Eternal food paradise

Chapter 205 River Eel in a Tube (Part 2)

During the official tasting session, due to Asia Magazine's concession to avoid suspicion, "Yizhangqing" Xiang En was able to step in. She cut off a piece of river eel meat with her chopsticks, put it on the dinner plate, and delivered it to her.

The eel meat is grilled to golden brown and dyed with soy sauce. It is brilliant, exquisite and flawless, like jewelry at dusk, and has its own temperament in the field of vision.

Xiang En took a small bite to taste.

“No fishy smell!”

"Pure! Pure!"

As she chewed, Li Ke, who listened to [Super Taste], uttered the exact same thoughts.

Yang Yi still had that ordinary, honest face, and explained: "Generally speaking, grilling eel requires two steps to remove the fishy smell, because different schools have different specific techniques."

"Some schools will choose charcoal grilling and use a fan to fan the air to control the heat, so that the eel meat is cooked 'from the inside out', and the fat in the interlayer between the skin and the meat is forced out and baked clean."

Xiang En and Li Ke looked at each other:

"So, the 'sandwich' between the skin and the meat, that part of fat, is the key to the first step of the fish removal process?"

Yang Yi nodded: "Yes! But compared to using a fan to fan the wind, I have more exquisite cooking skills and special skills. Relying on the centrifugal force of the "Tianxiong Flame Wheel", the grease will continue to overflow and fly when I swing the iron rope. When the inner wall of the bamboo tube is in a high temperature state, it is baked and evaporated! "

This time, even Yan Xian did not hesitate to applaud:

"Wonderful, you really have your own understanding of the "Tianxiong Flame Wheel" and know how to use it flexibly. "

He paused and asked curiously: "What about the second process of 'removing the smell'?"

Yang Yi immediately replied: "It's 'steamed'!"


Yan Xian, Xiang En and Li Ke all looked at the broken bamboo tube fragments and immediately understood: "So that's it, it's steamed and baked in one piece."

"Yes, because it is sealed with mud, isn't the bamboo tube equivalent to a sealed steamer? A whole river eel will continue to overflow with juice while being roasted."

"Then the question is, should I bake it first and then steam it, or steam it first and then bake it?"

Not only the several judges on the stage, but also almost all the spectators in the building also participated in the discussion of the ‘Grilled Eel in Bamboo Tube’ dish with great enthusiasm.

Second floor.

Leihua exhaled and commented slowly in his heart:

“It’s more than just ‘steaming and grilling in one’.”

“The steps of dipping and applying sauce are all condensed into a bamboo tube, and are simplified to the process of mechanically swinging a chain through dark stunts such as “Explosion Flame” and “Tianxiong Flame Wheel”. "

"To make a truly 'golden' grilled eel, I don't know how many times it needs to be flipped, how many times to add ingredients, and how many complicated processes are involved during grilling!"

And let these processes and details be simplified and concise, and they are by no means born with dark stunts!

Lei Hua said in her heart:


Unexpectedly, there was such a terrifying dark seedling outside the Seven-Star Sword Ren.

Lei Hua subconsciously looked at the third person who had not yet been tested and was waiting quietly, and her heartstrings trembled: "Oh my god, there is another 'Little Kaiyou'!"

She compared it secretly.

Compared with the gathering of elites in the light world, the "Douwei Field" duel, known as the imperial examination in the culinary world, is held every five years.

In the 'black arena' of the dark world, due to the existence of Yang Yi and Renn, the quality of qualified candidates is obviously not much inferior to that of Lan Feihong and Liu Pleiades.


There is also a "Shadow of the Devil" who is running around committing crimes!

The corner of Lei Hua's mouth twitched, "Although the qualified ones are ranked in no particular order, everyone can't help but have a ranking list in their mind. If he becomes the big winner with the evaluation of 'The Uncrowned King' in both duels... …”

This is simply to confirm the title of 'Little Kaiyou'.

"Yang Yi, qualified!"

Xiang En announced.

This result, when the bamboo tube burst and the grilled river eel fell on the dinner plate, the spectators seemed to intuitively approve it, so after seeing the judges' comments in a few words, the final announcement was made, and everyone was surprisingly silent. No one expressed any objection. .


Yang Yi is the second new dark special chef today after the ‘Seven Star Sword’ Ren En!

When reviewing Yang Yi's dishes, Yajian temporarily withdrew from the review work and drew a clear line with his disciples to avoid suspicion. After Xiang En's words fell, he suddenly took a big step forward.

This step leads directly to the ‘tenth order’ of dishes!

And this is also the end of today's duel event.

Therefore, it is natural that in the final sequence and the final link, he plays the role of the finisher of this "Dark Festival". His works and dishes attract everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes followed Yakan's footsteps, focusing on the finale dish.


In the atmosphere where you could hear the drop of a needle, you were moved directly to the soup pot on the round table. The thick soup inside was still boiling, and white mist of hot steam was rising straight up.

At this moment.

Yakan, who was closest to the pot, stared at the shrimp soup under the hot mist, raised his eyebrows and said: "The shrimp shells and tongs are not wasted at all, are they all put to good use?"

As he said that, he took the jade bowl and the soup spoon and scooped up a spoonful of the soup to actually taste it.

But a voice stopped just in time:


Yakan's movements froze, and he frowned and looked at the chef who stopped him, "Do you have any particular way of eating that you would like to introduce in particular?"

The chef himself was naturally Xia Yan. Everyone noticed that he had picked up a small jade dish from the gap between many dinner plates next to the charcoal stove that maintained the temperature of the soup pot. On it were three auxiliary ingredients that did not mix with each other. Salt, pepper and chopped green vegetable segments respectively.

Salt and pepper is understandable.

It is no problem to finely season these condiments after they are cooked.

But are green vegetable segments necessary?

It shouldn't be used like 'radish cubes'. When boiling, just boil it with shrimp shells and shrimp claws. Wouldn't it be more delicious?

[Super Taste] Li Ke also approached at this time. She looked at Xia Yan in surprise and saw him throwing the entire plate of ingredients into the soup pot.

The emerald green vegetable segments rise and fall in the white heat mist and milky yellow turbid soup, making them extremely conspicuous.

Li Ke was about to ask the reason in detail, when suddenly, she smelled the smell escaping with the hot mist. There was a very subtle, but quite significant change in the olfactory sensory experience.

"It seems that the smell style is more 'lively'?" Li Ke used the word lively carefully.

Yajian obviously also noticed the change in the smell. He squinted his eyes slightly, stared at Xia Yan, and asked, "Is this chopped celery, not a leaf, but a rhizome?"

Xia Yan nodded: "Celery and shrimp soup go well together. They can promote metabolism...oh no, promote digestion and absorption."

A voice said with a joking tone:

"Promote digestion and absorption, you don't need to tell me, who here doesn't know? What he wants to ask is, how do you make a pot of thick soup that has been cooked, in terms of taste and quality, still make it better? Floor one?"

"Just salt, pepper and celery bits for seasoning?"

Yan Xian was also staring at Xia Yan.


Xia Yan responded with two words: "Escape."

Yajian, Yan Xian: "?"

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