Eternal food paradise

Chapter 164 What is this...


"As long as you satisfy me and please my tongue, isn't it right for me to bring you a bucket of gold coins to settle the bill?"

The words trailed off.

Just listen to a soft "dong" sound.

It was the sound of a clean white dinner plate falling on the bar.

Xia Yan pushed the plate and signaled: "Here, your custom 'beef stew' is ready."


The woman, who had just finished speaking a bunch of words and still couldn't catch her breath, was suddenly startled, then lowered her head to look at the "Cooking World" on the plate.

A piece of cross-cut beef serves as a light pink backdrop and is placed at the bottom.

On it, there are scattered golden fish roe.

Slightly crushed emerald green basil leaves are sprinkled on the fish roe.

Of course, other ingredients, including a seasoning sauce mixed with garlic, herbs, pepper, soy sauce, lemon juice, and olive oil, are evenly sprinkled on every corner of the plate.

Ms. Red Dragon took a light sniff. She didn't need the [God's Tongue] to identify these familiar materials one by one. After all, she was considered a loyal and old customer of the 'Cat House'. In a sense, she was a taster. A gourmet chef who has been cooking for several generations.

"Are you sure this is 'stewing'?" She said with some surprise, "Stewing shouldn't use stoves and flames."

Xia Yan replied:

"Madam, haven't you repeatedly emphasized the differences between me and previous cat house store managers?"

"My 'stew' naturally has my own understanding and approach."

"Well, strictly speaking, this is 'caviar beef stew'. You can also call it 'caviar beef capaccio'. Yes, that's the literal meaning. The taste of caviar will penetrate deep into the beef and penetrate into every place. "

Hearing this, the woman restrained her surprise slightly and squinted her eyes and said: "I don't really refuse to eat these cold cuts and bloody dishes, but the reason why I like to eat 'beef stew' is also very simple, it is a dish like 'stew' The deduction method allows the flavor of the pot to penetrate layer by layer from the meat texture of the beef, down to every fiber and even every cell tissue.”

She crossed her palms and put them on her chin, staring at the plate pushed in front of her with a careful look.

"I hope that eating it cold and raw is as you said, and the taste has penetrated into every place. Otherwise..." Ms. Red Dragon stuck out her tongue in front of Xia Yan, "The tip of my tongue, You may be seriously dissatisfied!"

"Although your approach and style make me feel fresh and interesting!"

Xia Yan noticed a hint of danger in her glance. This look and the lines were warning him that if she was not satisfied, the "covenant" would be broken.

You know, this red dragon lady is, in a sense, the patron saint of the 'Cat House'.

If the dragon guarding the door is not satisfied.

From now on, who will take care of this new ‘Cat House’ dimensional restaurant?

It's hard to find such a 'Pillar God' with real authority and such a big backer, but the clearer Xia Yan's thinking is, the less panic he feels. In other words, he has a lot of confidence in his craftsmanship. The double-layered double [characteristics] on the plate have strong self-confidence and not a dime of panic.

What are you panicking about?

Take a look at the cooking log that has not been turned off, and see the information.


"Various fish roe", GET!

"Seven Stars Breaking the Army Quickly Cuts", GET!

This way.

It’s the ‘drug’ and his cold characteristics, the dark type ‘Master of Ice Purgatory’…

A double [intense] paradise!

Therefore, Xia Yan was very confident, met Ms. Red Dragon's inquiring eyes, nodded and said: "Madam, you will be satisfied!"

In the word "satisfaction", he emphasized the pronunciation of the word with great emphasis.

The woman's gaze returned to the dinner plate, and she looked at it for a few seconds before suddenly asking: "How to eat it?"

"With your hands."

"This way, roll it up and eat it."

Xia Yan made a gesture.

The woman nodded in understanding, picked up a corner of the large piece of beef with both hands, then curled it toward the middle and folded it together.

When the beef is completely rolled into the shape of pancakes and fruit, the dazzling array of ingredients, especially the golden and crystal clear fish roe, poke out their sharp corners.

The red lips opened, and they bit down on the sharp corners made of fish roe.

It filled my mouth with almost no effort.

The first thing your teeth and tongue feel is the lubrication of the raw meat itself! Fresh and tender!

next moment.

The fish roe exploded one after another during chewing, and the more lubricating and thick liquid filled the mouth.


Ms. Red Dragon couldn't close her mouth. "This taste is so much higher than beef stew or red beef stew!"

When the sauce made of basil leaves, minced garlic, lemon juice and olive oil was in the middle between the beef and fish roe, exuding a more strange and complex flavor, she suddenly understood why the cat house just The new owner, said it was special "stewed" meat.

This is cold stewed raw beef with spices and fish roe!

Hey, hey, hey!

A cold flame!

The woman couldn't help but let out a low and beautiful sigh and moan.

His eyes were watery and his vision began to blur.

Where is this?

It seemed that she had returned to her own lair, but except for the eternal flames lingering on the outer layer of the dragon's nest, Ms. Red Dragon could no longer recognize the furnishings on the inner layer.

Those gold coins overflowing from the box, those emerald corals and strange pearls filling the nest.

Piece by piece, piece by piece...

Holy light is flowing!

Among them, a large golden gemstone with fish roe inside.

The alexandrite is the shadow of vanilla and basil leaves.


With a dragon roar, the huge red dragon appeared, and subconsciously stretched out its warm tongue to lick the jewelry, his own collection. This is the nature of the dragon clan. For countless years in the past, this lady often wiped her collection like this, spending her days in boredom.

But now the dragon's tongue swept over and touched the smooth surface of the gem.

Roar! Roar!

The red dragon's pair of stretched out, exquisite and perfect flesh wings, there is an obvious feeling of trembling. Such a trembling scene usually makes mortals frightened when facing the dragon's power, but now, this lady is excited and happy.

"My Dragon's Nest! It's different!"

"With treasures and delicacies, surrounded and surrounded by them, this is simply the most perfect nest in the world..."

Suddenly, the eternal flames on the periphery were extinguished.

A cold wind blew over, bringing with it a joking sentence:

"No, it's my lair now."

The red dragon was jumping and jumping in a state of high excitement. Its huge body suddenly froze, and an ice-blue shadow reflected in its eyes like huge rubies.

Then, she found a collar made of ice soul around her neck.

A chain of frost-condensed dog chains was caught by the ice-blue shadow.

"You were captured by me."

"No!" The shy and angry mature female voice shook the sky, "I am the supreme dragon, the master of the red dragon clan. They regard me as their god and praise my name..."

in reality.

The woman opened her eyes and looked at the delicious, lubricating juice remaining on her fingers after she had finished eating. The shame, anger and anger in her eyes were quickly replaced by a sense of surprise and freshness.

"What on earth is this..."

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