two groups of people in the open space surrounded by people.

A group of blond and blue-eyed people were wearing white kitchen attire that was very close to Shokugeki's urban modern style, and they were wearing tall, pointed white kitchen hats.

The other group of people seemed to be what passers-by called "13-year-old brats."

"The competition title is actually 'fried rice'?" Nakiri Erina was a little amused, but she was soon attracted by the middle-aged chef named John Badgeru.

The other person is cutting some side dishes for fried rice.

The same ingredients are handled with great care under his hands.

Although the era is very different from the world of Shokuki, but seeing it with one's own eyes, from the perspective of Erina Nakiri, this famous French chef Bajru is by no means a wasted reputation. That kind of refined and rigorous aura is the same as hers in Shinomiya-senpai and Roland. ·What I saw on Chapelle was the same!

"That 13-year-old kid..."

Nakiri Erina cast her gaze towards another kitchen table, and then she was slightly stunned.

If we say, Badgeru has the shadow of Shinomong and Chapelle.


In this little boy, Nakiri Erina saw the shadow of another person.

Especially when it came to the review and evaluation process, the foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes unanimously gave the boy's dishes strong praise, and their faces were filled with happiness.

Witness this scene.

Nakiri Erina suddenly remembered the multiple-choice question, one of the options:

"Cooking that brings happiness to people."

In fact, Xia Yan can also follow the cooking competition in real time from the embedded forum without going through the "backdoor" perspective installed on special players.

That 13-year-old kid is, of course, Liu Pleiades.

He has been in Guangzhou for a while, and he is no longer a child in the Shu region who is ignorant about cooking.


Soon, Liu Miaoxing will take part in the ‘Special Chef Examination’ held every four years in Guangzhou!

Xia Yan's eyes moved from Guangzhou back to Shu, to himself.

Open the task panel.

The panel, which had been quiet for a few days, was finally refreshed.

The 1st and 2nd tasks have not been erased and are the same as last time, while the third task, which has been taken over and completed by Xia Yan, has been replaced by brand new information:

[Task-‘New organization, new atmosphere’. 】

[Explanation: Find a way to participate in the "Dumpling Conference" held in Guangzhou in the "Zhonghua Ichiban" world with the aboriginal characters you summoned, and received praise from Master Longman. 】

[Reward: 10 skill points. 】

so close!

Xia Yanxu broke into a cold sweat. He really thought he was going to take the special examination and pass it. Even though he knew all the questions of this 'special chef examination' in advance, if he went, he would be in the same place as Liu Pleiaxing. At the venue, it seems weird no matter how you think about it.


Here comes the problem!

He was not in Guangzhou, so how could he be with Nakiri Erina? And even here, Xia Yan felt that it was not suitable for him to show up, otherwise the girl would definitely suspect that her situation had something to do with him! He even suspected that the black hand was him!

Here’s an update. There is an important setting in these two chapters, so I’ve been stuck for a long time. But now that I’ve written it, there’s no question of whether it’s stuck or not. I’ll stay up late and continue writing two chapters. Tomorrow’s update will be another one~~

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