Eternal food paradise

Chapter 231 Bottle Existence

"Is it really a "door"? "

The female treasure hunter Sarah was surprised. Not only did her face not show any trace of joy, but it was tense, as if she was wary of the possibility that this was some kind of illusion or trap.

Tatsugoro closed his eyes.

Although he is not a spellcaster who can cast detection spells, as a high-level warrior, after countless rigorous training and experiences, he has long had intuitive perception that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

After a while, Tatsugoro opened his eyes and shook his head in confusion: "There is no danger! It's not an illusion!"

"It is a very stable "door"! "

At this time, the swordsman who was as powerful as the famous Eastern and Western Continents also expressed surprise.

no doubt.

This is a "door" that has never been discovered and is opened for the first time.

Before the 'Cat House' had no mutation, it would not be unusual for people to randomly leave the house like this. However, too many "doors" disappeared after the shocking mutation, even if they were closely related to the Cat House and had no respect for the elves who made the doors. Artifacts, Aldorius, who has a deep understanding of them, cannot reverse such changes. You can imagine how valuable a brand new "door" is today.

"So, why is this door open here?"

Sara and Tatsugoro looked at each other with vigilance in their eyes and looked around.

A "door" never appears for no reason.

It is said to be random, but the place where the door appears is never an absolute dead zone, and there is a possibility that it may be opened by humanoid life at any time.

"There must be a "door" leading to the fate of the people around here! "

Xia Yan whispered, so Sara and Tatsugoro nodded in unison.

No orders or instructions are needed.

One is a female treasure hunter with a high level of search and exploration skills.

One, from the Western Continent to the Eastern Continent, has done many mercenary commissions and has rich experience in handling such incidents.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, planned to thoroughly investigate the palace!

Xia Yan raised his head and glanced at the "door" that was still open. Since the door was still in the center of the palace, and he was standing at the door at the moment, the difference in light between the two foreign spaces meant that he didn't have to worry about being caught by Tian Suohui. I, the mastermind behind this is the drama of the gang.

He raised one foot slightly, intending to join the search queue.

Want to see it.

What kind of existence, what kind of role.

Pulling the "door", this is refreshed. This is the first batch of new portals that the 'Cat House' has resumed normal operations after the world collapsed. Close observation and study can deepen his understanding of the "laws".

At this time.

A low murmur, vague and with a strange acupuncture sensation, passed through the eardrum and went straight into the depths of Xia Yan's head:

"...I am...I am..."



What, where?

Although he could not find the source of the sound, Xia Yan seemed to have discovered something. He immediately retracted the steps he took, and the direction he was facing changed from straight ahead to mechanically to the right, and then he took another step forward.

Sarah and Tatsugoro, who had their backs turned to him and were searching, did not see the changes in Xia Yan.

And if anyone was nearby, they might be frightened by Xia Yan's current state. His knees didn't bend or stretch at all, and he jumped straight like a clockwork robot.

Then, the waist clicked, and he bent down little by little, and his hand was about to rest on a complete and exquisite vase next to the palace door.

The vase suddenly stood out among the broken, dusty pots and porcelain.

If you are a professional with "secret vision", it will not be difficult to find that the light film on the vase at this time, like a confining barrier, is rapidly becoming thinner, and at the same time, the black gas sealed inside is becoming violently Rolling forward:


"Break the bottle!"

"I will give you eternal power!"

As the contact got closer and closer, the black energy could not help but let out a low roar, boom, and the palace shook like an earthquake because of the little power that escaped, and a lot of dust fell.

at the same time.

Sarah and Tatsugoro finally noticed the fluctuation of the evil power behind them, and turned around suddenly, "Manager Xia, don't touch it——"

"Wake up! Come to your senses! Find yourself!"

But their shouts were delayed by a few seconds.

Xia Yan's hand touching the bottle was reflected in their wide-open eyes.

However, it was not broken and released.

One hand, with a "chi" sound, pierced the increasingly thinning light film on the bottle mouth, and then penetrated deeply into the open bottle.

No obstacles?

Where's the seal?

This was the thought that floated through Sarah and Tatsugoro's minds at the same time.

What followed was a strange scene that made both of them sweat on their foreheads, a strange scene they had never seen before——

The hand that touched the bottom of the bottle quickly shrank back.

The palm of the hand changes from a stretched position to a grasping position.

A ball of black energy was churning violently on the palm of "Manager Xia", and a shocked and unbelievable voice came out of the black energy:

"Mortal, why can you just catch me?!"

Hear the words.

Sarah and Tatsugoro, who couldn't close their mouths, saw that "Manager Xia's" face was no longer mechanical and dull as before, and was full of confusion. He tilted his head and looked at them, his tone seemed to be asking questions, but also seemed to be talking to himself. language:


"Why can I catch this 'thing'?"

Sarah: "..."

Tatsugoro: "..."

The cold sweat seeped out more and more on their foreheads and they couldn't stop it!

Black Qi, who was openly called "something" by Xia Yan, obviously felt offended, and immediately roared angrily: "You will end up in chaos, and you will never be able to return to the underworld, transcendence and rebirth! I curse you!" "

During the roar, the black air mass exploded into thin mist, shrouding Xia Yan's entire body.

From Xia Yan's perspective.

The pores on his body instantly expanded.

From the perspective of Sarah and Tatsugoro, the black energy exploded into mist, and then turned into wisps of air currents, which penetrated into "Manager Xia's" body through the pores around his body, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Sarah turned pale and shouted: "Possessed!"

"This ancient existence wants to seize the body of Manager Shexia!" Tatsugoro said solemnly, with a hint of panic and despair in his voice, "We can't stop it, there is no spellcaster, not even a priest!"

At this time, there was an uninhabited hilly highland a long way away from the elven ruins.

In a huge dragon's nest.

"Huh?" A certain lady who returned to her true body and was sleeping soundly on the sea of ​​gold coins opened her eyes. Something strange flashed through her dragon eyes that seemed to be burning with flames. "It's strange. I just noticed that I was protecting me. A weak creature that is permanently under my blessing spell is at the boundary between life and death, and the fire of life will be extinguished at any time..."

In the palace.

Sarah and Tatsugoro suddenly looked at each other.

Things have taken another turn.

Accompanied by a sharp and shrill cry of fear, a ball of black air suddenly ejected from Xia Yan's chest.

But the strange thing is that at the bottom of the black air mass, if it is in human form, it should be at the feet. There is a layer of stony gray spreading.

This isn't some kind of 'Stone Skin Technique'.

It's a means of attack, a petrifying attack!

This made Sarah and Tatsugoro suspicious of life again.

Facing an existence that may be an incorporeal or spiritual body.

The flesh palm can not only be grasped directly in the material world without touching it, but now it has the same power as a "magic weapon". It can actually make the existence that ignores matter, physics, and ethereal things eat such a thing. Big boring loss.

The black air mass screamed in panic, and suddenly fled back to the bottle, and then the vase trembled.

‘Admiral’ Alphonse.

‘The Great Sage’ Aldorius finished his investigation there and when he came to the palace, he only saw this final scene.

What is trapped and sealed in the bottle does not seem to be a big devil, but like a timid loli holding her head in defense.

If it weren't for the terrifying and evil aura still lingering in the air.

The two old guys looked at Xia Yan with doubtful eyes, and they were afraid that they might turn into perverts and dangerous elements.

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