Eternal food paradise

Chapter 34 Fire burned the body

Yukihira Joichiro said to his son: "Today's 'topic' is Tamago Tofu."

"Ha, it's time for the tofu dishes at Yukihira's restaurant to be updated." Yukihira Soma punched his palm, took off the white scarf on his left hand, tied it on his forehead, and raised his fist with enthusiasm: "I will defeat your father today!"

The father and son went to get the ingredients at the same time, then turned their backs to the guests, stood side by side in front of the stove, turned on the fire, and set up the pan.


Kuga Teruki's originally boring and lazy expression suddenly changed.

His gaze went directly to the boy named Yukihira Soma.

Seeing Xing Ping Sou's real-cut Tamago Tofu, the knife was precise, and each piece was cut out intact. Teruki Kuuga couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "The skill of the knife is indeed something that has been honed for a long time..."

He muttered to himself and glanced at the monster leader beside him who was also watching the battle with great interest.

How did this guy know that there was a powerful young man here?

As for the "awesome" aspect...

Inexplicably, I was very concerned about it. Kuga Teruki continued to watch patiently until I saw Yukihira Soma put the 'tamago tofu' wrapped in cornstarch into the oil pan one by one and deep-fried it.

Not long after, he took a look at the slightly golden tofu on the dinner plate. Kuga Teruki shook his head and openly said: "The heat is a few seconds late. If it is delayed for a while longer, it will start to appear burnt."

Yukihira and his son, who had their backs to the bar, both heard these words.

Yukihira Soma gave him an unconvinced look, but said nothing and continued his cooking.

"The method of frying in a hot pot is very rough."

"Did you put too much sugar in the tomato sauce?"

ten minutes later.


Putting down the plate full of 'Tomato Braised Tamago Tofu', Souma Yukihira looked unhappy and said to Teruki Kuga: "This is the first time I've met such a noisy and commenting customer."

"Isn't this a cooking competition? And I'm the judge." Teruki Kuga didn't feel there was anything wrong with his sharp comments.

Yukihira Joichiro turned off the fire, put the cooked food on the plate and brought it to the bar. When he saw two teenagers there, arguing with each other unwilling to admit defeat, his eyebrows wrinkled and then relaxed, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. The elusive smile.

"Are you a chef?" Yukihira Joichiro looked at Kuga Teruki.

"I am a first-year student at Totsuki Saryo Culinary Academy, Department of Higher Education." Kuaga reported his family name as expected.

The regular customers who were watching suddenly went crazy.

Listening to the uncles and aunts he knew, and even the male and female students in the same school, whispering about "famous cooks" and "the proud son of heaven", Yukihira Soma raised his eyebrows habitually, his desire to win was simply It came out from his expression.

"How about I also make a dish of 'Tomato Braised Tamago Tofu'?"

Kuga Teruki seemed to be asking, but he stood up straight away.

"my pleasure--"

The eyes of Soma Yukihira and Teruki Kuga collided, and sparks were created.

Xia Yan smiled secretly.

A Saint who never admits defeat, has a strong desire to win, and can be resurrected with full health every time.

One of them is a top genius from a famous family in Toyuki. He has a strong self-esteem, a frank personality, but he is too direct, and his lines are acrimonious.

You know that when these two people meet, the atmosphere will definitely be heated. If it is not a cooking showdown, but a boxing championship match, then it will start with a 100% Ola Ola Ola shouting a big shot.

"I always feel like I've seen you before, you look familiar."

Yukihira Joichiro's eyes turned to another boy.

Hearing what Boss Xingping said, all the regular customers looked at Xia Yan who was deliberately weakening his sense of presence.


Among the crowd, two male high school students who had just entered the store took out their mobile phones, opened a popular Twitter message that they had liked and read, and then looked at each other.

"Is it, the Totsuki Shinsei who just won the Shokugeki victory?"

"Recently, many celebrities and critics in the food industry have said that he is already a top ten candidate and will definitely win a top ten spot in the second half of the school year——"

Suddenly, people looked at him differently.

Kuga Teruki was really upset. When it comes to Totsuki's popular Shokugeki news, he has to be mentioned. Who calls him the loser?

Being pointed at and lying down, I felt even more angry inside.

"Hold the grass!"

Xia Yan was sitting on pins and needles, vaguely feeling that the fire he had lit was about to spread to himself, the arsonist.

Yukihira Joichiro, or Saiba Joichiro, it's not surprising that he recognized him. After all, he was the legend who left Totsuki with the name "Shura", and he co-founded the Kokusei Ryo with the former Dojima Gin 's golden age.

It would be unusual for him not to pay attention to Totsuki's news.

Moreover, as Dojima Gin's good gay friend, the two people must be connected. Maybe one day in the past period, the good gay friend who talked on the phone intentionally or unintentionally talked about this outstanding Jokusei Ryo junior... …

Listening to the excited discussions from the regular customers in the neighborhood, Yukihira Joichiro's eyes were deep: "Are you interested in cooking yourself and making a 'tamago tofu' dish to entertain these guests who are very curious about you?"

Xia Yan: "..."

No, I refuse!

The system suddenly jumped out and became angry:

[Task-First meeting with Medicine King and Shura]

[Content: Use ‘Tamako Tofu’ to cook a dish of no less than 2-star quality. 】

[Reward: "Fake Crispy Barbecue" recipe (Spirit of the Food Halberd, two stars). 】

Xia Yan is in a mess. In front of Xing Ping Soma, you want to reward me with the recipe of the "King of Medicine". The system won't be ashamed of your face!

But I was also extremely curious in my heart.

The recipe of Yukihei-ryu, or "Yaou-ryu", undoubtedly represents the subtle gastronomic rules of the world of Shokuki.

To put it simply...


Exploding clothes!

Does mastering the recipes of the world of Shoji also mean that the system has given me the permission to "prescribe medicine"?

Thinking of this, all the resistance in Xia Yan's heart disappeared without a trace.


Compare it to dark cuisine or something.

Drugging and blowing clothes is the great pursuit of a normal chef!

Seeing Xia Yan get up and walk into the open kitchen, Yukihira Joichiro pointed at himself: "Of course, it is interesting to compare the works when they are placed on the table, and as Totsuki's popular new star, the person you want to compare"

Hearing this, Xia Yan's face twitched, "Shuluo", you really can relax and compete with a mere student on your dishes.

Yukihira Joichiro's cooking skills must be above the special level.

Fortunately, the original target of the competition was his son. Yukihira Joichiro deliberately suppressed his cooking skills and did not want to defeat his son, so the dishes seemed quite ordinary at first glance.

Xia Yan glanced at the 'braised tamagoyaki tofu' that "Shura" brought to the bar.

"Tamako tofu, also called egg tofu, neon tofu..."

"The 2-star quality is not stable at all. Without the help of Dark Doubanjiang, then I should..."

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