Eternal food paradise

Chapter 280 Magic VS Three-dimensional (Part 2)

"Magic Mapo Tofu?"

Seeing the big plate placed on the table by the second contestant, the judges, who had already withdrawn their thoughts from Shao'an's dishes, stared at it intently.

"Why do you need to add a 'magic' prefix?" Xiang En pointed to the plate. She thought it had a very normal appearance of 'Ma Po Tofu'. After thickening and collecting the juice, the tofu cubes were crystal white, but that was all. That’s all.

Shaoan's voice suddenly broke in:

"The integration of six flavors is the real prefix of this dish, and it is also the secret!"


All the judges looked sideways, "You seem to understand?"

Shao An showed a calm smile, "I was defeated once because of this dish, the six-flavor magic Mapo Tofu."

When talking about the defeat that pushed him into the dark abyss, Shaoan seemed unfazed and seemed to have taken it lightly.

"Is that what it looks like?"

'Flying Great Sage' Zhu Qi yawned and said in boredom: "It's boring, the same dishes? But the same dish, the same recipe, made by different chefs, and the styles are all kinds of weird."

Yakan nodded, "Yes, you will know after you eat and see!"

When he picked up the chopsticks and tried to eat with them.

An inappropriate voice sounded:


"Something's wrong——"

Elder Guan of the Kitchen Federation, with white eyebrows and white beard, said: "The smell of minced meat is not right at all. Why is the smell of meat mixed with a lingering refreshing feeling?"

Um? !

Possessing [super sense of smell] Zhu Qi changed his boring and boring expression, calmed down, and began to release his superb sense of smell.

It can be said that he is the strongest in the field of smell among this review team.

After searching all over the Chinese world, I am afraid that only Kaiyu, the ultimate wall-mounted man with cheating devices stuffed all over his body, can compete with Zhu Qi in terms of smell.

After expanding his sense of smell, Zhu Qi easily caught the hint of meatiness and freshness from the 'Ma Po Tofu' dish.

Just like Elder Guan said.

Meaty and refreshing, tightly intertwined!

why is that?

With strong curiosity, Zhu Qi became more focused, and his sense of smell was even more intimate, like a hunting net covering the white plates on the dining table.

In an instant, the complete dish information presented to Zhu Qi's olfactory nerves was a beautiful rainbow bridge!

Zhu Qi counted subconsciously.

There are six colors in total, do they correspond to the "six flavors" mentioned by Shaoan?

Then, the hot red color means the word "spicy".

Green and white, is the word "fragrance" given by the garlic sprouts?

There are also colors that are more magma-orange, which is definitely the word for ‘hot’; those that are closer to the true color of Sichuan pepper, undoubtedly represent the word for ‘hemp’…

Where is the ground meat? !

Zhu Qi was like a detective who was about to find the prisoner. He tried his best to search for the sixth taste in his olfactory space, which represented the word "crispy" for minced meat.



A touch of dark green, wrapped in a golden crisp coat, appeared in his eyes.

"Eat it!"

Zhu Qixiao took half a step back, her eyes widened and her temples were covered in sweat.

He didn't move his chopsticks at all, but the secret of this unique magical Mapo Tofu was clearly revealed on the tip of the tongue and taste buds of the Dark King!

"No, can't breathe-"

Zhu Qi was panting heavily as if having a convulsion.

"The nasal cavity, the sense of smell..." His voice seemed difficult, "I was tightly entangled by strange rattan! It hurts!"

Seeing Zhu Qi's reaction to trying the food, all the onlookers were stunned and their mouths opened wide.

What is this guy doing? !

'Yi Zhang Qing' Xiang En didn't understand. She was very selfish and had already made up her mind. No matter how amazing Shao An's opponent's dishes were, putting on an expressionless face was a basic operation.

Even if Shaoan is in Zhu Qi's faction, which can be regarded as the common "Liangshanbo" camp, Xiang En is still very clear-headed when it is time to advance and retreat together.

Seeing Zhu Qi turn the atmosphere upside down, he was simply cheering and building momentum for his opponent.

The key is, this opponent, this player.

It was a group of them who gathered in Guangzhou to focus on that person!

I can't bear it!

Xiang En naturally became Empress Zhu Qi's second taster, and she moved quickly, scooping out half the bowl, and without even taking a breath, she brought the spoon to her red lips.

Eat the whole spoonful.


A beautiful and charming face, suddenly covered with sweat.

Click, the porcelain spoon fell to the ground and shattered.

The deathly silent venue echoed with harsh and shattering sounds.

Xiang En hasn't chewed the 'tofu' yet, or in other words, this dish doesn't require chewing at all.

Tofu cubes and thick thickening sauce.

It was overwhelming and spread to all corners of the mouth.

At this time, Xiang En suddenly understood why Zhu Qi said he couldn't breathe.

Xiang En felt that his entire tongue was tightly wrapped in hot and sticky gelatin, and the throat leading to the nasal cavity and esophagus were blocked and unable to penetrate.

The strong feeling of suffocation made Xiang En panic.

"Help—" She opened her mouth desperately and spoke for a long time, unable to utter a complete sentence.


The feeling comes and goes quickly.

When the food melted in his mouth without chewing, Xiang En got a space to breathe, and his plump chest heaved violently.

After a few seconds, the other judges also broke free.


Yakan swallowed a few more times, but there was still a sharp, thorn-like liquid mass. When it flowed through his throat, he was accompanied by a stinging sensation.

"Why is this happening?" Yajian stared closely at Xia Yan, "This kind of Mapo is not an ordinary Mapo dish at all. If Shaoan's 'Tofu Trio' is three kinds of tofu dishes, they are mixed with each other and played together. The melody of the Kingdom of Abundance, then, your Mapo, gives me the feeling that it is a magical kingdom, where magical freaks are born, and you use it as raw materials to cook dishes!"

Zhu Qi snorted from the side and said in a low voice: "Yes, the touch of 'freak' is too strong and real."

"You may not know that in my field of smell, just because of a breath, that thing blossoms and bears fruit, and the vines grow and grow crazily-"

"Are the six flavors integrated? They turned into soil."

"Magic is born from now on!"

In the audience, Liu Pleiades' eyes widened when he heard Zhu Qi's solemn evaluation.

That’s how it turned out to be.

Mr. Xia's understanding of the "Six Flavors in One Magic Mapo Tofu" recipe is completely different from his. The focus of creating the mystery of the dish has actually shifted to the "magic", and the "Six Flavors in One" is instead accompanied by green leaves.

Liu Pleiax looked confused, "That's not right. Mr. Xia also made quite a few changes to the 'Six Flavors Integration'. What exactly is it?"

At this time.

Xiang En, whose face was covered in sweat, used chopsticks to pick up a small golden crispy particle with trembling palms. "The meaty taste and refreshing taste all come from here."

"It's also a vine seed!"

Yakan and Zhu Qi looked at each other, "Is it some unknown vegetable? It is born with a meaty flavor. This is more pure than Shaoan's bean dregs and tofu slices. In terms of ingredients alone, it is the undoubted winner!"

Seeing their discussion reaching this point, Mrs. Leihua, who had remained silent, finally couldn't restrain her curiosity and joined in.

"What about the powder ground from tree stems? Where did you use it?"

Xia Yan answered matter-of-factly, "Of course it's used to complete the thickening step."


Lei Hua was slightly stunned, and then felt the urge to applaud and cheer.

"The thickening finish is nothing more than using 'cornstarch'. When the dishes are nearly mature, mix the water and pour it into the pot to thicken the juice and improve the color and taste of the dishes."

Yakan narrowed his eyes, stared at Xia Yan and said slowly.

"Among the raw materials for cornstarch, the most common and commonly used is potato flour, also called cornstarch. The advantage is that it is white in color and has good luster!"

"Others include corn flour, sweet potato flour, cassava flour..."

"Now, the material used in the thickening step of your Mapo dish is probably closest to 'arrowhead starch'. This kind of corn starch is made from underground rhizomes, grated, washed, dried, ground and finally made into powder!"

Zhu Qi impatiently interrupted Yajian's tirade.

"Hey, please keep it simple!"

The king glanced at Xia Yan.

"What are the characteristics and advantages of this 'cornstarch' you use?!"

Facing the glares of the two Dark Kings, Xia Yan seemed calm and said, "You just took the first bite. Keep eating. You will understand naturally without me having to explain more!"


The judges looked at each other and realized that it was just the first bite. They had to stop and take advantage of their breath to comment.

‘Yizhangqing’ Xiang En was a little confused, but she simply gave up.

Xiang En knows very well.

If the flaw cannot be found, Shaoan will probably lose!

This time, I was fully prepared. I took a deep breath in advance to fill my lungs and brain with oxygen, and then Xiang Encai took the second spoonful.

The tongue rolls up the smooth tofu and the thick juice.


A complete magical kingdom, like a meteor falling.

The Land of Abundance, the fertile land filled with mist for thousands of miles, was full of cracks in Xiang En's mind, and then shattered with a "bang".

Shaoan’s ‘Trio’, ‘Three Tofu Dimensions’.

The tofu cubes are smooth and tender.

The tofu fried noodles are chewy.

Fried tofu slices, rich ‘smell of the earth’.

The three so-called melodies all had their strings broken and came to an abrupt end!

In a magical land.

Growing in a green vine forest with dry red soil, Xiang En rubbed her eyes and woke up from the entangled and bound body of the vines. She looked up at the Hongqiao across the tiankeng. The expression on her face at this moment was... Pain and enjoyment, and at the same time, a different kind of shock also fills the soul.

"I understand!"

Yakan, Zhu Qi, Lei Hua, Xiang En and Elder Guan almost said in unison: "That unknown 'raw powder' has gone beyond its basic function of improving color and taste!"

"It makes the six flavors of the dish truly condense into a bundle, turning it into a bridge to 'magic'——"

With that said, the few people became quiet again and just stayed where they were, eating one bite at a time.

When the market bottoms out, it's time to announce the winner of this first exchange game.

Shaoan couldn't laugh at all.

In particular, Shaoan began to panic when he discovered that Zhu Qi ignored his gaze and was still immersed in the magical Mapo's kingdom and had not yet fully woken up.

An aura of defeat and defeat made Shaoan freeze up.


"Well, that's all."

"I don't think there's anything to think about. Player Xia Yan should win!"

"Yes, Shao'an's dishes are the best. The quality of the dishes is at the top of the special category. It's just a line away from the word 'lin', but the problem is that this line is also a natural chasm! It can't be crossed!"

It’s a little late to write, it’s a big chapter~

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