The appearance of Xia Yan's trumpet suddenly made the atmosphere in the banquet hall of the Yiren Hall tense.

From the standpoint of Li Yan and Xiang En.

A trap and pocket that has been tightened, and unknown people suddenly break in, this is a declaration of war!

From the perspective of Ding You and Liu Pleiades.

Even if this is not reinforcements.

At least he's a "friend" that he can rely on a little bit!

"A Subaru, don't believe their lies!" Ding You said in a calm voice, reaching out to pick up his sleeping daughter, "It's impossible to hand over the [Eternal Spirit Sword] to them, you just have to devote yourself to preparing for the "God's Sword Skills Showdown". Meili, I will find a way! "

Xiang En screamed: "You can't save her. This kind of food combination reaction of 'reversing the five elements and reversing the yin and yang' has been searched all over the Chinese cuisine world, and only Mr. Kaiyou has a way to crack it!"


"Isn't it the "Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays"?"

Hear the sound.

Xiang Enshala turned his head and stared at it, his eyes flickering, filled with shock: "How did you know that was..."

After blurting it out, I immediately realized something was wrong.

Xiang En pursed his lips.

"Eight Demon-Breaking Formations?" Master and disciple Ding You and Liu Pleiax looked at each other. Although the name sounded strange and profound, Xiang En's reaction was enough to explain a lot.


Ding You held Liu Piaoxing in one hand and strode out of the hall.


Xiang En was unwilling to give in, but before he took two steps, he was forced back by the man standing at the hall door, exuding intimidating power.

When Xia Yan saw the dangerous woman with good martial arts in the world background of "Zhonghua Ichiban", he flew back, and he was amazed and praised the infinite uses of the 'trumpet'.

Don't think that character cards only increase the upper limit of cooking skills to the peak of Lin level.

In the corresponding world background, the characters and characters generated will definitely have a force value that matches their cooking skills!

Otherwise, the system’s rating for the card will not be [SR+].

It's not just a show of cooking skills but no force.

Seeing Xiang En and the 'Mask Chef' Li Yan walking back, they were extremely fearful and stared at him coldly. However, they were faced with a helpless situation. Xia Yan just wanted to laugh twice on the spot:

"This trumpet is simply a ruthless grass-growing machine!"

"Xiang En's rating is SR at most, most likely SR-. Is this card suppression from [SR+]?"

Xia Yan gradually retreated, hiding in the night.


Li Yan, the 'masked chef' who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Your Excellency broke into the alien restaurant at night. Since you are here, according to the rules of the alien restaurant, you must compete with me, the owner of the restaurant, in terms of cooking skills. burden!"

It wasn't Li Yan's words that would have made Xia Yan stay.

It was the system's "ding dong" prompt. Xia Yan had a strange expression and looked at the cooking showdown task that popped up in his field of vision——

"Choice 1: Fight against Li Yan, and after defeating him, you will get his essence set meal recipe "Lobster Three Battles"."

"Option 2: Duel with Li Yan and Xiang En to get the recipe "Weak Hypocrisy·Eight Demon-Breaking Formations"."

"Option 3: Leave calmly, refuse the duel, and be rewarded with 10 free skill points."

Another option!

It's been a long time since I jumped from "Spirit of Shokugeki" to "Chinese World". The system's way of jumping tasks has changed a lot. Xia Yan guessed that when he was in Shokugeki World, the number of 'players' in the Chinese World Due to the rapid expansion and the fact that the map is almost fully open, the upgrade of some park projects has been completed silently.

Option 1, Li Yan's "Lobster Trilogy"? There are three recipes, yes, but when compared to the second option, "Weak Pseudo: Eight Demon-Breaking Formations", the value is completely destroyed!

Even the broken "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" is of immeasurable value, not to mention the shadow of the secret that Xiang En obtained directly from the Kaiyu BOSS.


Xia Yan, who thought clearly in just one or two seconds, showed Li Yan and Xiang En a kind smile that sent chills down their spines:

"You can come together."

Li Yan, Xiang En:? ? !

After a moment of silence, Xiang En, who was infinitely suppressed in the previous confrontation, said in a cold voice: "Okay!"

It seems that she is planning to win back the city and save face in the cooking and cooking competition.

As the owner of the Alien Pavilion, when an unknown person without an invitation came to the villa, Li Yan had no reason to back down and refuse to fight: "Okay, the title is "Lobster Three Battles for Hegemony". Originally, this content, ha, I planned to use it with Ding. Oil duels again!"

The "Three Fights for Hegemony" is nothing more than a competition in three events around the 'lobster'.

First project.

Comparing sword skills!

Blindfold your eyes and process and dismember the fresh lobster in the dark to complete the delicious platter!

When Xia Yan, Li Yan, and Xiang En went to the side room next to the banquet living room, they found that it had been temporarily converted into a kitchen. Baskets of fresh lobsters were ready, seemingly waiting for Ding You and Li Yan. These former brothers faced off again.

However, it is far from the original story.

at this time.

The person who started a duel with the owner of the alien hall turned out to be the extremely mysterious 'Mr. Qin'. Xia Yan operates the trumpet as he pleases.

Standing in front of a kitchen table, the three of them looked at each other seriously.


All blindfolded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of knives and the sound of hard carapace peeling off in the room.

One sword, two swords.

The third knife.

Li Yan seemed to be able to do it with ease. When cutting the lobster, he still had enough time to observe the opponent's situation from the details of the sound.

It can be said that Li Yan has not stopped practicing related projects since he lost to Ding You many years ago. He is confident that he will win, even if this mysterious man who calls himself "Mr. Qin", the chef Art may be much stronger than him.

"A little faster than my pace, but not much faster!"

After observing such results, Li Yan took a deep breath.

And Xiang En.

Carving a lobster? Putting out a umami plate?

For a chef who is in charge of the "Seven Star Knife", any knife skill is easy.

Soon, almost at the same time, the three of them took off their blindfolds one after another.


On everyone's kitchen table, there is a lobster platter. Not only are the shrimp shells intact as a decoration, but the tender shrimp meat is perfectly cut and has a delicate texture.

"It seems that this round is a tie." Li Yan said proactively.

Xiang En nodded.

Xia Yan shook his head, with an unpredictable smile on his lips: "That's not necessarily the case."

Li Yan and Xiang En's expressions suddenly froze.


Xia Yan's method of proof was very simple. He lifted the platter with one hand and faced the direct light from the lantern on the wall.

In an instant, the plate sparkled.

The lobster shell and the tender lobster meat are all covered with a layer of luster.


The pieces of meat kneaded into flower rolls vaguely create ocean tidal ripples, and at the same time, the shadows of crayfish appear. They swim and play among the flowers of the meat pieces, as if they regard it as a coral reef.

"This is..." Li Yan and Xiang En didn't dare to breathe.

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