Eternal food paradise

Chapter 325 Rotating Chef (Part 2)

"this is menu."

Doubts are doubts, but this does not prevent Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo from entertaining guests, no matter how special their status is.

"They are all set meals, and the specifications are one dish, rice and soup."

Kadozaki Taki flipped through the menu board. It was not a thick book, but a transparent acrylic board with only three "dark dishes" written on it.

"Set meal? No, I want to order them all!" Kadozaki Taki did not hide the greed in his tone, ""Three Egg Shaomai", "Baoshan Feilong Hot Pot", "Gokuzi Shrimp Soup and Meat Soup", I want them all want!"

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo: "..."

A little confused.

This female graduate with whom she had a good relationship had definitely discovered something. She was not stupid. Recalling the details of the afternoon chat, she immediately found the key point, "Are you greedy for that box of 'special ingredients'?"


Kadozaki Taki didn't hide it at all. He glanced at Kikuchuan Guo's magnificent chest with complicated eyes and muttered in his heart, "Don't be envious of those who used your brains." Then he answered openly:

"No, no, don't you know that the 'special ingredients' in that box actually come from above?"

She raised her finger and pointed at the ceiling.

"In other words, Senior Shinomiya is just a porter and courier."

After saying that, she saw Mujiuzhienguo, a junior graduate who was one year younger than her. She still had a weak and foolish look on her face. For some reason, she almost lost control of her temper, and her anger level kept rising.


Pat the table.

"Group store!"

"Those 'mysterious materials' that make people greedy!"

Kadozaki Taki declared loudly.


Taki Kadozaki covered his face and sighed, "You really don't know that you are the second member of the group to have successfully come into close contact with the mysterious world after the 'Girls in Chief'."

Now all the graduates know the real identity of the 'Girl Commander'.

"That's why the silly lady doesn't know that happiness is in her own nest."

Mujiuzhienguo: ( ̄▽ ̄)!

You said that when I, a Totsuki alumnus who opened her own high-end Western restaurant less than two years after graduation, was called "Miss Silly"? Only Senior Sister Takaki Kadozaki wouldn't let her be called "Miss Silly". Cheeks are angry.

Kadozaki Taki ordered them all, which was equivalent to ordering three set meals, and the bill tripled in an instant.

Because there was only one guest to entertain, within half an hour, three "dark dishes" were placed on the dining table in front of Kadozaki Taki.

A proper feast of famous paintings!

"Eat Shaomai first..."

After glancing around, Kadozaki Taki locked on the bamboo steamer closest to his hand, opened the lid, and dropped a umami-filled, still piping hot 'siomai' into his mouth with his chopsticks.

Huff, huff, keep exhaling to relieve the heat. When you feel almost ready to eat, your teeth finally bite through the siomai.

Kadozaki Taki's eyes suddenly went blank.

This whirlwind...


In the wind of natural rejuvenation full of greenery, the clothes are completely torn, not even a single strand is left.

Immediately, there was a real feeling of weightlessness.

Being played with by the natural wind full of "naughty" and "mischievous" spirituality, it was gradually lifted to a height as high as the clouds.

"Where are the remaining two soups?"

Kadozaki Taki then picked up the spoon and glanced at the two pots of steaming soup with eyes filled with mist.

One pot is mushroom chowder.

The soup is clear and has no impurities, just like a mountain stream, and you can see the ingredients at the bottom very clearly.

The other pot was a strange stew, with the flavor of meat, the deliciousness of seafood, and the rich aroma of rice.

At least there is still some sanity left.

Kadozaki Taki subconsciously follows a tasting principle: clear your mouth first, then re-mouth it.

So, she scooped half a bowl of soup into the bowl, blew on the surface to cool it, and then put it into her mouth with a spoon.

The refreshing taste spreads.

Kadozaki Taki was trembling all over, and he could not control his voice and whispered: "Ah~"

Just feel...

The delicate, smooth skin turned into fertile soil, and mushrooms and wild vegetables quickly spread all over the body. Kadozaki Taki could feel the exciting vitality contained in these 'ingredients'.

Finally, we tasted the dish called "Jizi Shrimp Soup and Meat Soup".

Colorful lobster.

An unknown, fast-running 'monster' with the body of a chicken and the tail of a snake.


They are trampling towards here.

A long time passed.

Kikushiengo kept passing tissues and hot towels to her friends. When she saw Taki Kadozaki slumped on the chair, her delicate body weak and boneless, and her face covered with crystal water droplets that were either sweat or tears, she couldn't help laughing and joking, " Guest, are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?"

Kadozaki Taki took a long breath, and his sluggish pupils began to condense.

"What do you think?!"

She rolled her eyes and looked at Mu Jiuzhienguo with a complicated look on her face, "I probably understand why the "God's Tongue" will let you pass the test instead of me. "

Kikuchichi Sonoka, a female graduate, still has her big watery eyes open.

On her face, she always had that slightly soft, semi-cute expression that didn't have any fluctuations or ups and downs.


Kadozaki Taki covered his face again.

She was scared, this big-breasted monster had a sinister disguise that was so terrifying that she could hardly see through it.

"And, let's get back to business!"

Kadozaki Taki suddenly looked solemn, "The cooking skills you have shown on these three dishes, I think, have caught up with veteran chefs like Shinomiya Kojiro who have graduated ten years ago..."

Without waiting for Kikuchienka's reaction, Kadozaki Taki said in a tight voice: "I know the reason, and you must know it too!"

"The reason why our cooking power has increased so much is because of those 'special ingredients'!"

Afterwards, Taki Kadozaki happily paid the bill. She obviously enjoyed the meal and verified the answer herself, so when she left, she walked quickly with wind in her step.


Kikuchichi Sonoka's mobile phone received a chat message, probably from Kadozaki Taki who had just gotten into the car:

"I am determined to be the second rotating chef!"

With the corner of his mouth slightly raised, Kikuchichi Sonoko said to himself: "Is it inevitable that I will win? Kadozaki-senpai, there is no such thing as 'non-renewable or re-appointed' in the restaurant's chef schedule regulations."

As the restaurant chef who entertains the first guest, gets close to and cooks the ingredients in the box.

Kikushiengo has already understood the greatness and magnificence of the 'mysterious world' from reality.

No wonder we need training and on-the-job training.

That recipe booklet is simply a collection of formulas for using mysterious ingredients. The unknown chef built the framework and proved the stability, feasibility, and practicality!

"This rotating chef position is full of benefits." Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo looked at the group chat interface and felt panicked and extremely nervous. "This is the frontline for group members to contact the 'mysterious side', not to mention the point rewards. Well, even if they offer money, veteran chefs like Shinomiya-senpai will probably end up losing their lives."

And fortunately...

At present, there is no second graduate who has passed the "God's Tongue" job assessment.

Think of this.

Kiku Chiengo was a little excited in his heart, "Could it be that I have a super talent that I have never discovered? In the so-called 'dark cuisine'?!"

at the same time.

Yuanyue, the office of the club president.

Xia Yan opened the lunch box sent by Sigong. This was the 'sample' file of those who passed the assessment.

He calls for system identification:

""Ji Zi Shrimp Soup and Meat Soup". "

"Rating/Completion: 67%

"Dish characteristics/index: [Darkness] (medium), [Magic] (slight), [Drug] (strong)."

"Remarks/Explanation: It is obviously the work of a certain chef. The rawness and mistakes cannot hide the sparkle of potential."

Xia Yan was stunned.

Is this a ‘talent’ discovered?

"Mukuchi Garden Fruit."

Searching for information about this female graduate and senior from the 89th class, Xia Yan lowered her voice:

"It seems to have a pretty plump breast..."

Bonus points for fouls!

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