Eternal food paradise

Chapter 285 Miracle Comes (Part 1)

‘Whole chicken out of the bone’.

As the name suggests, it is to completely peel off the bones of a whole chicken without damaging the body of the chicken.

Being looked at by Yakan and others with weird looks, Xiang En blushed slightly and said with a little embarrassment: "If it's just an ordinary 'bone removal', I can do it, and it's more efficient. I can peel it off in a few minutes." There are several live chickens!”

"Besides, in our dark world and Liangshan Bo, there are many unique skills for integrated processing of live chickens. "Arhat Tiger Claw Pulling" is one of them. It combines slaughtering, plucking, deboning and other processes into a simple process, and the efficiency is also extremely high……"

What she meant was actually very straightforward.

It's nothing more than praising Hua Fengchun's knife skills. It's a skill that completely ignores efficiency and purely pursues precision and carving. It can even rise to the level of art in the gourmet world.

Yakan and Zhu Qi looked at each other.

After all, this woman is just a superlative, not a real Lin Chu. Her foundation in Liangshan Bo is very shallow. If she hadn't been a confidant of Kai You, how would she be on the same stage as them today? Qualifications of reviewers.

"Hua Fengchun is just a member of the family." Yakan shook his head and said, Hua Fengchun was his general, he was the one he sent to fight over and over again, "Shandong cuisine has not been trained for ten years, why do you specialize in Shandong cuisine?" There are so few special chefs in China because the cooking skills of this lineage become more difficult to polish as you go higher and deeper."

Zhu Qize showed a trace of fear in his eyes and said: "The 'Little Li Guang' of the previous generation was also a vicious person in our dark world. For a long time, he overwhelmed the 'Tai Chi Cuisine World'. What? Phoenix Chef, I don’t know how many people were shot down and sunk by him——"

Xiang En was a little confused.

Regarding the previous generation's 'Xiao Li Guang', even the headquarters kept it secret, and no one wanted to talk more. She came to Liangshan after that person disappeared, and of course she had never witnessed that murderous man's demeanor.


In this generation’s ‘Xiao Li Guang’ Hua Fengchun.

Xiang Enneng vaguely saw a shadow of the Lin-level Shandong cuisine giant:

"Such a chef is probably equivalent to a 'master' in the food and cooking world, right?"

On the field, as the cooking time passes.

Unconsciously, the time gradually passed from ten o'clock in the morning of the first session to the afternoon period near the end of the second session.

The sun is setting in the west.

And because the stands were covered with awnings, even though they had been sitting for half a day, the crowd of spectators, including the few players, did not feel hot or tired.


Suddenly, there was a gong sound.

Let the small noise surrounding the venue be quiet.

It’s the gong sound of a contestant submitting a “work”!

Immediately, everyone paid attention to the first finisher, and no one was surprised when they discovered that it was 'Xiao Li Guang' Hua Fengchun.

Although his dish includes braised chicken and an extra casserole of rice, the recipe is not complicated, nor is it a royal court dish that is cumbersome and requires a lot of work.

Hua Fengchun was carrying a red lacquered wooden tray with two casseroles on it, one filled with 'braised chicken' and the other with steaming 'braised rice'.

He seemed to be unaffected by the steam from the kitchen and the dishes. After finishing a laborious duel of dishes, he still looked energetic, with not even a drop of sweat on his forehead.

The aura of walking calmly is like a knight flitting across the lake. Although it is plain and indifferent, it has deep hidden skills and attracts people's imagination.

"Braised chicken and rice."

Hua Fengchun put down the tray and showed a perfect smile to the judges.

If Xia Yan has something to say, he must spit it out.

With such a talent, it would be a waste not to wear yellow clothes to deliver food. If Meituan had a guy with such good looks and superb cooking skills like you, would Meituan still be worried about its success? !

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

Xia Yan saw that Hua Fengchun was serving the dishes, and he himself had already finished the meal, but for some reason, the story of the birth of "Comet Fried Rice" in the original work flashed through his mind.

To put it bluntly, the reason why it is called ‘Miracle Coming Comet Fried Rice’ is because it is shining and shocking enough when it appears on stage.

Then the sense of ritual is very necessary!

Normal submission of works simply cannot highlight the shocking scene in the original work. Although this "Comet Fried Rice" is not the original version, and Xia Yan does not blindly act as a porter, if there is an opportunity to pay tribute to the classic, he does not mind putting the "ceremony" "feeling" restored and reproduced.


Let "a green light" blind a titanium alloy dog's eyes!

Xia Yan raised the corners of his mouth and waved to Li Yan, who had just finished ringing the bell and put down the mallet. When Li Yan came over with a confused look on his face, he lowered his voice and said mysteriously:

"Um, can you please help me?"

Li Yan:? ? ?

ha? !

the other side.

The review of Hua Fengchun's "works" is in progress.

He completely opened the lids of the two casseroles one after another, and the tender and shiny chicken pot appeared just under the light of the slanting sunset, and then created a subtle sense of complementation with the orange-red sunset.

Originally covered with a layer of brightly colored chicken pieces, it was originally extremely delicate and appetizingly fried sugar color.

It was like encountering a metaphysical catalyst in an instant.


The light of cooking erupted without warning.

At the same time, a pot of simmering rice next to it also echoes this light.

The original "Xiangshui tribute rice" has completely turned into brown stewed rice.



There was also a smell of braised chicken in thick sauce that blew past everyone's noses, causing everyone's eyes to converge on the casserole on the tray.

“What a fragrant rice flavor! What a delicious chicken!”

Yakan smiled, his face full of admiration and praise. As the 'Explosive Chef', the one who is unique in the aspect of heat in the dark headquarters, he naturally discovered the heat that Hua Fengchun gave to the dishes:

"The key to your 'braised chicken' is the word "stew", so the control of the heat is very important."

Zhu Qi took a whiff and looked strange:

"Is this dish really called 'Yellow Braised Chicken'? To be honest, I have never heard of it in traditional Shandong cuisine classics. Maybe it is a new recipe you created by absorbing the essence of Shandong cuisine?"

Hua Fengchun said calmly: "Actually, I have a disciple who is a stranger. I saw him practicing this dish one time, so I learned it."


At this time, Lei Hua, Elder Guan, Xiang En and others were all moved.

To the aborigines, ‘foreigners’ are that group of players who cannot die.

The key is that Hua Fengchun actually learned from a stranger and his disciple, which shows that he is very interested in the things contained in the recipes. Maybe it is called new ideas and creativity, or it may help Shandong cuisine to flourish in the future. road blueprint.

The judges all took their bowls and chopsticks and started the tasting session.


The chicken is so tender that it bursts with delicious thick juice, and it is not just chicken flavor, or in other words, "chicken flavor" is not the main theme.

Shiitake mushrooms, green peppers and dried red peppers.

The ingredients such as ginger and green onion are not missing. It can be said that they are all the "main theme", and they are all highlighted on the taste buds. For a moment, it gives people the impact of being colorful, graceful and tolerant of all things!

The scene became a little quiet.

Hua Fengchun paused for a moment before breaking the silence and continuing to explain his dishes:

"Actually, in addition to the secret of 'stewing', the heat is very important, and the color of the fried sugar is also important. The whole process should be maintained at low heat and stir-fried slowly. The sugar water is usually fried until it is maroon red. At this time, you can start to add soybean paste, The seasonings such as bean paste and bean paste are really cooked into a delicious sauce..."

As she spoke, Hua Fengchun's voice gradually lowered, and finally disappeared completely, and she closed her mouth.

He found out.

None of the five judges paid attention to him.

Instead, he had stewed chicken and rice in his mouth, looking a little stunned.


There was something coming from the roof directly opposite the venue, making a wonderful parabola and heading straight towards the judges' seat.

Yakan and Zhu Qi: "This..."

Xiang En and Leihua: "Green?!"

Flowers bloom in spring:


What the hell is this light!

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