Eternal food paradise

Chapter 377 Attack of Erina (Part 1)

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Nakiri Erina didn't know what expression to use.

You were clearly the one provoking me to fight, so why did you ask me to take action in the end?

Cursing in his heart, he met Xia Yan's fixed gaze, and especially, noticed the undisguised look of expectation and encouragement in those eyes.

Erina felt a surge of blood rushing to her head.

"Okay!" The words of the reply were so crisp and sassy, ​​"Leave it to me!"

Isehui tilted his head:?

Hold the grass, is this the young lady who has a bad temper and runs away at every turn?

If it were Totsuki instead of the paradise world of "Chinese Ichiban", Isshiki Hui could basically imagine the follow-up development of Xia Yan asking the eldest lady to cook. With Erina's daily style, her first reaction would be to stare back. You're welcome to slap me in the face - my appearance fee is not cheap!

"I'll go to the back kitchen to see what ingredients are available." After saying that, Erina stood up, full of energy, walking with a breeze, and she didn't look a little reluctant.

When the young lady turned around and left, Yisehui immediately gave Xia Yan a thumbs up across the table.

The words of admiration are simply written on his expression, so there is no need to describe anything else.


The dark crowd looked at this girl who was about sixteen or seventeen, and saw that her long golden-orange hair was shawl down her shoulders, and her gestures were not the style of a woman in a boudoir in this era.

Xiang En thought to himself, is he a stranger?

"What do you mean, letting a stranger take charge of this dinner?" Xiang En stopped guessing, "It's just an ordinary dinner. Didn't you just say that this is a duel show to relieve the boredom of a boring journey? Hehe, since it’s a cooking competition, I won’t be merciful just because you assigned a strange person to take part in the competition.”

"I'm not asking you to be merciful." Xia Yan had a naughty parent's smile at the corner of his mouth. "It's okay for you to take action yourself. Give that child a good education for me."

Xiang En: "..."

He was about to continue making sarcastic remarks, but now he was blocked.

Xiang En had many thoughts running through his mind.


The stranger was traveling with him and had a close relationship. He was most likely a disciple or apprentice...

"This is interesting. As far as I know, there are aliens all over the world, but no one has special cooking skills so far." Xiang En smiled, his voice suddenly dropped, and he coldly called out: "Loke!"


A burly man responded and stood up.

"Go ahead, you, 'Emperor Tang', rarely get a chance to take action, so you must seize it!"

The big man named Luo Ke replied in a muffled voice:

"Lord Xiang En, I will not let you down!"

Seeing the big man walking straight to the back kitchen, Xia Yan withdrew his gaze and smiled at Yisehui: "I didn't expect it to be an acquaintance. This guy named Luo Ke once competed with me. He was a top player in the dark cooking world at that time. In the selection arena, I successfully won a special spot for that year.”

Isekhui immediately covered her face, "So, this person is a contemporaneous student of your "Great Demon King" in the paradise world? "

Seeing that Xia Yan was very worried, he didn't look worried at all.

"Hey, hey." He couldn't help but complain, "Her eldest lady's temper has improved a lot. There is no need to beat her up to teach her how to behave."

Xia Yan shook his head funnyly:

"What a temper. I would rather she continue to be that cute little arrogant person."

"Besides, I want her to be severely beaten, but only for her cooking skills, not for her as a person. Don't make any mistake."

As he said this, a trace of depth flashed across Xia Yan's eyes.

It was rare for someone other than family and friends to serve as a whetstone to carefully test Rina's current level of cooking skills.

Duel dishes are a direct reflection of a chef's highest skill.

In other words.

Xia Yan wanted to see how far Erina was from the top of the special mountain. Did she just reach the foot of the mountain and not yet start climbing, or had she already started climbing halfway up the mountain and started to appreciate the scenery.

The results of this observation will affect Xia Yan's subsequent arrangements and operations.

He very much wanted to witness the first special-level student who walked out from under his "shady hand".

Tsk tsk, he could foresee how much sensation there would be inside and outside Yuanyue by then, and "Generation of Jade" would completely break away from the trajectory of the original work, transcending the timeline, and the first super-class breaker would appear.

The system will never be stingy in rewarding this "shady man".


The back kitchen of "Fengqi Inn".

Nakiri Erina came in and looked around, quite surprised.

I originally thought it was a typical ancient Chinese kitchen style, but who would have thought that the kitchen counters, shelves and cabinets were all very clean, not only was there not a trace of smoky blackness, there was not even a stain of oil.

There may be two reasons. One is that the cooks or handymen are good at their jobs.

Secondly, the store itself is not simple.

Since entering the paradise world, Erina's experience in the back kitchen of China Restaurant has increased dramatically. Based on her simple evaluation, the environment and cleaning and maintenance content of this back kitchen are enough to get an A rating. It is the top font size in Guangzhou City.

"Oh, little girl, here is a basket of mountain flavor just delivered by the herb collector."

With a burst of nectar-flavored fragrance, the charming landlady in red, a beautiful woman, walked into the kitchen with a smile and directed the deaf-mute waiter to put down a large bamboo basket.

"Some mushrooms and fungus." Erina's eyes lit up, and many recipes came to mind.

The proprietress twisted her waist and shouted: "Master, it's up to them to fight with the guests, but we can't delay our hospitality. Come on, let's serve some authentic Sichuan flavor to the guests first."

Soon, the male owner of the inn appeared, a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face. He said nothing, rolled up his sleeves, took a few ladles of water, and washed his hands carefully.

Then Erina watched him put the two skinned and plucked rabbits hanging on the shelf and throw them into the hot water pot.

In this pot, the ginger slices sank to the bottom and the peppercorns floated with the boiling water.


A large spoonful of rapeseed oil and set up a large wok.

Erina watched the man as he poured tempeh, minced garlic, etc. into the boiling oil pan one after another, as well as a lot of traditional Chinese seasonings and spices.

Wait until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and cooked completely.

A large pot of fragrant red oil base, plus rabbit meat chopped into small pieces.

""The Red Rabbit"?"

It’s a Sichuan classic.

Nakiri Erina looked at the innkeeper and left the kitchen with this bowl of Sichuan food in person, and couldn't help but ponder:

"The cooking style is very smooth, and not much information is revealed."

"Anyway, I can't see through the specific strength of the head chef, but judging from the performance of the proprietress and the head chef, Isekhui's theory of a 'black shop' is untenable."

It’s not that I doubt Isekhui.

Erina's experience is not comparable to that of ordinary JK girls. She has been in and out of high-end restaurants since she was a child, and she has always known that this couple has a story. No wonder Isshiki is suspicious, she has noticed something is wrong with her employer. .

That's when.

There was a loud noise of chickens and dogs jumping.

Luo Ke belatedly entered the kitchen and came back with two live chickens. They were large pheasants with long and narrow tail feathers and colorful fur.

"You spent a quarter of an hour just to go out and catch game?" Erina was surprised.

Luo Ke glanced at her and said angrily: "My nickname is 'Soup Emperor' and I am good at soup cooking, so I decided to make chicken soup and cook the best dishes with the strongest cooking skills, so that Master Xiang En will not treat me badly. disappointment."

Erina: "...Uh!"

This big guy, this iron and honest boy?

I just asked subconsciously, but I didn't expect to get all the information.

Yes, all of them.

"Soup dish, the ingredient is pheasant."

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