Eternal food paradise

Chapter 252 Accepting a Disciple PTSD

"Intercept? You could say."

Lei Hua said leisurely.

"You know, many people are looking for you now."

"As far as I know, there are several groups of people from different camps in the Dark World alone, searching for information about you in Guangzhou City."

Xia Yan has long known that the water in the dark world is very deep.

‘Liangshan Bo’ is just a classic representative of a mountaintop in the dark world.

Within 'Liangshan Bo', the five tiger stars almost all have their own camps and positions.

Yan Xian was among the group to protect him.

Xiang Enze undoubtedly represents the factions of Kaiyou and Mila.

Then there is Yakan, Feitian Great Sage Zhu Qi.

If you insist on catching them and talking about them, the generals under the Five Tiger Stars are even more mixed. Who belongs to which side, who works for whom, and which side's interests are protected? It is simply a profound knowledge of settling down and establishing a life in "Liangshanbo".

Apart from anything else, Xiang En's eagle claw must be among the group of people who are inquiring about the news!

Xia Yan secretly said.

At the same time, Lei Hua, who dropped a piece of news to observe Xia Yan's mental state, showed great disappointment.

He was so calm that he didn't show any trace of panic.

If this monster, who had won two special-level examinations, showed even a weak reaction of asking for asylum, Leihua would extend an olive branch without hesitation.

But obviously, this easiest way to "intercept" Xiao Kaiyou was silently marked with a bright red cross in Leihua's heart.


Lei Hua breathed in gently, her eyes turning firm.

"The people looking for me must include you, Mrs. Leihua, right?"

Lei Hua, who was about to change his tough words, was slightly startled.


"What's up?"

Across the table, someone asked indifferently, but he seemed to have taken the initiative, and the identity of the guests was suddenly switched successfully.

Lei Hua's slender eyebrows tightened: "Although I don't know why you offended Xiang En and attracted the attention of that leader."

"But the cause and effect are not important. Now, what matters to you is how to survive!"

As she spoke, the female celebrity chef had a serious expression.

"Don't be complacent just because you passed the special examination!"

"You know, the special name card is just a stepping stone in China's food industry! A bigger and broader world is behind the door, and you can only cross the threshold——"

Special grade, Lin grade, Dragon grade.

Xiang En and Shao An are the top representatives of the special class.

As for the top of the Lin class, if we want to talk about classic characters, Xia Yan thinks it is Lei Hua in front of him and opposite him.

The Five Tiger Stars must all have 'dragon level' cooking skills.

Kay is on top.

It wasn't until he successfully created the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" in the final chapter of Little Master's original novel that he finally broke through the Dragon Realm and stood side by side with the former Fairy Bei.

However, in the world of "Chinese Ichiban" where there are legends of immortals.

Xia Yan has always felt that Chef Long is not the farthest platform in the world of culinary cuisine.

Just like why Liu Pleiades' father, Liu Maliu, had to remain anonymous.

Even after his wife passed away, he did not dare to return to Shu to take a look.

The big mountain pressing on Liu Maliu's head is called——

Tai Chi Cuisine World!

"I plan to return to Elder Guan's mansion and stay there for a while." Xia Yan stood up and said.

"Elder Guan?"

Lei Hua said in a deep voice: "Even though that old guy is the chief elder of the Guangzhou Chefs Association, you have to know that the higher you are in a high position, the more constraints and concerns you have!"

"Guan Fu, I can't protect you!"

Xia Yan was not in a hurry to leave. He was not annoyed at all when he heard this. Instead, he glanced at Lei Hua with interest: "Elder Guan can't do it. What about you, Mrs. Lei Hua?"

"I can--"

This answer, without any delay, makes people feel like the service is at home.

So, even though we were in a teahouse, there was a strange silence.

Xia Yan: "..."

Leihua: "..."

After all, she is a famous female chef who has seen so many people and scenes that she is not at a loss.

Moreover, Leihua obviously has a mature plan on how to deal with this "little Kaiyu".

"I can protect you."

"Block all the Lin chefs for you!"

Xia Yan didn't ask why or what the conditions were. Instead, he became more interested and raised the corner of his mouth: "Why are you blocking Chef Lin?"

Lei Hua raised his eyebrows and said: "They go to war and won't give up until they get what they want."

"Furthermore, I know that you have a good relationship with Yan Xian, but it is impossible for him to violate his position as the king of the dark cooking world and deal with a group of people who belong to the same family for your sake."

"If he does this, he will arouse resentment and even be turned against him by his colleagues!"

Xia Yan nodded, indeed.

No one will betray their own camp.

No matter how different he is from the dark cooking world, that brand has already penetrated deeply into Yan Xian’s bones.

Therefore, Xia Yancai was particularly cautious every time he came into contact with Yan Xian.

As for passing the special assessment in the dark world and officially joining Liang Shanbo as a new special chef...

If it weren't for a mission, Xia Yan wouldn't pay any attention to the so-called 'black event', so Yan Yan took him away first that night. In his heart, he was happy to just go with the flow.

"What about the conditions?"

I found that Xia Yan's interest became more and more intense.

A smile appeared on Lei Hua's face, "Come with me for a formal cooking showdown!"

Xia Yan thought he heard it wrong:


Leihua said calmly:

"First of all, you have initially entered the special level realm. It is time to move to a higher place. Looking forward to the past, this duel with you, I will reveal to you the magnificence and unbelievable beauty of the Lin level without reservation."

"Of course, this is for you, as for me, I need you to be serious once more, and you must use your cooking skills so that I can truly fully observe your talents."

With that said, Lei Hua slowly walked to the railing with her hands behind her back.

"You know, I have never accepted a disciple in the past. The outside world said that I have too high standards. My sect is destined to have a small population..."

This last sentence is a naked statement!

Take on a disciple!

Xia Yan's mouth twitched sharply.

He really wanted to tell Lei Hua openly, "Don't talk to yourself."

Shouldn't it be a two-sided thing to learn from a teacher?

You want to take it.

You have to agree here!

"I have a headache!"

Xia Yan glanced at Mrs. Leihua in front of the railing, and saw that she had a deep look on her face. She looked towards the bustling street outside the teahouse, with a faint look of expectation on her profile.

Inexplicably, Yan Xian came to visit him again and again when he thought of Shu.

It only happened three times. Before the third time, Xia Yan felt that he was about to suffer from a disease called "PTSD"!

at the same time.

Not long after Xia Yan passed through the city gate and entered the town.

In a post hotel.

A report sounded in the room:

"Master Lai, the target has been found! It is consistent with the portrait after verification!"

A man who was half lying on a wooden couch, smoking a dry cigarette with a copper metal cigarette rod, puffed out the smoke, and then let out a wanton and wild laugh:

"I thought I was going to miss the mark and the mission failed. When I returned to Liangshanbo, I would be grabbed by the tail and scolded by that femme fatale woman."

Another voice came from behind the screen in the room:

"A femme fatale? Haha, Laihe, you only dare to talk about it behind my back. Who told her to hold Lord Kaiyu's command arrow and Shang Fang's sword? We don't dare to disobey!"

The sneer came from a man named Lai He who smoked cigarettes: "Yang Shi, you should be more annoyed than me!"

"Originally, you were in the team that captured Luo Xie, but who knew that because you were the closest to Guangzhou City, you were sent here by a letter halfway."

"Luo Xie can't catch it, so the precious materials you have collected so hard will be of no use! I know you are in urgent need of a brand new 'Guan Dao' to show off your skills! Show off your world-famous sword skills !”


Behind the screen, a man wearing a cyan mask on half of his face walked out.

‘Two-tailed scorpion’—Lai He!

‘Green-faced Beast’—Yang Shi!

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