Eternal food paradise

Chapter 407 Chapter 406: Dark Horse Winner (Part 2)

Under the moonlight, Tazoe, who finished first, served her dishes.

A "berry boil".

This dish is a classic fisherman’s dish from Aomori Prefecture.

Of course, it can also be said to be one of the masterpieces of neon local cuisine.

The main combination of sea urchin, abalone and clear soup has not changed, or the only thing that has changed...maybe just at the end, the girl with blue hair and double braids sprinkled some blue-green powder into the clear soup with a calm smile on her lips.

Several small lacquerware bowls were placed in front of the judges one by one.

There was a strange shimmer in the container with black glaze as the inner wall.

"It smells like the sea~" The wife Leonora was in her position, looking intoxicated, with a blush on her white cheeks.

“It’s originally a local style, fishermen’s cuisine.”

Dojima Gin seemed impatient to use his chopsticks first, while the 'medicine father' Saiba Joichiro was not much slower than Dojima Gin. He stretched out his chopsticks almost at the same time and picked up a piece of sea urchin meat on an isolated island in the bowl.

"Compared with the three people who entered the finals, Soma, where did he lose, and how much did he fall behind?"

With such thoughts.

Saiba Joichiro eats sea urchin.


Suddenly, his tongue felt like an electric shock, with one or two violent spasms.

Dojima Gin also looked shocked.

The wife Leonora held the sea urchin in her mouth and inhaled gently through her nose. She only felt a strange and faint smell of mint, echoing in her mouth and nose, and then her entire head seemed to form an incredible resonance field.


At this moment, the smell of sea urchin, abalone and soup is like layers of huge waves.

Leonora's fright only lasted for a moment. The huge waves crashed towards her. It was not a violent tearing of her clothes. On the contrary, her dress was melting inch by inch. The "gentle hand" contained in the ferocious huge waves quietly made her fall. Silently, he finished undressing.

Bang, the sound of treading water came from behind. Leonora turned around and saw Xia Yan with a contented face, his hands folded behind his head and looking into the distance.

Sea levels are falling.

In just a few seconds, the water went from the top of my head to my chest, and then down to my thighs and crotch, where I was dripping wet.

"Xiao Hui's rural style is finally not limited to Hokkaido." Xia Yan sighed, raised his finger, and directed the sight of his wife Leonora. In that direction, there was a fairy tale seaport that seemed to exist in a dream, floating vaguely. Ethereal, quiet and pure tunes, if you just listen to even a brief note, it seems that you are about to fall into an eternal worry-free paradise at any time.

in reality.

The judges' table finished eating Tasori Megumi's 'Raspberry Boiled', and each one showed a quiet and innocent smile.

"It's so magical. It makes people take off all masks, throw away all worries, and only a simple soul is left..." Even Nakiri Senzaemon felt baptized.

The packed "Between the Moon and the Sky" was completely silent, and the tidal flavor of Tadokoro's "Berry Cook" probably spread far away, affecting a large group of spectators.

Erina breathed in the "smell" that hit her nostrils, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

as if.

Whether it’s the people in the judges’ seats who are close to the view, or the guests in the stands who are facing the view.

They all became sailors who listened to the pure and untainted country music.

"The concentration and range of this trait are already extremely close to the special level——"

Erina thought in disbelief.


She originally thought that she, a member of the top ten in the first grade, should be high up and overlook the students of this class.

However, a girl who was given many negative labels by her, such as "clumsy", "brainless", "no matter how good her cooking skills are, she has no big heart", actually quietly walked side by side with her.

"Why, he has that kind of smile!" Erina glared over and saw Xia Yan in the judging position, under the moonlight shining on the dome, showing a gratifying and kind old father's smile.

Suddenly, I felt that the moonlight and lights became extremely dazzling!

At this time, another playful voice that made Erina feel harsh sounded from behind and approached:

"Hee, my dishes are finished too."

Alice was in the standard position of holding a tray, but the so-called "dishes" she placed on the judging table turned out to be five ice cream boxes.

Even if you use a high-end and classy base, it still cannot change the essence of the ice cream.

Jury seat: "..."


Xia Yan asked with great interest: "Why do you want to make 'ice cream'?"

Alice smiled brightly: "The main technologies of molecular gastronomy include liquid nitrogen, low-temperature cooking, smoking, gel, capsule, hair drying, distillation, popping candy, etc."

“Currently, I have only found the right solution using ‘Smoke’ and ‘Liquid Nitrogen’ techniques using ‘Forget-Wander’ and ‘Night Sage’. "

She pointed to the ice cream box on the table.

Under the light, there was mist.

This is the manifestation of abundant 'liquid nitrogen', and liquid nitrogen ice cream is the most popular type of molecular gastronomy. You only need to prepare the ice cream slurry, add liquid nitrogen, and stir it thoroughly with molecular equipment. Technical means are not required. Not complicated.

And ‘smoky’.

Rely on Nakiri International’s third-generation smoke artifact.

The crab meat and halibut meat that Alice had specially smoked before were dotted in the corner of the ice cream box.

"Please—" a metal silver spoon was placed one after another. Alice smiled confidently and looked at the judges at the table.

In the end, his eyes stayed on Xia Yan, and she ignored her grandfather Senzaemon who had always doted on her. He looked at the young judges and winked playfully.


Erina remained calm and glared at her sister who was causing trouble in front of the camera, "Please let the judges taste contestant Alice's dishes."

Except Xia Yan.

The old man, Dojima Gin, Leonora and Saiba Joichiro all have innocent smiling faces.

This obvious sign of being captured by the previous contestant only made Alice frown slightly. She dares to serve food at this time, which shows her confidence.

The ice cream is in the form of small balls. When scooped with a spoon, a creamy flavor comes out.

After eating it, it feels cool and refreshing.

Not the slightest hint of sweetness.

"I see, this is forget-me-not ice cream."

The judges then bit into pieces of crab meat and fish meat from the box.

In contrast to the cool, refreshing mint flavor, there is another smoky flavor that dominates the taste buds.


On the tongue, in the mouth.

It seemed as if it suddenly split into two tit-for-tat battlefields.


A clear banner!

"A very classic technique, highlighting each other through the collision of flavors." Xia Yan finished eating the ice cream, leaving no side dishes, put down the spoon, and looked at Alice who had unknowingly wrung her hands with a nervous look on her face. .

Ignoring the girl's gradually lowered expression after seeing their review reaction, Xia Yan shook his head and said:

"But there's not enough utilization."

"I couldn't quite control it."

This is equivalent to a clear decree of final judgment.

The other four judges, including Alice's mother-in-law Leonora, all nodded in unison and strongly agreed with Xia Yan's verdict.

The material is there.

In contrast to Tian Sohui's, he fully integrates his cooking skills, characteristics, and ingredients.

Alice's method of application is only superficial and superficial.

It’s just pure technique and technique.

It's not like Tadokoroe, who breaks through the shackles and conceives a carefree harbor fantasy on the dinner plate that is very close to the concentration of "broken painting".

Alice bit her lip, a little unconvinced.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her back. On the surface, it was to support her and comfort her, but Alice clearly heard her dear sister whispering softly at a volume that only the two of them could hear:

"You lost easily, Alice. Your cooking skills are far behind those of Tadokoro Megumi."

The mysterious ingredients can even affect the outcome of the Dragon Chef duel.

The live broadcast of the "Wanfuqiao Cooking Competition" that just concluded was a very vivid classroom teaching.

Alice admitted that her 'cooking skills' were lagging behind, but the decisive point was not here, but in the understanding and application of the ingredients.

She pursed her lips tightly, and her eyes quickly became misty, but she was pressed down firmly. If the one who defeated her was not Tian Suohui, not a girl at the same level, but a specific person such as Xia Yan...

Alice, who has a frank personality, might have shed tears on the stage of the autumn selection, but now, the pride in Alice's heart and her refusal to admit defeat made her hold back her tears.

"Damn it, it seems that the special training is not strong enough, we need to do it a few more times -" Alice muttered, deliberately looking at Xia Yan in front of Erina, her eyes full of pleading, Yin Qing said, "Are you going to sit down again and continue to ask Senior Xia Yan? I asked Senior Xia Yan last time and I got an opportunity soon, hehe."

Earth seat...

When did this happen? !

Erina's eyes narrowed.

The slightest bit of pride in the verbal exchange that almost made my sister cry and collapse visibly froze at the corner of her mouth.

"excuse me--"

An impatient voice broke the dark atmosphere.

Ryo Hayama coolly brought his dish to the judging table, "My final assignment is mint melon smoked salmon salad."


Alice and Erina looked at each other in shock.

Ryo Hayama put down the large dinner plate, picked up the fuel high-pressure flamethrower, and grilled the salad on the dinner plate from a distance.

Watch carefully.

The flame tongue of the spray gun was at least ten inches away from the salad. The flame did not touch the ingredients. It was more like the spice powder that had just been sprinkled on when it was heated, baked and plated.

as expected.

First, the mint fragrance of "forget-me-not" suddenly became strong.

Immediately afterwards, "Night Sage" releases multiple aromas, not just a smoky flavor, but a unique natural fragrance that is simply amazing.

"This is the divine aroma!"

Ye Shanliang's confident voice spread throughout the venue: "Haha, I'm sorry, the breadth and depth of the fragrance I caught is not on the same level as the first two contestants."

Alice and Tadokoro took a deep breath in unison.


It is indeed the "god's sense of smell".

Smelling the waves of salad flavor spreading out, the two found that they suddenly didn't recognize the two mysterious ingredients.

Mint flavor... can it also have concentration and elegance?

Smoky flavor…

Even more strange, why did another fragrance leak out? Is this a hidden flavor? !

The venue was also rioting.

People marveled at this extremely ferocious smell offensive.

Xia Yan's smile remained unchanged in this atmosphere, and he thought to himself: "Ye Shanliang's advantage in spice control is beyond doubt."

"However, his 'control' still hasn't broken free from the pond of Shoji World."

"Xiao Hui is different."

Take the system’s selfless identification data.

Tian Suo Hui, 70 points.

Ryo Hayama scored 60 points and just passed.

As for Alice, 50 points.

If you expand the specific dish information, it is not difficult to find the information column of Taguo E's "Berry Cooking". In the trait/index column, in addition to the "drug" that the native characters of the Shokiji are born with, there is a second piece of information:


Index/Trait Rating—Mild (D).

This is a big breakthrough that none of the Shokugeki characters such as Erina, Shinomiya Kojiro, and Nakiri Senzaemon have been able to achieve.

In other words, Tadokoro Megumi has gone far beyond the circle of Hokkaido local cuisine.

In the field of her cooking skills, she has shown her girlish fangs to the heavenly dimensions and the paradise world!

Single trait VS dual trait, the results can be imagined.

Even though Hayama Ryo was drugging, and the rating index was 'strong', which was close to a special grade, but in a single comparison of drugging, Tian Sohui didn't lose much.

Xia Yan was pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, among so many acquaintances and young men, Tadokoro was the one who took the first step.

at the same time.

"A Shinier 'Jade Generation'" world golden main quest has received a log update.

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