Eternal food paradise

Chapter 392 Time Bai Mapo

"I'm done!" Laihe raised his hand to signal.


The crowd was astonished, as if they had just broken away from the fragrance that filled both sides of the canal and the huge shadow of the trees.

Lai He saw that the emcee was a little stunned and did not immediately ask the gong player to sound the end of cooking. He shouted dissatisfiedly: "According to the rules, if any contestant finishes cooking, the other player has to stop forcibly without beating the gong." Announcing it?”

With a "click", Isekhui made good use of the built-in camera function of the park to capture this scene into a large high-definition picture and sent it to the 'Shokuji World Exchange Group', just like a war reporter, reporting and following the competition in real time:

He posted the picture and attached a sentence:

"Chef Lin, Laihe, finished his 'Shokubi dishes' before he arrived for half an hour."

It can be said that all members in the communication group, regardless of seniors or juniors, have been paying attention to this game from the beginning.

After all, the players who serve as the main force of the "Phoenix Mapo" brand are our own. They should not be too familiar with them and have a strong desire to support and feel involved.

"Less than half an hour?"

"We students can also do it at this time, but we must know that generally speaking, 60 to 70% of the two-hour deadline is left for us to think about, so that we have enough There is room for error. If you make a major mistake in cooking, you can start over again. There is enough time..."

"With the themes of "Mapo" and "Tofu", the structure of the dishes and the content of the main ingredients determine this cooking competition. Not only this round, it will probably end quickly!"

Isshiki Hui then quickly congratulated Lai who had finished the dishes and continued to snap a few close-up pictures.

This is Chef Lin whose name is "Two-tailed Scorpion".

From the other side of Wanfu Bridge, which is crowded with people, we slowly walked towards the judging platform set up in the center of the bridge.


As he stepped forward, the master of ceremonies asked the gong player to ring the bell:

"The first round is over!"

"Stop it!"

All the eyes of the audience turned to the kitchen area of ​​"Phoenix Mapo".

"Fortunately, the dishes I cook are not complicated or cumbersome and require a long time to stew." Xia Yan didn't show any panic at all. When Lai He raised his hand to bring the dishes, he calmly stopped the fire and let the sauce go. , load the plate.

I saw Xia Yan following Lai He and also submitting dishes to the judging table.


Yi Sehui is a very competent war correspondent. She knew the friends of the 'Shokuji World Exchange Group' and became an online cloud audience. It was a pity that she could not go to Shu to watch the lively scene. At the same time, she wanted to watch some exciting content, so she ordered a series of dishes. Close-ups and close-ups of characters, as if for free, on the chat box interface, the screen is swiping like crazy.

Of course, there are some chatting words mixed in on the page.

Totsuki Commander-in-Chief, Nakiri Senzaemon, whose identity has not been exposed so far, uses the ID of "The Solitary Mountain Fisherman", and commented:

"It seems that in this paradise world under the background of ancient China, the chefs here prefer to use such uncertain cooking time rules? When one party completes it, the other party is forced to end it. This will inevitably require the chef to not only You must absolutely control your own rhythm, and you must also catch the opponent's pace. At least in terms of rhythm, you cannot lag too far behind."

“Simply put, it requires extremely high requirements for the chef’s ability to control the overall situation!”

These words made the current students and graduates in the audience tremble with fear, especially those who had begun to work hard in the paradise world but had not yet had a cooking showdown, and couldn't help but think about life.

The chat group started a topic, and many group members followed up to express their opinions.

Senzaemon, who has successfully brought up the rhythm of "control", has an unpredictable smile in the tea room of Nakiri's house.

And on site.

The guest lineup, headed by Shopkeeper Lan, completed a tasting of "Twin-tailed Scorpion" Laihe's dishes one by one.

"After all, it's Chef Lin, I can't fault it!" An old judge gave a thumbs up.

"Lin Chu's "Mapo Tofu"? Let's not talk about this dish. If it is marked that the cook is a Lin Chu chef, and it is put up for sale in a large restaurant through public bidding, I am afraid that one dish will be worth thousands of gold."

This judge, an elder of the Kitchen Federation known as Mapo expert, shook his head and said something that had nothing to do with the evaluation of the dishes.

“A dish is worth a thousand gold!”

The third and fourth judges cherished their words like gold, then lowered their heads and continued to eat the tofu dishes on the plate, spoonful by spoonful, eating very slowly, as if they were eating delicacies from the mountains and seas.

However, they were only representatives of the intellectuals and celebrities in Jinguan City, and were far inferior to the other three in terms of professionalism.

at last.

The guest desk behind the judging table was filled with local officials and celebrities, including people like Prince Jiang and Lan Feihong. They all looked at the chief judge sitting in the middle.

Lai He was also looking at Shopkeeper Lan, but the look in his eyes when he looked at the shopkeeper of "Datong Restaurant" was more flickering than calm.

It's not that Lai He is not confident.

If he evaluates his performance this time, it would be average.

The foundation of ‘Zhenlin’ has been brought out, and there are no obvious mistakes.

But that's it... nothing more.

Lai He, who has fought and dueled all the way from Liangshanbo, also knows that if these ordinary and ordinary dishes are moved to the duel stage, they will easily be beaten and beaten by an opponent who performs exceptionally well.

But at this moment, Laihe was not worried about such a scene at all.

Because you can beat him severely.

It can only be an opponent of the same level who performs exceptionally well!

Lai He kept telling himself whether his opponent, Xia Yan, had such a level of cooking skills:

how can that be possible!

How long has it been since the Battle of the Ijinkan?

I would like to believe you when you say that you were promoted to Pseudo-Lin, but being promoted to ‘True Lin’ opened up your own way to become a Huanghuang Lin Chef.

It would be impossible for Laihe to believe it even if he beat him to death.

So, Laihe listened to the footsteps approaching step by step behind him, turned his head slightly, and gave the junior who was advancing behind a provocative smile full of victor:

"You challenge me by name, you are really brave!" Thumbs up, and then he gave up his position.

Xia Yan responded unceremoniously to the provocation:

"You can obviously produce works with eighty or even ninety points, but now your answer sheet on the questions of "Ma Po" and "Tofu", why do I feel that you only have sixty points and just passed?"

"Besides, the only way to pass the exam is because of the brand name "Lin"."

Lai He heard the implication, and it was just that he did not have the characteristics of a 'real Lin', and his "Ma Po Tofu" was not qualified to be a duel dish in this game.

I couldn’t help but feel the veins popping up on my forehead:

"You will soon know how despairing a dish that contains the profound meaning of the word "lin" will make the special-grade and pseudo-lin who have not really opened the door!"


He stopped talking and answered with the sound of a plate falling on the table.


The plate that Xia Yan was carrying was, or should be called, a large soup basin. Yes, it was the type of rice or soup that you usually see in the middle of the table when you go to a restaurant. The amount of it was enough to feed a whole table. big basin.


Laihe, who cast his gaze at him for the first time, was stunned.

Shopkeeper Lan and the other four judges: "..."

"Ah this..."

Prince Jiang on the stage opened his mouth wide.

As for Lan Feihong, in his eyes, it seemed that there was only the slightly rippling clear soup in the basin on the table.

The spectators at the scene were also in a state of excitement.

"Is this Mapo pure white?!"


"How can it be!"

"I know, he gave up the 'Doubanjiang', that is, he didn't use spicy oil and red oil to color it, but in this way, he quite castrated the soul of Mapo himself. In a sense, it is a terrifying spirit..."

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