Eternal food paradise

Chapter 265 The atmosphere is getting anxious

"What I challenge is you——"

Hu Jun has a strong fighting spirit.

When Xia Yan noticed the movement and raised his eyes to glance over, the sentence ended exactly. Then Jie Qi and the female guest exploded into each other's small universe, almost radiating momentum, and their eyes were fiercely fighting.

This is?

While Xia Yan had a question mark on his face, he was more pondering, searching his mind for memories about this female visitor.

The result is a blank.

I don’t know who it is.

No name, first or last name.

Madam Lei Hua looked at the battle circle where the smell of gunpowder suddenly became stronger. She did not expect that the situation would develop like this. However, she did not open her mouth to explain. Instead, she raised a hint of amusement at the corner of her mouth, and at the same time glanced at the real person in the room. After discovering that Xia Yan was also paying attention here and expressed confusion.

Her mouth moved slightly, and the gentle but clear words rang in Xia Yan's ears:

"Hu Jun, a talented cooking girl from Shu Province, a character as famous as Shao An... you don't know him, right?"

Xia Yan immediately wanted to answer "yes", but suddenly thought of something, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

In the midst of the blurred memory and the unfinished prologue to the sequel to the original work.

Hu Jun, well, there is such a character.

"I remember, her father was kidnapped by the 'Tai Chi Cuisine World', right? He is also a poor person!" Xia Yan continued to ponder.

Unexpectedly, a loud shout resounded throughout Xiyuan, and Jie Qi smashed the steel rod. He did not show any signs of fatigue after just finishing a cooking duel, and stared at the talented cooking girl nearby with bright eyes:


"The topic and scope can be decided by you!"

Xia Yan's mouth twitched twice when he heard Jie Qi's provocative opening line, which he realized was defeated and repeated his old tricks.

"I will return this sentence to you intact!"

Hu Jun had a cold smile on his face: "Just think of it as care and compassion for the weak!"


Jie Qi didn't expect this answer and immediately became furious.

Xia Yan was amused, and exchanged a speechless look with Ren, the Seven Star Sword, who was watching the show with his arms folded.


All I can say is, Master Xie, you seem to have made a mistake.

No matter what kind of person or personality, everyone can happily make "Shaomai" together!

Hu Jun stared at Jie Qi and said: "Sichuan cuisine has always been about 'one dish, one style' and 'one hundred dishes, one hundred flavours'. It doesn't matter what the topic is. Even if the ingredients are extremely scarce, as long as there are enough seasonings, I am not afraid of you at all." Come up with tricky and weird questions!”

"What do you mean, do you mean that I will trick you on the questions?"

Jie Qi is extremely angry and smiles.


The owner of the room, Mrs. Leihua, sighed: "If you want to have a cooking showdown, you can ask a neutral person to be the judge and set the test questions."

Hu Jun had already paid attention to the servant who opened the door for her. When he guided her over, he saluted Mrs. Leihua before retreating. Therefore, he concluded that this charming woman was the famous top lady who was as famous as the former Bei Fairy. Lin Chu.

She clasped her fists very cheerfully:

"Then, let's ask Mrs. Leihua to be the judge."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Leihua shook her head, with a smile on her lips, and looked up at Xia Yan, who had just stepped across the threshold:

"Let him take charge."


Hu Jun immediately turned his head in surprise and looked at Xia Yan intently.

In fact, Xia Yan, Jie Qi, and Ren En belong to the same age group, but judging from their body shape and appearance, Jie Qi, who has been exposed to the sun and rain all year round, has dark skin and looks older, while Ren En belongs to the hero. Wind, Xia Yan is a clean and elegant route.

Hu Jun frowned: "The duel I want to have has stakes and conditions, and the loser will obey unconditionally. This kind of cruel duel requires a review by both virtue and art. It is not a child's play, just playing house."

Both virtue and art?

But she saw Ren En, Mrs. Lei Hua, and Jie Qi standing directly opposite her, all with strange expressions on their faces.

Hu Jun hesitated: "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Jie Qi shook his head: "No, no problem."

The strange color in his eyes became more and more intense.

Mrs. Leihua's approach was more straightforward. She rubbed her eyebrows with two fingers and said, "I'm tired."

This simple line is equivalent to telling Hu Jun.

You can only choose him as a judge.

'Seven Star Lantern' Renn showed no intention of intervening and stood aside, purely watching.

Hu Jun didn't worry about anything. This was a challenge with a strong purpose. The goal was achieved and the process was not important. Moreover, if the judges failed, she still had the usual means of cooking duels, which was to taste each other's food and score each other!


"What do you mean?" The woman looked up.

‘Steel Rod’ Jie Qi laughed and said: “What I just said ‘no problem’ means that there is no problem with what you said. It’s also no problem for him to be the judge!”

"Tell me, your bet and conditions -"

Before Hu Jun had time to figure out the meaning of Qi's lines, his mind was focused on the bet and conditions. He cleared his throat and said, "I need the recipe you made famous in the special examination! Including the ingredients!"

recipe? A special pastry chef is nothing more than a branch of expertise of a special chef, and it also has a formal assessment.

Although Jie Qi didn't understand it and didn't think there was any literal trap in this sentence, he was confident that he wouldn't lose. What's more, it was just a special recipe. Once he handed it over, there was no guarantee that others would be able to make authentic dishes.

"My request is also the recipe that made you famous in the special examination. As for the ingredients, I don't need it!"

At this point, the terms of both parties have been unified.

After hearing this, Xia Yan felt that there were many flaws.

Compared with the strict regulations and contracts in the Shokki World, the cooking showdown in the Chinese World is just a verbal agreement. It seems that the two parties do not feel anything wrong and have great trust in each other's character.

Of course, in a world that is suspected of being a medium-to-high martial arts plane, there are many ways for winners to claim their own trophies, and violence is the most straightforward one.

Jie Qi and Hu Jun, who had reached a consensus, both looked at Xia Yan who was thinking.

"Please give me a question." Hu Jun's eyes were calm, without a trace of ripples. "This question can be broad, detailed, general, or detailed!"

Jie Qi coughed and met Xia Yan's inquiring gaze, his eyes evasive.

As soon as he started, he understood that Hu Jun wanted to challenge Xia Yan by name, just like when he came to the door in the morning.


Jie Qi does not regret how the episode unfolded. He became a player, not a bystander.

"Don't go under my nose and try to bypass me to challenge this guy -" Jie Qi has his pride. It's not the Vajra Protector or anything like that, but a kind of "qualification". If you can't surpass him, Not to mention defeating this new celebrity chef.

In fact, unknowingly, Jie Qi had quietly placed a name in a very important and noble position in his heart.


Xia Yan thought about it, and a smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Carnivorous Vine".

As for the rhizome and fruit part of the task, the research can be said to have been completed and can be directly used to make special dishes.

I glanced at the taskbar and saw that the material development task currently hanging on it was "The Lost Deliciousness" (3).

What if these special and mysterious materials were handed over to the geniuses of the Chinese world?

How far can they go?

This is a very reasonable opportunity for observation. Both players are nervous and will not let go or conserve their energy.

Xia Yan can also watch them process, cook, and gain experience, which is equivalent to borrowing money from indigenous geniuses to take shortcuts to develop materials from another world.

"If a complete special recipe comes out and I can watch it, it will make a lot of money——"

He told Jie Qi and Hu Jun to wait a moment and turned into the bedroom, which was actually the communication system.

[Purchased "Carnivorous Vine·Vine Leaves" (2kg) successfully. 】

Soon, Xia Yan took out two sealed small bags and placed them on the stone table in Xiyuan.

"The title is the designated ingredients."

Jie Qi, Ren En and Mrs. Lei Hua suddenly realized something.

Jie Qi took a deep breath, stepped forward and rolled up the bag, and took out a green branch with leaves. On the back of his palm, the veins suddenly stretched out, with a visible tremor.

"This is..." Ren's eyes flashed.

Mrs. Leihua could not calm down, her eyes widened, and she repeatedly looked at the unfamiliar material that she was not aware of.

Only Hu Jun looked confused.

"Why, the atmosphere suddenly became anxious..."

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