Eternal food paradise

Chapter 342 The Burning Generation (Part 2)

"Ryo Hayama!"

Jury seat.

From the beginning to the end, the only person Qian Tata Xia Ya paid attention to was the owner of the "God's Smell".

Watching Hayama Ryo's cooking unfold with interest.

Snapper head.

Fish head curry?

Seeing Ryo Hayama kneading the dough next, and it seemed that the dishes were more like pastries, Qian Tata Xia Ya became very interested:

"Fish head, naan bread, how do you combine them?"

And off the court.

Seeing the familiar teaching assistant making naan cakes, Jun Shiomi suppressed his exclaim: "Could it be——"

She obviously knows the secret of Hayama Ryo's dish, and this dish is definitely powerful and delicious.


Ryo Hayama was already standing in front of the curry soup pot, his eyes flashing with hesitation.

"If it were normal, cooking it with ordinary lemongrass and coconut milk would be enough to achieve my 'aroma' goal..."

Hayama Ryo didn't have to look up and around. Through his "God's Smell", he could see almost the entire competition in Area A beyond the kitchen table where he was standing.

Or rather, the fragrance floating on the field fell into his olfactory field, forming a three-dimensional observation map.

"Mito Yumei, Kurokiba Ryo..."

One by one, the names came to mind. They were all outstanding performers who caused riots in the audience after being featured in the broadcast cameras.


Ye Shanliang would not say that in his heart, one name was particularly threatening.

"Souma Yukihira!"

Following a faint breath, he found the location of Souma Yukihira, who was in the same group.

Not paying attention to Soma Yukihira, who was sitting cross-legged on a chair and drooling while sleeping, Ryo Hayama built his own "smell net" and tried his best to spy on the pot on the kitchen counter where the soup was boiling and steam was surging out.

"Cumin, cardamom, onion."


"That kind of 'material'..."

After discovering that Yukihira also used illegal ingredients, Hayama Ryo immediately put aside all hesitations and spoke with confidence: "Very good, the direction and focus of this round of cooking competition has unknowingly shifted to the competition of unfamiliar materials. Have you used it?"

"Oh, how could I, who claims to be able to control "scent", lose to a bunch of you half-wits in this field and my specialized application? "

Click, put down the jar of lemongrass.

Xia Yan, who saw Ye Shanliang cutting lemons and sitting in the faculty seat, quietly and with little sense of presence, clicked his tongue in his heart.


I thought this proud "God's Smell" classmate would insist on using conventional weapons to defeat foul materials.

It seems that Ryo Hayama is not just a stupid person. He realized that something was seriously wrong with the plot of the trial, and when the war became more intense than ever, he became weak.

At the judging table, Chito Natsuya, wearing a white dress and sitting with her legs crossed, pointed to Ryo Hayama's kitchen counter:

"It's that weird 'lemon' thing again!"

"Several students are prepared!"

Isekkei stood not far from the chair, and in the original work, it was Eizan Edazu who was also responsible for entertaining the curry queen.


What else can be said, Isshiki Hui, who knew where the 'lemons' material came from, could only respond with an awkward but polite smile.

And he was muttering loudly in his heart:

"The kind of pepper that oozes white a**."

"A lemon with its own light magic that can blind your eyes."

"Didn't I just see you in my hometown yesterday? Xia Yanjun distributed the 'materials' to everyone?"

There is another explanation, which is that these products are not unique to Xia Yanjun, he is just one of the communicators. So, from what channels did the elites on stage who have a tacit understanding of using this kind of 'material' get it?

Absolutely unimaginable mass sending of "red envelopes".

Isekhui's thoughts began to become confused.

From area A, move to area B.

This time, Xia Yan did not quietly find a seat at the guest table, but went straight to the judging table.

Sitting here is another one of the 'Curry Queen Sisters', the younger sister Chitota Orie.

"'Classmate on the table'? "

Qianhe Zhijiang spoke first and took the initiative to say hello.

Compared to her sister Qianto Xia Ya, she seems to have a quieter personality. She smiled lightly and said, "I have admired your name for a long time."

"You may not know how many food groups are eyeing you. The reason why no one takes action is because the Nakiri family and President Dojima have already said hello. Otherwise, the threshold of the Jisei dormitory will be broken. "


Xia Yan noticed that Qian Buzhijiang was looking at him with twinkling eyes and a strange blush on his cheeks.


Something is wrong.

Big sister, aren't you Isekhui's mistress? In the original novel, it is said that she will drop out of school immediately and raise Isekhui for the rest of her life, and talks about an astonishingly beautiful young female boss.


Erina Nakiri, who was responsible for entertaining Sentata Ori, coughed heavily, her displeasure written on her face.

"What's going on in Area A?"

"It was intense."

Xia Yan took an overview of the venue.

The outstanding characters of Group B include Tasukei, Alice, Hisako, Yoshino Yuki, Hojo Miyoko and others.

Hey, what a coincidence, the big screen above the venue was showing Alice a close-up shot.

Compared with other contestants in the same group, Alice's kitchen furnishings are simply the difference between a laboratory and an ordinary cooking classroom. The various high-end instruments and equipment made the students in the stands sweat secretly.

"Blast freezer."

"Telecentric separator."

It turns out that the skill of a chef is not as good as liver, but also krypton?

Sure enough, wherever Mr. Krypton goes, he is covered in golden light!

"... After she mashed and sifted the potatoes, she mixed in the coriander. Is she making the crust of some kind of 'pie'!"

Qianhe Zhijiang was surprised.

Xia Yan noticed Sadatsuka Nao and Hojo Miyoko.

"Nao Sadatsuka, after all, this is a good seed for 'dark cuisine'." Xia Yan said secretly, "Her cuisine is just terrible in appearance, it looks like the poison of black magic and black witchcraft, but the core is delicious. This is surprisingly consistent with my path!"

Compared with Sadatsuka Nao, a maniac who stalks women, the strong and plump Miyoko Hojo is also quite suitable for Natsu Yan's taste.

Take a look.

The strong arms that hold the big Chinese iron pot steady, with a big build and amazing arm strength.

Having said that, what is different from the original work is that Miyoko Hojo joined the "Dark Cuisine Club", which was the Chinese Cuisine Research Association in the past. Now, she is regarded as a female general under Xia Yan, the ultimate direct descendant.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan touched his chin and thought to himself: "The strange strength is amazing and the bones are amazing. Try to introduce her to Leihua and let the 'Iron Lady' train her well?"

Time ticks by.

"Cooking time is over."

Host Rei Kawashima's voice echoed throughout the two venues: "The review phase will now begin."

And censorship is the beginning of the nightmare for ordinary students.

33 points!

28 points!

31 points!

6 points……

The numbers that were far away from the passing line filled the venue with a chill.

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