Eternal food paradise

Chapter 2 Darkness Index

The scar-faced uncle is a bit uneasy. Neon is a place that is recognized for its indifference and high social pressure. The situation in Tokyo is even more serious. But when it comes to the service industry, the attitude of practitioners towards customers is really like treating God. In terms of service quality Secondly, I’m afraid no other place dares to claim to be first.

To put it bluntly, he rarely encountered shopkeepers with such a bad attitude.

The pattern is too young.

Are you really not afraid of bad reviews from customers?

But he was too tired to move his butt and find another store. The uncle waved his hand and said, "Well, forget it, it doesn't matter if we have beer."

As he spoke, he raised his cup, raised his head, and drank more than half of the cup in one breath: "To be honest, I really can't believe what you Chinese call 'a little bit spicy'..."

The uncle's face had a story to tell, and I looked like I had been cheated.

"Just give me the lowest spicy 'twice-cooked pork'. If it's a little spicy, I'll be fine. Of course, it would be better if you are willing to use green peppers."

Xia Yan glanced at the panel in his field of vision, paying particular attention to [System Funds].

The "+" symbol is vaguely displayed.

It means that the meal the uncle ordered has officially entered the fund calculation process. If he fixes his eyes on the fund number for a few seconds, another light screen page will pop up, indicating the rules for adding and subtracting funds.

[Every time you successfully entertain a guest, your funds will increase according to the value of the dishes served. 】

[However, it should be noted that hospitality is divided into four levels: home-cooked, high-end, banquet and delicacies. The lowest level of home-cooked hospitality requires the chef to cook dishes with at least 60 points, and any 'characteristic index' reaches a slight standard. 】

What is the trait index? When he first woke up and realized that the world line was not the same, Xia Yan didn't figure it out and suffered a big loss.

Obviously the system score of the dishes is over 60, and the customers have given them good reviews after finishing the meal, but the funds have shrunk visibly during the settlement!

Good reviews from customers, but the business is losing money!

"So, the problem lies in this 'idiosyncratic index'." Xia Yan recalled that there was a time when his funds almost fell into negative numbers, the restaurant faced bankruptcy, and he was about to live on the streets.

Fortunately, one day, a sudden thought occurred, and I began to indulge in dark cooking.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan has a thousand complaints about the 'traits' that he has almost mastered. It doesn't matter if his cooking skills are a bit crooked and spicy, this trait index is running towards the unknown dark abyss...

Before turning around to prepare ingredients for the 'twice-cooked pork', Xia Yan cast an apologetic look at the uncle drinking beer.

Give up, green peppers cannot be green peppers.

There are only sharp peppers and Chaotian peppers in my store.

I can only maintain my business by relying on dark cuisine, so I don’t deserve the qualification of a famous restaurant, let alone the praise from my customers! Why!

Xia Yan sighed, chopped the ginger and green onion, and then took out a bottle of bean paste from the cupboard.

A portion of pork belly for one person and ginger slices to remove the fishy smell were cooked, drained, and cut into thin slices.

Soon, the sound of stir-frying could be heard in the store.


The uncle in work clothes realized something was wrong, and hurriedly sat upright and looked towards the stove.

Seeing the bright red pepper flakes stir-fried mixed with the meat slices, the corners of his eyes twitched, he couldn't calm down, and his calves were trembling.

The bright red skin may be a lie, the spiciness is actually not that high, it’s just a red-skinned bell pepper pretending to be...

But when he smelled the spicy smell that the exhaust fan at full power could not remove, the uncle's expression became distorted.

He choked and coughed violently, "Cough cough cough——"

"Hun Dan, stop, stop it——"

"Put down the spatula in your hand!"

In the midst of the stir-frying, the uncle screamed at the top of his lungs: "Don't lie to me, I'm not a child. This cliff is not slightly spicy, not 'a little bit spicy'!"

"Sorry, this is the spiciness of our restaurant. You can think of it as 'dark cuisine' and leave immediately." Xia Yan's right hand still kept shaking the pot, while his left hand held a spoon and scooped out a large spoonful of 'doubanjiang' from the seasoning bottle. , thrown into the wok.

It wasn't an illusion. Instantly, the spiciness became stronger and more pungent.

The uncle covered his mouth and nose, even choked with tears, shouting in his heart, what kind of magical doubanjiang is this, the effect is too fast!

The cap of Doubanjiang has not yet been closed, and there is no brand label on the glass bottle.

In fact, this is a bottle of local product, not a mass-produced product.

Doubanjiang is known as the soul of Sichuan cuisine. As a seasoning with pickled peppers accounting for more than 70%, it can be said that the pepper base during production directly determines the spiciness of the finished product.

Ordinary bean paste does not pursue spiciness, but "freshness".

But the bottle Xia Yan just used was made from sansho pepper, and it wanted an amazing spiciness.

[Basic skill—‘Seasoning-Spicy’ has reached full level (5000/5000) and has been converted into a specialized skill! 】

The cooking information popped up again. Xia Yan didn't look at it. He put the spatula in his hand on the edge of the wok and tapped it lightly. The valve of the gas stove was also closed in time, and the whirring fire immediately stopped.

As a result, dynamic dish information covers the field of vision:

[Dish Completion Level - Passed (60)]

[Darkness Index (Trait)-Slight]

"Another mediocre score, just a passing grade." Xia Yan turned his back to the bar and whispered to himself.

Quality must be taken into consideration, and the ‘darkness index’ and characteristics are also indispensable.

"Hey, uncle, you didn't leave?" Xia Yan was stunned.

"I went to the bathroom." The man in work clothes sniffed and said, his eyes a little red. When he returned and sat down, he found freshly baked 'twice-cooked pork' on the bar.

On the clean white ceramic plate, the meat slices were also dyed red by the sauce, not to mention the red chili flakes that were so red that it stung the eyes.

After stir-frying, the whole plate is covered with a layer of oil color. At first glance, it looks like the red oil is burning.

The man in overalls couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and regretted not sneaking away while the chef was focusing on cooking. Yes, why didn't I skip the meal? Going to the bathroom just now was obviously a good opportunity to pee.


The hot and spicy smell that kept coming out and spreading made tears well up again.

"This can't be slightly spicy!" The uncle's mouth trembled.

Xia Yan crossed his arms and nodded: "This is the spicy food of our restaurant. You can still leave now."

The uncle stared and suddenly remembered that he had just entered the store and didn't see the ordering machine or the ordering coupons. He just sat here, so the process of paying before ordering did not exist.

At this time, Xia Yan placed a bowl of hot soup and a bowl of rice on both sides of the main course: "You can add more rice as you like, it's free."

The smell of rice.

And the 'twice-cooked pork' that has just been stir-fried, with a pungent and spicy taste, and a very attractive aroma.

The uncle in overalls felt that his salivary glands were intensifying secretion, and there seemed to be whispers of the devil swirling in his mind - How about giving it a try? Just take a sip...

"Do you want to eat it? Let me tell you in advance, it's scary, dark food..."

"Damn it, don't underestimate people, no matter what, I can easily eat a big bowl of hell ramen——"

As he said that, he pinched it with his chopsticks. As soon as he swallowed it, he screamed, "Water, give me water!"

Xia Yan went to get the kettle, first put ice cubes on the bottom of the cup, and then handed out the full glass of ice water. As expected, there were second and third cups a few seconds later.

"I knew I would step on the wrong side of things. Chinese restaurants not run by Neon people are too terrible. I will never believe you again. Ahhhhhh, I am such an idiot~! Big idiot~!" a sharp voice complained.

As he said this, the amount of rice and vegetables decreased at the speed of light.

Xia Yan is waiting for a system message.

The uncle had eaten three full bowls of rice and was covered in hot sweat. He had unbuttoned all the buttons on his work uniform. He stared at Xia Yan for a long time before he said through his teeth: "Thank you for the treat."

Standing up unsteadily, the uncle looked at Xia Yan again and saw that his expression was as usual and he didn't care at all about whether the customer paid the bill or not.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a thousand-yuan note stained with sweat from his wallet.

"Very good, congratulations on completing a challenge in your life...the reward is that you don't have to pay the bill!" the young store manager and chef said.

Uncle: "???"

Damn it, what the hell is going on in this store.

"I'm... not satisfied. I'm very dissatisfied that you ignored the customer's request and used a spiciness level that didn't suit your taste!"

"But... I must close this order!"

He put the banknotes on the tray forcefully, and walked away with his back, but his pace was completely different from the embarrassment of sweating all over his body, and the appearance of being overwhelmed by life when he first arrived at the store and sat down, and his back was quite light. .

Standing in front of the store, enjoying the cool breeze outside, he took out the cigarette case from his overalls pocket, lit a cigarette for himself, and puffed away.

The uncle said in a faint tone:

"Actually, uh, it tastes good, but until there is an international standard for spiciness measurement, I won't come here again anyway."

“Serious bad review!!”

Bad review?

That’s right!

When Xia Yan saw the funding information and task completion prompts that appeared in front of him, he felt relieved and felt that his two months of hard work had not been in vain.

The series has started. Please help to collect, vote and invest.

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