Eternal food paradise

Chapter 334 Alice’s Special Training (Part 2)

Nakiri Alice was completely confused.

There is no pre-explanation, and there is no novice guidance. The opening is the power of "moving the heaven and the earth".

who I am?

where am I? !

What’s next? ! !

The old philosophical combo questions fill the mind.

Jingle Bell.

At this time, the store door opened.

A familiar welcome bell.

"Ah, you are?"

Treasure hunter Sarah Gerdo opened the door and found a statue-like girl standing in the aisle. She couldn't help but look at it curiously and admired in her heart a silver-haired and white-haired princess-like girl, one of those legendary tree spirits and goblins who lured adventurers into corruption. **The incomparable appearance is nothing more than that.

With her mind empty, Alice looked up at Sarah, her eyes moving slightly.

There was a sound of running feet in the back room.


The real maid, Aletta, first greeted Sarah Gerdo familiarly and guided her to an empty seat, then returned and bowed to Alice Nakiri:

"I have received a notice from the store manager. I will ask Chef Alice for your guidance in the next week!"

At the same time, detailed information about the so-called "trial mission" appeared on Alice's retina.

Task period: one week (7 days).

Content/Instructions: As a 'trainee chef', entertain any customers who order food within this week (comes with a hospitality manual for regular customers and a daily restaurant recipe book).

Reward: TBD.

In addition, Alice also gets the store clerk information.

The maid who bowed in front of her, with golden-orange ponytails and a goat's horn decoration on her head, was actually not a human being, or rather, the "horns" on her head actually grew there.

"Aletta?" Trying to call the maid's name.


It was reassuring for Alice to get immediate feedback.

"Is there a changing room?" Alice looked at the 'Toyuki Uniform' she was wearing. It was impossible to cook in the uniform. It would be difficult to clean up if it was stained with oil. "I want to change into a set of kitchen clothes."

Aletta smiled warmly: "Yes, the store manager will change his work clothes every time he opens for business."

So, Alice and the maid walked from the store to the back room. Alice deliberately walked very slowly on the way. While observing the layout of the restaurant, she also quickly became familiar with the environment.

In the dressing room, facing the full-length mirror and putting on a brand new set of white kitchen clothes, Alice straightened the folds of her clothes and looked at herself in the mirror:

"Is this "trial mission" something that every group member must pass? "

"More like a quality assessment for new members?"

Thinking of this, Alice took a breath and said, "The novice mission is so unbelievable! What kind of terrorist organization have I been dragged into!"

Alice didn't know that it was her plea from the Earth Seat that came to fruition.

In the past, only Tian Suohui had experienced this kind of trial in another world.

Now, she is the second.

An honor?


The panic that Alice felt now was almost like the feeling she had when she showed off her cooking skills on stage for the first time.

"At least the customers are normal."

Take Sarah Gerdow, who just came to the door.

If the guests are all normal people, then my cooking skills will be fine no matter what, right?

Looking at herself in the mirror and talking to herself, Alice felt inexplicably uneasy.

That uneasy thread.

It's Aletta!

A non-human maid with a 'goat's horn'!

"Miss Sarah, is the ordering as usual today?"

After sending Alice to the back room, Aletta returned to the store to serve tea and entertain the female treasure hunter.

Upon hearing this, Sarah Gerdo glanced towards the bar, "Isn't Manager Xia here?"

"The store manager is not here, so for the next week, Chef Alice will be in charge."

"Is that so?"

Sarah looked hesitant.

She is the 'Cutcake II', a title she inherited from her grandfather William as a croquette lover. Other regular guests of the "Cat House" use this affectionate title to call her.

In other words, that treasured dish called "William's Secret Croquette" has always been Sarah's favorite recipe and has its own unique sparkle and meaning.

But Sarah doesn’t always order the same dish every time she comes to Cat House.

In that case, no matter how unique the dish is, there will be a day when it becomes boring. Sarah does not want to have negative emotions about the dish "William's Secret Treasure Croquette".

So, changing the food, trying to discover different dishes and delicious food with curiosity, I don’t know when, it became the state of mind of Sarah Gerdo every time she opened the door of the cat house. Who would have thought that just eating and tasting, you will have an exciting adventure experience comparable to digging a prehistoric treasure cave.

"I want to know what dishes the new Chef Alice is best at."

Sarah demonstrated the foodie experience of a regular customer, not ordering blindly but communicating with the chef himself first.


Alice put on her kitchen clothes and came out, standing at the open bar.

When asked about her area of ​​expertise, Alice answered without hesitation: "What am I good at? Of course it is molecular gastronomy..."

Sarah, Aletta: "???"

Molecular gastronomy?

A term I have never heard of.

Seeing this, Alice reacted and her expression suddenly stiffened.

Ah, there are no various modern instruments and equipment provided and supported by 'Nakiri International' here, so how can we change the molecular structure of the ingredients and recombine them.

If you want to make strange ice cream, without liquid nitrogen, solid fresh fruit cannot be turned into tiny ice crystal particles.

To put it simply, 'nitrogen' is the direct casting material in this field.

Without nitrogen, some operations under vacuum, such as making particles more delicate and delicate, would be impossible to achieve.

As for the core molecular gastronomy principles of 'sous-vide cooking' and 'low-temperature slow cooking', regardless of whether there is equipment or not, the cooking and refining time of several hours to dozens of hours is seriously unsuitable for the current restaurant environment!

what to do? So panicked!

"Jingle Bell!"

Another customer is coming!

Alice continued to have a stiff face and saw two old guys with white beards and white eyebrows, smiling happily and sitting directly in the front row of the bar.

"Hey, the chef has changed?"

"Oh my god, where did Xiaohui go? I want to eat the local food she cooked!"

Alice, whose head was in a mess, did not extract any clues about "Xiao Hui" from the old man's yelling words.

'The Great Sage' Aldorius noticed that the girl chef standing guard at the bar was sweating more and more on her forehead, so he looked kindly and comforted: "You can try to be more relaxed, as long as the food is cooked with care, we old guys You won’t speak evil words.”


Before he finished speaking, the store door was pushed open again.

This time the guest had a fiery personality and pushed the door with great force, causing a "bang" sound.

When she saw this guest, Alice's little mouth opened wide instantly.

Lion, lion man?

Isn't it, a lion walking upright, standing at the door, with muscles bulging one by one, knife marks all over the body, and the strong evil aura of an old warrior.

“Pork cutlet rice bowl!”

The lion man spoke in a deep voice, and the first thing he said was to order food.

Fried pork cutlet…

Rice bowl...

Alice was stunned, "That's it?"

She couldn't help but add in her heart——

A seemingly vicious guest.

What I ordered was the daily and ordinary dishes.

Suddenly, Alice roughly understood why this was a "trial mission" for a newcomer.

If the pressure brought by the environment can be overcome, the "trial mission" is not difficult, right?

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