Eternal food paradise

Chapter 300 Bartering

The second floor of "Akitaso".

Natsu Yan, Shinomiya and Saiba Chaoyang left and returned to the first floor. Soma Yukihira, Teruki Kuga and Erina Nakiri who stayed here looked at each other in confusion.

"I plan to go to that Chinese-style shop first." Teruki Kuga put his hands in his trouser pockets and stepped out.


Erina, the girl, was not willing to lag behind and quickened her pace to catch up, "I'm also very curious about this shop!"

Kuaga Teruki glanced at the eldest lady, curled his lips and said: "Your curiosity comes from the classmate 'Xi Shang Xi', right? You saw that he paid special attention and attention to this shop, so you wanted to explore it, and then told him What is your knowledge and experience? Hehe!"

Being secretly criticized by the eighth seat, Erina was slightly annoyed and snorted:

"Can't I be interested in the 'late night chef' who owns this Chinese restaurant?"

The girl added secretly.

Anyway, I am also a special login user of Paradise World.

In the world of "Chinese Ichiban", after such a period of time, Erina has become aware that her Chinese cooking skills, which were originally considered weak, are now about to catch up with "Japanese cuisine".

She majored in Western food, with Japanese food as a supplement, but a while ago the park system had quietly raised her "Chinese food" cooking skills to the level of a candidate for the top ten.

Thinking of this, Erina glanced at Kuga Teruki, a member of the Ten Elites who specializes in Sichuan cuisine, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a touch of pride.

If you start a meal with this guy, the topic will happen to be some new style of Chinese cuisine.

She can even combine her knowledge of Western and Japanese food into her own style of Chinese cuisine, thereby defeating the former leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association with "pseudo-Chinese food".


Seeing the two of them walking away without looking back, Yukihira Soma touched his head, a little dumbfounded.

The target was chosen so quickly?

Yukihira Soma muttered, "Dad asked me to come here with peace of mind. Originally, I planned to go back to the shopping street, check out the restaurant at home, and do some maintenance and cleaning..."

"But dad, you didn't explain the situation here clearly! Where should I go?!"

At this time.

On the right side, behind the all-glass window of the store, a clown's face suddenly appeared.

Yukihira Soma was startled by the sudden figure.

But when he saw clearly behind the display window, a fat shopkeeper with clown makeup was throwing two pieces of tender beef into a dark pot.

The key is that the shopkeeper turned around and picked up another "pot".

As a result, the two pots merged into a large, black, seamless iron ball.

Immediately afterwards, the clown shopkeeper really transformed into something more exaggerated than the street jugglers. The black "pot" flew up and down in his hands.

Yukihira Soma was dumbfounded.


Can you still cook beef like this "juggling"?

Suddenly, Yukihira Soma became interested and chose to step into this store.

Thump thump thump.

Hearing the footsteps, the fat clown shopkeeper looked up at Yukihira Soma, and the smile on his face became even more funny: "Oh, look who this is, welcome, little guest——"

At this time, the special juggling dishes were quickly coming to an end.

The fat shopkeeper, unhurriedly, pulled out a chair at the dining table and bowed slightly: "Please sit here."

Then, he placed a dinner plate in front of Yukihira Soma. The iron ball pot disintegrated with a "click", and two pieces of cooked beef plopped into the plate, with amazing softness and elasticity!

After pouring on some usual sauces and spices, the fat shop owner smiled and said: "Guest, before you eat, I need to remind you that..."

"All the shops on the second floor do not accept any currency, including Japanese yen, US dollars, and soft currency."

Yukihira Souma, who was holding the knife and fork and seemed impatient, paused slightly, with a shocked expression: "Then how do I pay for it?"

"It's very simple, barter!"

The fat shopkeeper said: "Exchange one dish for one of my dishes."

"Of course, this is just the basic condition."

"You know, the value of everything is not equal, and the same is true for dishes."

"So, you can taste it freely, but the dishes you hand over must also make me like, approve and satisfy you!"

The "rules" here are really weird!

Yukihira Sou grunted sincerely.

"Should I taste it first and then exchange it? Or can I eat it only after the exchange is established?"

"Besides, if my dishes don't satisfy you..."

The fat shopkeeper's clown-like smile suddenly revealed a dangerous aura, making Soma Yukihira's eyebrows twitch.

"That will be regarded as the 'exchange' failure, and then, enter the eating halberd stage!"

After saying that, the fat shopkeeper once again used the flawless hospitality etiquette and bowed slightly.

"You can choose to eat first, or eat after forming an 'exchange'."

If it were in the past, when I was still in the Yukihira restaurant, fighting with my father every day, before entering Totsuki and seeing the vast food world, Yukihira Soma must have been excited, extremely confident and passionate, and chose to take over the fat restaurant owner first. "Hongmen Banquet".

Fortunately, Ping Chuangzhen's current mentality is more cautious.

It’s all my fault that a demon king has appeared in this generation!

He shook his head, looked at the disintegrated black iron ball held by the fat shopkeeper, and then looked at the pieces of beef on the plate.

To be honest, after a conflict with Mito Yumei, Yukihira Soma's understanding of meat cooking has improved to a higher level, so he can see that the fat shopkeeper's dish is of extremely high quality, which makes him Can't help but breathe in the cold air.

"How do you achieve such 'softness' and 'freshness'?!"

Hear the words.

The fat shopkeeper grinned:

"The 'kitchen' in my hand is both an iron ball and a special cooking utensil and pot. Did you also see my cooking process just now? That's right, in that juggling-like technique, the iron ball rotates at high speed and generates internal Extremely strong centrifugal force..."

"In addition, the heat generated by the special radiant heat network device installed inside will, through such a multiplicative effect, pressurize the beef while imparting an extremely delicate heat, penetrating the entire piece of beef layer by layer!"

Hearing this, Yukihira Soma expressed doubts and raised his hand to ask:

"Hey, this special kitchenware can really surpass the pressure cooker?"

His disbelief was written on his face.

It's normal to think about it. The Yukihira family, except for Zaiha Chaoyang, all follow the technical route and don't value materials and kitchen utensils.

"Is it really just a kitchen utensil?" the fat shop owner said with a funny smile, "It can be said that it is a second life for people like us!"

"A more appropriate term is "Noble Phantasm." "

"So young man, have you awakened your special talents and created your own "Noble Phantasm"? "

Yukihira Soma was simply confused.

at the same time.

In another shop, Erina and Teruki Kuga met 'Ink Claw Liu'.

This man with iron claws on his fingers was silent. In front of the two of them, he transformed a box of supermarket special beef into incredible specifications and quality in a short period of preparation.

“Fresh meat has become ‘aged meat’?”

"Also, why has the quality of beef improved so much?"

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