Eternal food paradise

Chapter 156 True ‘Glowing’ (Part 2)

The stall of ‘Dumpling Brothers’ is crowded and airtight.

But when it comes to the 'Yangquan Restaurant', everyone can't help but feel anxious as they watch the guests being attracted by the gimmicky interpretation of flame dumplings.

In the original plot, Yangquan Restaurant encountered a fire and the main building was completely destroyed. Therefore, it was urgent to win the dumpling competition and get a championship bonus to rebuild the restaurant.

But the original head cook and chief chef, the famous Ding You, Liu Pleiades' master, broke his hand on the eve of the dumpling competition, and it was impossible to cook normally.

Therefore, Yangquan Restaurant's hope in this dumpling competition can only be pinned on Ding You's disciple, the talented young chef Liu Pleiades.

The servants and apprentices talked about flame dumplings while looking at Liu Pleiaxing worriedly.

"A Subaru..."

Liu Pleiades, on the other hand, was deep in thought, marveling at the skills of the dumpling brothers.

"Have you breathed a burst of fire to drain all the last moisture out of the dumplings? So the dumplings are extra crispy. Not only that, the skin and fillings must also be very special. From the inside to the outside, they can be said to be very good. !”

“No wonder I heard the name ‘Dumpling Brothers’ before the conference!”

Although he kept praising his words, Liu Pleiaxing showed no fear in his actions.

Different from the ignorance he had when he was in Shu, when he came to Guangzhou and practiced cooking under the Dingyou Seat of Yangquan Restaurant for such a period of time, it can be said that Liu Pleiades developed a sense of confidence, or in other words, his innocent heart for cooking. , I have never flinched or been timid.

A cute and cute girl walked up. She was Ding You's daughter, Ding Meili.

"A Subaru, the customers are all gathered at Brother Dumpling's stall."

Ding Meili said worriedly.

"It won't work if we continue like this. The number of meals they pick up will accumulate more and more, leaving us far behind."

Liu Pleiades listened and said:

"As long as we make delicious enough dumplings, I believe the situation will be turned around!"

He turned around and planned to go to the open-air kitchen set up next to the shed to study more powerful dumpling recipes, but before he took a step, his nose smelled a strange umami smell.


He couldn't help but stop.

Sniff your nose.

Following the smell, Liu Pleiades glanced at a stall diagonally opposite, about ten meters away.

That stall had a cloth banner with the name "Tao Guan" hanging on it.

The smell also attracted passers-by to stop, and Liu Pleiades suddenly heard a scream of surprise.

"What kind of dumpling is this..."

"So dark!"

Liu Pleiax sniffed fiercely. Ding Meili saw him stunned for a while and stepped forward to tug his sleeve. She heard the little boy say something like "It smells so strange that I have never smelled it before", so she started researching about her stall and dumplings. Put it down, turn around and stride towards the pottery stall.

At the stall of the 'Pottery House'.

Nakiri Erina simply folded her arms and looked on coldly at the pedestrians gathered around the stall, as if she were an outsider.

She is no stranger to similar activities where open-air stalls are set up to sell food.

In the middle of the month, there is a school festival and a food festival modeled after the high school. What a coincidence, after the autumn selection, the finale event at the end of the autumn season is the 'Moon Festival', a huge food carnival on campus.

The guests pointed and pointed, but no one paid to buy a plate to try.

At this time, a kid who was about the age of a junior high school student squeezed into the crowd, eyes shining, looking at the freshly baked ‘black dumplings’:


“What unique dumplings!”

This little devil is talking about chicness, not other bad or dark comments.

This made Nakiri Erina couldn't help but take another look at it: "This is 'squid dumplings'. It's not a strange thing. Do you want to buy a plate and try it?"

"Squid dumplings?"

The little ghost head was naturally Liu Pleiades. He shook his head and just rested his chin on the steamer and stared at it.

"Is that so..."

"The ink is put in when kneading the noodles. Once it is steamed through, it will give you this black and shiny effect."

"It's impossible to create such a delicious flavor simply by using ink! There must be something hidden in the filling!"

I saw the little ghost muttering there, but refused to pay for a plate, and no one in the crowd came forward to eat crabs.

Nakiri Erina was also a little anxious. Having said that, this was not her recipe, but that stinky guy's recipe. It felt like a confusing encounter by fate. When she encountered such a 'dumpling competition', she took it and used it. , but who knew that as soon as the stall opened, it would encounter a difficult situation.

The customers were frightened by the ‘dark’ appearance and refused to taste it!

If it were her own recipes and her own style, at least in terms of "appearance", it would be exquisite and attractive enough, and it would be impossible to scare away customers.

And with her reputation, no matter how bad the appearance is, customers will definitely pinch their noses and taste it before talking.

Nakiri Erina emphasized her tone slightly:

“Anyone can comment while standing.”

"Only by eating it can you know the real 'deliciousness'!"

Liu Pleiax shook his head firmly.

"No, no."

He said, "I'm going to study a great dumpling recipe. If I try to eat it at this time, my tongue will remember the taste of your cooking, and then when I study it, I will involuntarily move closer to your style."

After saying that, the little devil patted his butt and left.

Nakiri Erina stared at his back in shock, "This brat..."

She immediately frowned slightly.

Hey, could it be that he is the talented little chef of Yangquan Restaurant?

There are a lot of posts and discussions about this kid on the forum, and I don’t know who started it. I am absolutely certain that this kid is the “protagonist” of this world.

Before she had time to recall and think about the content of some forum posts, Nakiri Erina heard a sudden voice among the whispers of the guests:

"Are these the dumplings from your 'Tao Guan'?"

Hearing the playfulness in the tone, Nakiri Erina looked up, thinking it was a customer looking for trouble, but when she saw it was Takeo, the older brother in "Dumpling Brothers", her heart sank.

However, ‘God’s Tongue’ has always been a strong lady, so she immediately pushed back hard:

"Do you have any 'advice'?"

She deliberately emphasizes the pronunciation of "instruction" and puts some skill points into language proficiency. There is no communication barrier for a long time.

Takeo chuckled and said, "It's not about giving advice. It's just that some of the customers in front of our stall were diverted, so I came here specifically to see what kind of dumplings they were, which aroused the customers' interest."

"Then I saw it."

Looking at the nearby guests who were afraid of the 'black dumplings', Takeo suddenly felt that it was unnecessary for him to take more than ten steps to check out the situation.

He waved his hand behind his back and was about to greet nearby customers and pull them back to his booth, but unexpectedly a little old man squeezed in from Takeo's side:

"It's quite lively here."

"Hey, black dumplings? Does this taste like seafood-flavored dumplings? It's quite rare..."

The little old man with an unattractive appearance picked up a plate of dumplings from the stall. He seemed to have forgotten to pay the bill first, and looked at the girl behind the stall with a smile:

"No dipping sauce?"

Nakiri Erina shook her head neatly.

“No dipping required.”

oh? The little old man took the chopsticks and took a bite of the dumpling. His originally smiling expression froze, and he stared at the half dumpling on the chopsticks with surprise:

"There is a 'taste' that I have never tasted before..."

A healthy blush was evident on the old man's face and between his cheeks.


The buttons of the clothes on his body suddenly became loose.

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