Eternal food paradise

Chapter 158 Harvest from space

Ding Meili watched almost the whole process of Liu Pleiades' cooking, and of course she knew the specific procedures and materials. But when she heard the old man tell Liu Pleiaxing's recipes word for word, Ding Meili immediately felt in admiration.

This must be a great cook, perhaps even better than her father Ding You!


Master Longwen suddenly gave Liu Pleiax a thumbs up:

"You are stimulating the sense of taste and stimulating the tongue. You have spent all your energy to turn ordinary pot stickers into exotic delicacies. What if..."

The old guy shook his head and sighed with regret.


Liu Pleiades did not expect such a twist in the plot.

"It's a pity that I just ate a very delicious dumpling. Well, if you compare it specifically, your craftsmanship is more exquisite and your cooking skills are stronger. And the 'black dumpling' steamed by that little girl, how should I say, seems to be in control It’s a pity that I don’t have enough power to fully show the complete style of the recipe..."

Hearing this, Liu Pleiades clenched his fists slightly.

"Grandpa, who is better, my 'special pot stickers' or the 'squid black dumplings'?"

His face became serious.

Because this is not only a competition of cooking skills, but also involves the ownership of the dumpling competition champion.

There is no doubt that only the most delicious and delicious food, or in other words, the best cook, is worthy of taking the crown of this competition and winning a large bonus.

Master Longman did not hesitate or think too much, but said with a smile:

"So this is my regret. That little girl is not the original author of the recipe. Although she successfully gave the dumplings her own 'trait', a very special taste, but if the original author is here, I will Only when the dishes are actually realized can we say they have a soul.”

He patted Liu Pleiades on the shoulder.

"Now, it's your 'special pot stickers' that are even better."

"I think the championship this year will belong to you."

As soon as the old man's words of encouragement were finished, a large group of people hurriedly rushed into the venue. The military attache leading the group looked around for someone. When he found the old man at the 'Yangquan Restaurant' stall, he strode over, clasped his fists and said helplessly:

"Master Longman, we are ordered to protect your safety. If you really want to visit this dumpling convention, you must inform us in advance, otherwise it will cause trouble and embarrassment to us!"

Liu Pleiades and Ding Meili were shocked to see the old man being protected by a group of men and horses and leaving.

"Master Longman..."

Their master and father, the head chef of Yangquan Restaurant, Ding You, stood behind the two of them at some point: "This is an authority in the food industry who used to be in charge of the imperial kitchen department of the palace."

at the same time.

At the 'Pottery Hall' stall, Nakiri Erina was also surprised to see the old man who had secretly helped her break the deadlock before leaving under such a battle.

Next to him, the restaurant's real chef, the fat chef, shouted in shock without concealing his surprise:

"I didn't expect Master Longman to appear here."

Listening to the whispers around her, Nakiri Erina was surprised and curious.


Her grandfather, Nakiri Senzaemon, has also come to this world. Is he qualified to be on the same level as these masters and masters who have never seen the dragon before it is seen?

"Ding dong".

What the girl never expected was that Xia Yan, who had logged out of the Chinese world and returned to Shoji Paradise, was half-lying in the office chair of the 'Dark Cuisine Club' club, very comfortable and comfortable, checking the results of the mission.

It seems that there is no difficulty?

Seeing that 10 skill points had arrived, Xia Yan sighed.

Asking him to start a movie with the special chef and causing bloodshed, one of the reward options was only 15 skill points.

It was good now, it was a task where he seemed to have no contribution. He could only provide recipes and cheer from behind, and did not need to show up or work hard. The rewards were so generous that Xia Yan had a temporary feeling of unreal emptiness.


These are all tasks...

Didn't he rise like a comet? Even Liu Pleiades, who became a special chef at the age of 13, would be reduced to rubbish.

But after thinking about it carefully, Xia Yan felt that if he hadn't been able to remotely control Erina Nakiri, the girl with the 'God's Tongue', this mission would not have been so easy to complete. The original characters and other players are unreliable for the time being, so don’t count on them at all.

"Forget it, it's a good start for the first 'team' mission. It's understandable that the maiden reward is generous!"

Putting aside the skill points first, Xia Yan was thinking about other things.

this incident.

His recipe for "Squid Dumplings".

It's a head-on collision with Liu Pleiaxing's original recipe.

"Red Oil Dumplings", "Special Pot Stickers"...

Tsk, if it weren't for the miserable defeat, Xia Yan felt that he could boast a lot. After all, he was the only true god of cooking in his mind. He was covered in heaven-defying clothes and glittered with krypton gold. Just thinking about it made him blind. Forget about fighting.

Of course, Xia Yan's true state of mind at this moment is not to belittle himself.

He opened his personal panel.

Looking at his latest masterpiece, "Cuttlefish Dumpling" recipe, the information displayed by the system:

Level - Eight Stars [Must Kill].


‘drugged’ (powerful).

‘Darkness’ (Higher).

"Is it the trait index of 'powerful' above the higher level?" Xia Yan was speechless.

The reason why we insist on adding fish roe to make fish roe filling is actually to try the new advanced fusion of "variety of fish roe". What's unique about it? As a result, the 'drug' index has directly exploded to a new level. .


Xia Yan still believes that this is not the end of the advancement of "Variety Caviar". You must know that this is born out of the Demon King's Craft, integrating the "Escape Wind", a strange and difficult-to-control advanced creation, skill, talent……

“‘Variety Caviar’ – 5/50. "

The investment value bar can explain something.

This is the second deep pit in his body after the "Seven Star Breaking Army Quick Cut"! Sinkhole!

"It's special. The problem is that it's not very versatile. It requires 'fish roe' to complete a cooking process——"

Comparing the seven-star Pojun cooking skills, Xia Yan struggled for a long time, but still did not dare to throw the 10 skill points he had just received into the pit.

For now, just add some ‘quick incision’ without any thought!

""Seven Stars Breaking the Army Quickly Cuts"—20/50. "

Half-lying on the office chair, he comfortably received the information about cooking skills that came to his mind. Anyway, after counting 10 points, Xia Yan confirmed his previous guess. The progress bar indeed had a built-in "step".

At this moment, he took an extremely solid step toward the true Lord of the Seven-Star Sword, the Creator of all blue heavens and delicious foods, this nickname, this name, this sacred and majestic prayer and prayer!


Xia Yan wanted to continue refreshing the task list, and when he planned to take on the next task to earn more skill points to fill the pits, a warning popped up by the system.


I’ve dealt with some work related matters and will continue to update a little after I catch up on my sleep~

Please understand~ This wave of viruses is really destructive~ When will everyone be able to work and go to work normally? The author is not optimistic about the business in the new year. If he goes bankrupt, he will concentrate on writing books for everyone, haha~

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