Eternal food paradise

Chapter 228 Communicating with the Female Elf (Part 1)

"Really?" Aldorius said leisurely, "Actually, "Elven Mushrooms" are also a common material for many alchemists. They usually purify the mushroom juice and mix it with other materials to make some dangerous hypnotic potions, which can be used against enemies. Throw it out, and the potion will evaporate when the bottle is broken, and a whole room of enemies may fall to the ground and sleep..."

Hearing this, Xia Yan let out a sigh in his heart.


This group tries every means to extract the 'weirdness' and 'weirdness' in the materials, increase the concentration as much as possible, and improve the quality and power of the magical potions.

As for chefs and gourmets, it seems to be the complete opposite.

For a healthy body, for the tongue and stomach to be more comfortable and enjoyable.

It seems that they are trying their best to suppress or even eradicate the unclean substances contained in the food.


Are those "ingredients" that are eaten, digested, and feed back calories and nutrients to the body really completely pure?

For some reason, Xia Yan shuddered.

After a late dinner, the camp soon fell into absolute silence.

Too quiet.

Xia Yan looked at the dimly lit tents around him, and then listened to the direction of the ancient elf ruins. From time to time, he heard ghost cries and howls. He pulled the sleeping bag tighter around him to keep out the cold, feeling regretful in his heart.

This is just great.

Even Miss Sarah, who had been patrolling the night just now, yawned and apologized, then got into her tent and disappeared.

There is no doubt that several powerful professionals have slept like dead pigs.

Xia Yan also wanted to just sleep like this, so that he could sleep until dawn, so that he would not be alone in the middle of the night, listening to the terrifying BGM of the wilderness ruins, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

After a while, still unable to sleep, Xia Yan got out of his sleeping bag and simply stopped sleeping. Anyway, he went through tonight's cooking diary again and found many problems. He planned to get up at night and start cooking again, and kept practicing. While cooking, continue to look for problems until you can perfectly reproduce the "Baoshan Feilong Hotpot" using delicacies from another world.

Just leaned over and opened the tent flap.


There was a shadow lingering near the campfire. It turned around in fright and was about to run away.

Xia Yan subconsciously shouted: "Stop!"

As a result, Shadow really braked hard and stopped.

Xia Yan: "..."

Seeing the shadow stop, Xia Yan suddenly felt something in his heart. He realized that this was in the wilderness and ruins, and several powerful aborigines were in a deep sleep and it was difficult to wake up. He secretly screamed that something was wrong and wanted to slap himself.

Let you scream!

What if you are a gangster or a murderer?

Hearing the silence behind him, the figure who was drunk had obviously come out of his panic state.

"Can I go?" The figure turned around and said with a clear and beautiful voice.

Because the previous night watchman was Sarah, she maintained the bonfire very well. At this time, the flames illuminated the delicate and clean face of the female guest.

Xia Yan complained, sister, you are too upright, I will stop when I ask you to.

He looked intently at the face in the flames and suddenly let out a sigh.

is her!

Comparing the memory of the "Diverse World Cafeteria" drama, there is a face that gradually overlaps at this time.

That elf girl named Faldaniya.

A female elf who is over a hundred years old but still has just reached adulthood within the perfect shelf life.

So Xia Yan calmed down instantly, "I'm curious about the reason for your late night visit. Why don't we sit down and have a chat?"

Fardaniya suddenly lifted his hood, glanced at the bonfire, and then turned to Xia Yan, who had just sat down on a small stone, and shook his head: "You have a smell that makes me sick. "


"The smell of meat, the smell of rotting animal carcasses." Faldaniya's eyes were dark.

"That's right, you are an elf." Xia Yan looked back, then turned back and took out a complete set of cooking utensils from the "space treasure bag". This was the set that was cleaned after cooking dinner. Of course, " "Paper Pot" is definitely gone. You need to use tin foil and kitchen paper to cut it.

Fardaniya's eyes moved from Xia Yan to the kitchen utensils being moved out one after another.

"These are from the 'Cat House'."

It is an affirmation, not a question or question.

Xia Yan didn't explain anything.

"Why did the door of the 'Cat House' suddenly disappear for so long?"

"Where's the store manager?"

Realizing that the female elf would not give up if she could not get the answer, Xia Yan frowned slightly, "Many people are chasing the 'Cat House', and why are you chasing it?

Faldaniya said without hesitation: "I want to learn cooking! Pursue the truth of delicious food and become a great gourmet of the elves!"


In the original book, this female elf became an avid culinary practitioner because of her encounter with the 'Cat House'.

And in this world that has collapsed.

Is Faldaniya obviously leaving her elven homeland, wandering and traveling, and becoming a wandering gourmet? Then her cooking skills, because of the timeline, must be better than those in the original work.

Hey, since she is an elf aboriginal, she must have a set of aboriginal processing and cooking techniques for mushrooms and other vegetarian foods.

Why not learn from it?

Xia Yan made his own calculations and threw out a late-night invitation to the unsuspecting female elf gourmet:

"Are you interested in communicating with me? Well, about cooking."

Hearing this, Faldaniya suddenly became interested, "How to communicate?"

"Use these ingredients."

Xia Yan only consumed a third of the sack by beating it. Inside was the wild vegetables and mushrooms Sarah picked in the evening. They were delicacies anyway.

"Make delicious food, taste and score each other."

This set of communication rules is simply the daily routine of Yuanyue and Jixingliao students.

However, it was the first time for Faldaniya to receive such an invitation. It was full of freshness and novelty. Moreover, the ingredients used were in the daily recipes of their elves. Faldaniya could not find any reason to refuse. —

In a competition of vegetarian skills, the elves will never admit defeat!

Faldaniya just wanted to sit down, but she was overtaken by the residual smell of pork and pork bones again. This time she reluctantly sat down, but she still cared about the 'animal ingredients' and couldn't help but ask:

"Declaration in advance, it does not contain meat, fish, milk, or eggs! Just use native natural ingredients!"

Xia Yan simply poured out all the remaining "mountain delicacies" in the bag, divided it into two equal portions, and rented another set of cooking utensils to Fardaniya for first use.

He was not in a hurry at all and was observing the cooking process of the female elf. It was not until the other party started to cook a pot of matsutake mushroom soup that Xia Yan methodically took out a bucket of unopened vegetable oil.

In the original work, Faldaniya was captured by the store manager’s dish of ‘tofu steak’.

As the name suggests.

The steak is made with tofu.

To reproduce the exact same dish, you need to soak the soybeans and grind the soy milk, which is not suitable at all late at night and in a wilderness environment.

Xia Yan planned to go directly to the easiest one——

‘Fried vegetarian meatballs’.

Soon, in the middle of the night, a delicious melody floated out that was different from that in the evening.

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