Due to the addition of 'Admiral' and 'Great Sage', the route of the adventure party has changed slightly.

Xia Yan was curious about the location of the "door" in the popular rumor that the two old men kept saying, but his inner interest was more towards adventurous travel and discovery of ingredients.


If the female treasure hunter Sarah Gerdo is a naturalist for the time being, then the 'Great Sage' Aldorius can be called a walking living fossil compared to him, and is probably the chief scholar of this land of swords and magic. , as long as there are areas where humans exist, there is nothing that Aldorius does not recognize.

Ever since, Xia Yan took the initiative to chat with the old man from time to time on the road. After going back and forth, he became familiar with him.

Around dusk, everyone settled outside the ruins of an ancient city.

Aldorius held a wooden staff and pointed at the magnificent ruins spreading away on the far side of the horizon. Due to the passage of time, the ruins were covered with green vines, and through the gaps in the thick layer of vines, one could see the art on the bricks and tiles. Reliefs, even a rough guy who doesn't know much about ancient history can easily conclude that this ruins once belonged to a glorious civilization.

"Before the forest declined, this ruins belonged to the high elves who created a glorious magical civilization." The old sage said.

Xia Yan was curious after hearing this. While taking out the cooking utensils from the "space treasure bag", he asked the old man for advice and traced some dusty history. Although this had nothing to do with food, if he wanted to fully understand the customs and customs of this land, it was necessary. Understand a lot of basic knowledge.

"It is said that the elves were once the masters and masters of this land? How long did their rule last?" Xia Yan asked.

"About four thousand to a thousand years ago."

After a pause, the 'Great Sage' Aldorius sighed and said: "Elves are the first round of life born after the destruction of Chaos. They are the darlings of magic and have innate terrible magic talents. A hundred or so The elves are still in the teenage stage, and their spell-casting ability far exceeds that of many human archmages."

"As for how developed their magic was when the elven civilization was at its peak? They almost dominated the plane of this planet, but were far from satisfied, so they developed some powerful and weird magic props that could break through the plane barriers. Visiting other worlds, but also because of the large-scale invasion and colonization of other worlds, a thousand years ago, the elves who explored the outside world suddenly brought back horrific and untreatable diseases..."

Mentioning the horrific plague that caused the collapse of the elven empire, the decline of civilization, and even the shrinkage of the land's forest area, the 'Great Sage' Aldorius couldn't help but feel awe and fear in his voice.

Is that so...

In the past, Xia Yan's understanding of the "different world cafeteria" was only the "cat house", and he was almost confused about the world on the other side of the door.

"No wonder they say that the 'door' of the 'Cat House', that golden bell, is the crystallization and creation of the magical civilization of the Elf Empire. "

When Xia Yan built the earthen stove with stones and washed the pots and pans with water poured from the sheepskin bag, Sarah and Tatsugoro, who were responsible for going out to look for ingredients, also returned one after another.

Tatsugoro carried back a wild boar with very long tusks, but unfortunately apart from the conspicuous tusks and size, this was just an ordinary wild boar, not a magical creature.

On the contrary, Sarah Gerdo’s harvest is intriguing.

She took out the dazzling woodland mushrooms from the sack one after another, pointed at these natural ingredients and said: "They are all non-toxic, I can confirm!"

In the wild, when there is enough meat, mushroom food has a slightly uncertain risk.

What's more, it's a different world full of countless possibilities.

Xia Yan frowned and glanced away. None of them were familiar to him. The climate of Blue Star can produce strange things, such as 'hericium' and 'morel', not to mention the climate of other worlds.

"Hey, this is..."

'The Great Sage' Aldorius suddenly used a wooden staff to pick out a relatively "unremarkable" mushroom from the pile of mushrooms and said: "This is an 'elven mushroom', which was once cultivated on a large scale by the elven civilization." Staple food. "

Xia Yan secretly complained after hearing this. They were indeed a group of vegetarians who did not eat meat or drink milk.

"This is not grown on a large scale... uh, it's a wild species. Are there any taboos on eating it?" Xia Yan suddenly felt itchy and wanted to actually cook it and taste it for himself.

The old man laughed dumbly: "There are no taboos. If you eat too much, the 'toxins' will accumulate, and you will be in deep sleep for a day or two at most. And these side effects are completely insignificant to elves with long lives."

Oh, it has the effect of promoting sleep, and even contains weak hypnotic toxins?

Xia Yan threw this "Elf Mushroom" to the female treasure hunter, "Miss Sarah, please take this one and pick more. I plan to cook a pot of 'mountain flavor' and 'mountain delicacies'." '!"

Mountain flavor!

Mountain delicacies!

'Admiral' Alphonse, who was waiting aside boredly, immediately pricked up his ears and couldn't calm down for a moment.

And heard about eating.

The 'Great Sage' Aldorius, who had the aura of a scholar and kept telling Xia Yan the history of elves, suddenly stopped and stopped talking, his throat rolling up and down slightly.

Along the way, the two old guys who had not eaten enough seemed to be waiting for this moment.

So the two of them swished together and cast a burning look at Xia Yan, who was bringing out another special casserole.

Xia Yan could detect this look.

He chuckled to himself.

Sure enough, no matter where you are, no matter what your status is, being a foodie is the essential attribute deeply buried in the human soul.

He had seen similar looks and expressions many times.

Not just desire.


Desires are dissatisfied.

Appetite, want to be satisfied!

As for why he made "mountain delicacies" and "mountain delicacies", Xia Yan didn't just do it on a whim. Just now when the old man explained about "elf mushrooms", an ingredient development task popped up in the system——

“‘The lost delicacy’ (1). "

"You learned from Aldorius that 'Elven Mushrooms' were plants grown on a large scale by magical civilizations in the past."

"This ingredient is known to contain a slight amount of 'sleeping toxin'."

"Due to the mysterious advancement of your "Fortitude Physique," any slight amount of toxins cannot affect your body. "

"Task requirement - use target ingredients to cook delicious dishes no less than [Special Grade]."

"Mission reward - [Secret Treasure of Elf Civilization] (Food Blessing Bag)."

Under the mission information, there is a line of small words:

Note that after completion, you can choose not to settle the matter temporarily and continue with the next task of "Series Two", and the rewards will accumulate accordingly!

Xia Yan read the information and pondered.

However, from the perspective of the 'Great Sage' and the 'Admiral', Xia Yan took out the special casserole, sat on a ruined stone, and remained motionless, completely refusing to respond to their longing and hungry gazes. .

See this.

The two old guys are anxious!

Urgent, urgent, urgent!

The next update will be a little later, and then I will check the status and see if I can endure it anymore. I will always be unable to bear it the next day. . (/□\\)

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