Eternal food paradise

Chapter 249 Expanding the Trap

This is the end of the first day of "Residential Study".

In the evening, after taking a bath, everyone in Jiexingliao gathered in Marui Zenji's room. The few people who were originally gathered together to play cards fell asleep on the bed before they finished the first game.

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro sat on their knees on the carpet, chatting quietly.

"Xiao Hui, you are surprisingly energetic!" Ryoko Sakaki exclaimed. She observed that there was no trace of sleepiness on Ta Soe's face.

As he said that, behind the two of them, Jun Imusaki and Soma Yukihira, who were sitting on the chairs, couldn't help but cast curious and surprised glances.


Imusaki Jun slowly raised a question mark in his mind.

Excellent and mentally strong people such as Yoshino Yuki and Marui Zenji couldn't bear the exhaustion at this moment and fell into a deep sleep.

Logically speaking, this is the first day of training.

Physically and mentally, in all aspects, Tadokoro is the one who is under the most pressure and suffers the most serious losses among the members of Jiexingliao.

"You have been tense all day, but you don't feel sleepy at all?" Yukihira Soma muttered, staring at the blue-haired girl with double braids, and couldn't help but think of her outstanding performance in today's subject.

At this time, Ryoko Sakaki, who played the role of a confidant big sister in the dormitory, thanked Yukihira Souma:

"Yukihira-kun, thank you so much!"

"Thank you for being here."

Without realizing it, Tadokoro responded subconsciously and answered, "Yes, I successfully completed the work of supporting Yukihira-kun today!"


The corners of Xingping Soma's mouth twitched, "Is this happening?"

"Not a partner, but a cooperation?"

"Anyway, Senior Sister Qian has repeatedly praised and praised your 'sauce', and I can see it!"

"The review contains a lot more sentences than that guy Takemi and I..."

The last words were more like venting frustration.

At this time, Ryoko Sakaki and Jun Imusaki, who still didn't understand the actual situation, couldn't help but look at each other.

Tadokoro seemed to have awakened a memory, and fell blankly on the carpet in the hotel room. In her mind was the trajectory of her day's activities.

Fuck Hinata, fuck your senior sister’s problem.

At dinner not long ago, the subject of a 50-piece set meal was discussed.

That figure who is agile, confident and capable...


Is it me?

Tasoko held her hands tightly in front of her chest, her eyes flashing as if she was in a dream.


The next day.

The second day of training.

The morning lesson starts at 9 o'clock.

In an empty but quiet large classroom, the guest lecturer in charge of this classroom, Shinomiya Kojiro, arrived early.

He directed some staff to sort, carry and place the ingredients that would be consumed in large quantities during the stay-at-home project on tables.

Then, Shinomiya Kojiro walked around the place holding a stack of printed recipe papers, placing a copy on each kitchen table.

The recipe is what his subject is about.

"Jiuzhen Vegetable French Frozen"!

Shinomiya's gaze swept over the mountains of ingredients:

"Cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini."

"Asparagus, okra, cucumber..."

He pushed up his glasses frame.

In Shinomiya's original subject setting, elimination and selection started from the moment the students selected the ingredients.

However, the initial careful design was at the 'cauliflower' point.

As everyone knows.

Cauliflower is easily oxidized, easily damaged, and difficult to cook.

If substandard ingredients are mixed in from the beginning, when some students make mistakes in selecting, low grades or even failing grades will be almost irreversible.

But now, Jiuzhen, nine kinds of vegetables, every pile of ingredients has inferior products. Shinomiya Kojiro pushed up the frame of his glasses and whispered to himself:

"'Mistakes' are bound to be made, 'mistakes' are inevitable."

"How to correct recipes and dishes after 'mistakes' will be my topic. In my class, I must focus on exquisite cooking skills!"

Shinomiya Kojiro undoubtedly has extensive experience as a chef and store manager.

He knows very well that even if he is as picky and rigorous as he is, sometimes some inferior ingredients will be mixed into his kitchen.

Considering the operating costs and the cumbersome cooking process of some Western food, we occasionally have to bite the bullet and serve the dishes to customers who have long lost their patience.

Therefore, it is crucial to know how to correct the defects of food ingredients!

"Prepare your Shiji questions and supporting ingredients -" Turn on your phone and send a message to an unmarked number.

Shinomiya Kojiro stared at the "sent successfully" prompt on the screen and suddenly smiled.

When did your mentality and concepts gradually change?

at least.

Put it half a year ago, a year ago.

Kojiro Shinomiya, who clings to "recipe first" and "there is absolutely nothing wrong with my recipe", would never be able to modify the subject specifically for a training subject, a so-called bounty mission.

And now, Shinomiya Kojiro found that his mind was filled with thoughts about the bounty promise——

Hiss, 2 kilograms of ‘alienated truffles’.

Must get it!

Is that guy’s simplified cooking guide very perfunctory?

Come on, who cares about hand-written guides that teach newbies and idiots how to learn illiteracy? So annoying!

If only we got such a batch of new ingredients.

Classic recipes such as "Jiuzhen Vegetable French Jellies" can be transformed into classics in the field of exotic food cooking...

Several excellent articles flashed through Sigong's mind.

""The Ninth Level of Sashimi"..." As soon as he read the first chapter, Shinomiya paused, the look in his eyes was both unwilling and helpless, "A mere current student is far ahead of our graduates! "

"If you don't change, you will become an outcast of the times!"

At nine o'clock on time, the subjects of the Fourth House began as normal.

The atmosphere in the classroom has changed from noisy and shouting to relatively quiet with only the sound of cooking.

The mountains of ingredients that were originally piled up were almost bottomed out, and the rest were all seriously defective!

Shinomiya Kojiro took a list, locked on the name 'Tazoe' and found the corresponding kitchen counter number. He raised his head and looked for it calmly, "Blue hair with double braids? Is this the girl..."

He took a look, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

Tadokoro's performance was unexpectedly excellent. The girl was holding an all-purpose Santoku knife and cutting vegetables into sections one after another.

Just seeing the girl's natural and smooth movements, without any hint of ambiguity or stiffness.

Shinomiya Kojiro was convinced that this girl either had a strong psychological quality or had rich practical experience. This kind of subject was simply pediatrics.

Witness this scene.

Shinomiya secretly sweated, "Fortunately, I expanded the 'trap' to all ingredients!"

The deadline for the project was 3 hours, but after 2 hours, students began to submit their homework.

Soon, there was a long queue of students waiting for review.

People's hearts are floating behind.

"Today was so bad!"

"Why is it Chef Shinomiya? I heard that yesterday, he cleared out 30 people with a wave of his hand!"

"Hey, how did you cover up the incomplete ingredients?!"

In the team, Yukihira Soma turned around and glanced at Tadokoro, who was late in the bottom and finished cooking just before the buzzer.

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