So, in the private room of a time-honored restaurant in Guangzhou, Xia Yan and Nakiri Senzaemon successfully had an online "face-to-face".

"I didn't expect that Your Excellency is so young."

After sitting down, Nakiri Senzaemon cast a curious look.

This veteran commander who has been in a high position for a long time does not need to deliberately add any ferocious look in his eyes. The high pressure will naturally be hooded towards the person who is the center of attention.

Tsk, old man, this trick is of no use to me. I have been rushing to Nakiri's house all day long, and your aura has created an immune shield for me!

Xia Yan didn't dodge, and met Senzaemon's eyes head-on, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Are you really young?"

He knew that this 'small number', body shape, appearance, etc., after certain modifications, were similar in outline to the original figure at most. Besides, the appearance index of this 'small number' was so high that he did not dare to recognize it shamelessly.

A casual rhetorical question, but it seemed that Nakirisen Zuoe had misunderstood.

What's the meaning?

Commander Yuanyue frowned.

From the perspective of a high-ranking person, in a meeting of this level, the person opposite would not talk nonsense casually.

Are you really young...

Is the "skin bag" an illusion? His real age is even a bit older than himself?

Think of keywords that are hot topics in the chat group.

Daxian Temple, a thousand-year-old temple.

And what magical power of kitchen utensils, "legendary kitchen utensils".

Therefore, based on the background of supernatural power rules, could this mysterious chat group founder be a certain old monster...

Seeing Senzaemon, he didn't even bother to drink the tea, and fell into a slightly dazed state.

Xia Yan sighed in his heart, "A rhetorical question, is it necessary to think so much?"

In fact, the meaning of his rhetorical question is——

Old man, the age of this ‘trumpet’ has been forcibly increased. As for me, I am just a school student in Yuanyue World. In your eyes, Commander-in-Chief, I'm afraid I'm not even a young man, just a kid.

never mind!

Xia Yan took the initiative to change the topic: "Your Majesty, Commander-in-Chief, are you interested in knowing more about this restaurant?"

As he spoke, he stood up and pushed open the window not far from the table, facing the street.


A rush of city noise flooded into the house.

"'Yosen Restaurant'..." Senzaemon did not hide his curiosity, "I have heard people mention it many times in the chat group, not just on today's hot topics. "


After pausing for a moment, Senzaemon looked around the private room. With his experience and eyesight, it was impossible not to see that the tables, chairs, furnishings, floors and walls of this restaurant were all in very new condition, and there was also a faint smell of paint. and woody smell.

"It doesn't look like a time-honored, century-old store." Senzaemon expressed it bluntly.

"The place has changed, but the people have not." Xia Yan said with a smile, "The old structure was destroyed in the fire, and now it is a new store that has been reborn from the ashes."

The words trailed off.

The waiter brought the food into the room, followed by a middle-aged man with a serious look on his face.

"I'm sorry."

After the waiter set out the food, Ding You solemnly bowed to Xia Yan and said, "Thank you, sir, for your help at the Foreign Mansion. Otherwise, the little girl's life would have been in danger. Although A-subaru and I are unwilling to do so, we will probably have no choice but to obey the dark people." at the mercy of."


Ding You said with a solemn face: "It is even possible to hand over the [Yongling Sword] in exchange for Meili's life."

Everlasting Knife!

Nakiri Senzaemon pricked up his ears, and couldn't help but glance at Xia Yan across the table, and his gaze settled down, intending to keep a close eye on the "administrator" to see how he would react.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan was operating the 'trumpet' with a refreshing laugh: "Hahaha, Master Dingyou, I can't hand over the [Yongling Sword] now. To be honest, I intend to participate in this "Shenqian Sword Skills Showdown" . "

Ding You was obviously stunned.

After a moment, he looked up and down, looking at 'Mr. Qin' who was winking at him with a teasing look on his face. His face twitched: "Sir, you are really... young!"

"Probably, it falls within the age range of the "Kami-mae Swordsman Showdown". "

At this time.

Another old but spirited voice came from outside the house: "I heard that sir is currently staying in Lei Mansion temporarily?"

"Yes, I declare to the outside world that I am Iron Lady's disciple." Xia Yan replied.

Master Luo Tian entered the room with a plate of vegetarian dishes in his hand.

"This is a side dish that the old man made to go with wine in order to thank Mr. Qin. It's disrespectful." Putting the plate on the table, Luo Tian glanced at Nakiri Senzaemon in samurai uniform.

Two old men of similar age looked at each other.

Um? !

There was a hint of surprise in Luo Tian's eyes, "Your Excellency, your magnanimity is extraordinary. May I ask where it comes from?"


Senzaemon replied, but his eyes moved to the vegetable stir-fry that Luo Tian had just brought to the table. As if he felt something, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said in his heart: "This dish makes me fearful and intimidating." Something powerful.”

Luo Tian repeated "Fusang" in his mouth, and left the house with Ding You.

In the blink of an eye, the elegant room returned to silence.


Finding that Senzaemon was still observing Luo Tian's dishes, Xia Yan reminded: "That person's name is Luo Tian, ​​the leading dragon chef in Guangdong."

"Dragon Chef!"

Nakiri Senzaemon's eyes twitched, and he suddenly pointed at the dish with bright eyes: "So, this dish is the dragon dish above the "Rin" character? "

Xia Yan nodded, "In order to thank me for my assistance, Master Luo Tian should show off his "True Dragon Cooking Skills"! "

Next, both of them were speechless and took off their chopsticks almost at the same time.

A stir-fried vegetable dish.

Moreover, the vegetables are ‘Qingjiang vegetables’ that Xia Yan is extremely familiar with!

""Stir-fried Qingjiang Vegetables"?"

Xia Yan was in a subtle mood.

He, who knew the original work, certainly knew that Liu Pleiades left Shu and went to Guangzhou's "Yangquan Restaurant" to learn the art, and the first-hand recipe he mastered was "Stir-fried Qingjiang Cai".

And having said that, in the birth process of this classic recipe, there was the figure of 'Shiquan Master' Luo Tian. It was he who guided Liu Pleiaxing on how to remove the earthy and fishy smell contained in Guangzhou's local Qingjiang cuisine.

"Sure enough, it's blanched and oiled——"

While chewing a few green vegetables, Xia Yan tasted a faint smell of pork.

Oil residue?

Is it using pork fat and burning it in a pot first to make lard? At the same time, is the ginger, onion, and garlic fried until fragrant?

Unlike Liu Pleiades, Luo Tian himself uses lard instead of chicken fat.

This is more down-to-earth.

Xia Yan tasted it carefully, and Nakiri Senzue's comments came from across the table:

"Is it mixed with lard and peanut oil, and then stir-fried vegetables?"

"In addition to the vegetable juice, the oil-consuming sauce also emphasizes the umami flavor, including abalone juice and mushroom powder. Finally, before putting it on the plate and serving it, I also sprinkled some shrimp powder..."

"Awesome! Every ingredient, no matter how big or small, no matter how subtle, is closely centered around 'umami'!"

Xia Yan no longer had time to talk to Senzaemon, so he chewed up the green vegetables. Between his lips and teeth, there was a refreshing taste of the vegetables, coupled with the magnificent and delicious taste of many fresh ingredients -

Ever since.

He vaguely saw a sea full of green.

And his intrusion was like disturbing the dormant fireflies in the green ocean. In an instant, countless green light spots rose into the sky and filled the field of vision.

Standing under the green fluorescent sky.


A dragon-like green aurora spreads out into the distance on the horizon of the field of vision, until the end of the world.

Xia Yan had a feeling in his heart: "...This is the world in Master Luo Tian's plate, and I have broken into his realm, consciousness."

Almost at the same time as Senzaemon, he put down his chopsticks.


Nakiri Senzaemon had sweat on his forehead, and there was some kind of shock in his eyes, "It turns out that the scenery after "Rinji" looks like this. "

Xia Yan said:

"Special grade is to let the characteristics/characteristics form a painting."

"The word "Lin" is to continue to trace the lines on the painting, trying to be as real as possible."

"Dragon level, maybe..."

The two looked at each other across the table and said in unison:

“The finishing touch!”

"A vegetarian stir-fry... also has a majestic dragon-like meaning!"

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