Eternal food paradise

Chapter 336 [Transforming]

After breakfast, the two sisters were the only ones left in the restaurant. Erina and Alice didn't even make eye contact. After the Nakiri couple, Senzaemon and the other servants left one after another, they sat firmly on their chairs with a tacit understanding.

The air was eerily still.

In the end, it was Alice who couldn't help but break the silence: "Have you been 'there' too?"

Seeing this sister who was stubbornly confronting her and unable to keep her composure, Nakiri Erina raised the corners of her mouth slightly and laughed twice in her heart. This was considered a win back.


Erina had preconceptions and believed from the bottom of her heart that this sister was probably among the large number of newcomers in the 'special chat group' yesterday.

So, exhausted, hiding in the room not knowing where the "fugue" has gone.

No matter how you think about it, the person you were when you first came into contact with the paradise world is almost carved from the same mold!

"What is your 'novice mission'?"

Erina asked unhurriedly, thinking she had the absolute initiative in this conversation.

Alice had no time to dwell on the overt and covert fights between the Nakiri sisters. She took a deep breath and said, "Have you also experienced the 'Novice Task'? It seems that my guess is correct. Every new member who joins the group will be brutally attacked by the group leader." Arrangements and whippings..."

"What types of tasks are roughly divided into? Mine is restaurant management, haha, just laugh, Erina, don't think it is similar to Totsuki's "Field Study"..."

"The only similarity between the two contents is probably the environment! The environment of the restaurant and the environment of the kitchen!"

Erina couldn't agree more with these words.

"You're right!"

"Except for the environment, those spiritual beings are all different from our 'reality' and are full of incredible fantasy colors!"

Alice nodded.


"Before yesterday, I had never entertained 'diners' other than humans, those lion-men, lizard-men, and the maids of monster blood who were born with goat's horns..."

Clam? !

Erina, who was sitting upright with her arms folded on the chair, looked a little stiff.

Lion people, lizard people.

Meow meow, the monster maid lady.

What the hell is this? !

Looking at Alice across the dining table, who couldn't shut the mouth of the bottle and started chattering after she started to reveal the contents of the mission, Erina suddenly had a headache and couldn't help but rub her eyebrows, "Is this, the chat is not on the same channel?"

Well, the "Paradise World" she knows is limited to "Chinese Ichiban".

Those recipes full of metaphysical colors, cooking skills and even luminous dishes are incredible.

And Alice's acquaintance was "unbelievable".

In addition to cooking recipes——


Customs and customs!

Suddenly realizing that the conversation was no longer on the same channel, Erina looked at her sister Alice and became a little sympathetic.

If it comes to the trial of "Chinese Ichiban", as the older sister, she may still be thinking about the blood of the Nakiri family and secretly help.

But there are dimensions outside the Chinese world.


The only one you can rely on is yourself.

Erina remained tight-lipped and did not intend to reveal the truth to Alice.

She could tell that Alice was under a lot of pressure, and it was hard to find someone to talk to...

Then, let her wishfully think that she has found a "fellow traveler" and walk on with the warmth that she can hold on to.

"Alice, this is my little help and a little bit of compassion for you. Please thank me as your elder sister!" Erina said secretly.

Just like that, it’s another crisp autumn day.

Why is autumn high and the air refreshing.

Midsummer has left, and now it’s the end of summer and the first cooling period of autumn. Most areas in Neon just had their first rain a few days ago, and since then the temperature has dropped sharply. The air conditioner, which had been working to its death, was finally able to breathe.

To be precise, today is the last week of August.

As everyone knows.

Neon University has three semesters and three holidays, and the summer vacation for Neon students almost overlaps with that in China. They are from July to the end of August, and school officially starts on September 1st.

Yuanyue is a well-known restaurant restaurant and has a serious university system.

Early in the morning.

"Xia Yanjun, Xia Yanjun."

Yise Hui's call came from the old pipes in the room. Xia Yan quickly got up, washed up, put on a sweatshirt, and went downstairs to the lobby of Jixing Residence. Yise Hui was already waiting here with a hoe on his shoulder.

"Today is on time as always, not a minute early and not a minute late."

Isekhui said with a smile.

It is worth mentioning that this man only wore a loincloth, and most of his fair and healthy body was exposed to the air.

As for Isekhui's hobby of wearing loincloth and working, Xia Yan complained more than once:

"If you go to the ground like this, will you really not be scratched by sharp plants or bitten by mosquitoes?"

Isek Huize's eyes turned into a crescent moon smile: "I have an exclusive secret anti-insect spray. As for small wounds and cuts, I also have exclusive treatment methods. If Xia Yanjun is willing to dress like this and join my sect, these secret recipes are your!"

Climb for me.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched hard.

The two of them went to the vegetable shed not far from Jixingliao, which can be said to be Isekhui's "private territory".

You know, Yi Sehui's planting skills are extremely high, and he is enough to dominate among the top ten elites on campus. The high-quality green fruits and vegetables produced in his shed are called "N in the dormitory" by the friends of Jixingliao. One of the most incredible wonders."

As for why Xia Yan got up early and why he had to work in the fields, the reason has to do with the fact that about a month ago, when the summer vacation had just begun, he threw Alice into the "Alternate World Canteen" dimension for special devil training.

This special training consumed additional deviation values.

Because of this, Xia Yan and Alice can freely "come in and out" and "shuttle" between the two planes.

He left Alice at her post and escaped alone, venturing into the fantasy world outside the "door". He gained a lot, the most direct manifestation of which was... the four large lands in front of him.

His eyes were frozen for six or seven seconds, and pastoral information emerged:


"Night Sage".

"White Fat Flame Chili".

"Daylight Lantern Lemon".

There are 4 special crops in total.

The first two are marked by the system with words such as "herbal medicine", "edibility unknown", and "recommend repeated cooking experiments before serving to guests."

The latter two are simply "can be eaten directly" and "extremely low risk".

Magic ingredients!

Xia Yan squatted down, leaned over to check the motionless soil, and murmured in his heart: "On this third trip to the "Different World Canteen", all the unlocks are 'seeds'. I can't buy finished ingredients, but why do I feel guilty about planting them myself?" It’s amazing. This is obviously the perfect sustainable development path. "

Wouldn't it be nice to produce and cook your own food?

Strangely enough, I strictly followed Yise Hui's instructions to sow the seeds, and there was no shortage of watering and fertilizing, but no seedlings emerged from the soil in these acres of land.

"I said."

At this time, Yise Hui walked over, covered in mud, hot sweat seeping between the gaps in the muscles of his body, and holding a handful of nameless weeds in his hand.

He looked around at this bare field without any weeds, "You don't use herbicides indiscriminately, do you?"

Yise Hui's face twitched, and her tone gradually became irritable:

"The weeds next door are already making nests, but why is it still so bare here?"

Xia Yan spread his hands and said, "I'm also doubtful!"

After saying goodbye, Xia Yan stared at the pastoral information panel, staring at the land itself that had been ignored repeatedly before.


He fell into a long silence.


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