Eternal food paradise

Chapter 415 The mission of opening up and expanding territory (Part 1)

"Madam." Aletta greeted quickly.

"Where's your store manager?"

"I am here."

Xia Yan appeared in the corridor.

The Red Queen, who was looking at the new trainee chef, immediately shifted her gaze, and a smile appeared on her mature and beautiful face: "You have been away for a long time this time."

After saying that, he sat down on a chair at the bar. The humanoid female demon dragon paused for a moment before coughing and said, "I came in such a hurry, I didn't bring the gold coin bucket."

Xia Yan put on her apron, "Gold coin bucket?"


From the bar counter to the store door, and then to the dimensional "door" connected to the dragon's nest.

The walking distance is not even 20 meters.

“Can’t we just go back and get it?”

"How should I put it? I am so urgent and don't want to wait a second longer..." The Scarlet Queen sighed.

"I have a proposal, ma'am." Xia Yan was worried that he had no chance to bring the topic to 'commission'. It was impossible to miss this opportunity now. "As for me, during the time when I disappeared, I went to practice cooking again. , some improvement.”

“I have a new signature dish you’re going to love.”


The eyes of the female Pillar God are bright.

"There is still one more material left, a monster egg. Any bird's egg will do."

"Of course, this is just one of them."

"Another condition is that I have a 'commission' that only you, madam, can fulfill."

The words have not yet finished.

The Red Queen, who had been sighing just now, saying she didn't want to wait even a second longer, stood up, turned around and strode away, leaving a powerful sentence: "Complete the commission, in exchange, can I eat your latest signature dish?"

"completely fine!"

"I'm going to hunt down a batch of monster eggs for you!"

Bang, the sound of the door closing.

Aletta and Erina looked at each other.

"What a strong sense of oppression." Erina rarely showed a pitiful look. She was probably frightened by the undisguised aura of the humanoid female dragon, and her sanity went crazy.

Fortunately, we were in the "Cat House" area. If we met a pillar-level magic dragon on the other side of the door, a ray of breath even from a distance would be enough to destroy Erina's will.

Erina quickly ran to the open bar and stood next to Xia Yan, her heart beating wildly: "Who is that female guest..."


Xia Yan raised his finger and warned meaningfully: "You can think whatever you want about this kind of existence in your heart, but it's best not to talk about it with your mouth. Therefore, after all, this place is different from the world of Shoji. Erina, you'd better control yourself. temper."

Erina bit her lip, intending to argue, but the words turned into a whisper:

"What? I have always been very polite when dealing with guests. How can I lose my temper randomly?"

Aletta also moved closer to the bar.

I saw two simple square-headed kitchen knives that Xia Yan took out from nowhere.

The little maid was surprised. This was the first time she saw Manager Xia using kitchen utensils other than the standard ones on the kitchen knife holder.

"Eh, eh, eh, eh!??"

As a friend who witnessed the development of the plot before and after Xia Yan obtained the [Garuda Sword], Erina showed much more surprise than Aletta. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why is there another legendary kitchen utensil?"

Erina recognized the [Eirei Sword].

"Because, 'Mr. Qin' is the leader of the Gou group, and I have a little friendship with him." Xia Yan said casually.


Erina's look of sudden realization.

She had heard from her grandfather that 'Mr. Qin' was the leader of Gou Group.

As for Xia Yan's friendship with 'Mr. Qin'...a little bit?

She heard Xia Yan deliberately emphasize the pronunciation of the words, but she didn't think much about it, and it was impossible to think and confirm that Xia Yan and Gou Qunzhu were the same person.

Erina took it for granted and preconceptions that Xia Yan was the ultimate veteran in the group. Therefore, she had a close relationship with the group leader and could easily borrow a legendary kitchen utensil.

Thus, witness two legendary kitchen utensils being held in one person’s hands.

Erina didn't dare to blink.


Ms. Chizhi is back. As a pillar god sitting high in the clouds, it is certainly impossible for her to hold an arm full of egg materials.

In front of the bar, she lightly drew her finger somewhere in the void, and a deep black hole was immediately drawn. Following the call of her mind, an exaggerated scene of eggs raining down followed.

"Wow!" As soon as the view was blurred, the open bar was surrounded by a thick wall made of stacked eggs.

In Egg Mountain, Erina's mouth opened uncontrollably.

Xia Yan rubbed his eyebrows, this...

The stop was delayed for a second or two, and when he saw the Red Queen opening the void pocket, things were already wrong.

There are big and small eggs, the small ones are like chicken eggs, and the big ones are like millstones.

A strange smell filled the store.

Xia Yan pinched her nose and said helplessly: "Madam, you don't need so many, just any egg of a bird or monster! Alas, it's still my fault, I didn't explain it clearly!"

He quickly picked up an olive-shaped bird egg the size of a human brain and said, "That's it. Put away the others."

The Crimson Queen tilted her head, not quite understanding the reaction of Ru Bi She Scorpion. What was going on with that disgusted tone and expression on her face?

"Isn't it bad to have more?"

"For example, I like gold coins and gems, so I use them to build a nest. It's very comfortable to sleep on."

Xia Yan's smile became more forced.

Ingredients and treasures are not the same thing, madam!

He was complaining madly in his mind.

There are choices, who wouldn’t want to lie on the Jinshan Mountain and watch the vicissitudes of life.

"Okay." The Scarlet Queen waved her hand, and it was like a replay of the scene, except that the egg flew backwards and flew back to the void pocket. In an instant, the air in the cat house store returned to freshness, and only Xia Yan was left holding the monster bird egg.

The Red Queen returned to the bar chair: "The egg you chose was taken from the harpy's nest on the top of the mountain."


Xia Yan put the egg on the kitchen table and asked Erina to help clean the dirt on the surface of the egg. He stopped two steps away, resting his chin on it, thinking about how to "beat the egg" perfectly.

To be honest, this is the first time he has obtained and processed this kind of material.

Food information appears on the retina:

""Harpy Witch's Egg". "

"Quality - "Strange Grade". "

"Remarks: This egg is still warm, with the scent of the harpy witch remaining. It seems to have been born not long ago, and it also contains amazing blood power."

Harpy witch, well, is the same word as "banshee", but in reality, it may be the difference between a miscellaneous soldier and an imperial descendant.

Xia Yan raised his head and glanced at the Red Queen who was looking at her nails.

It must be extraordinary to be able to put this lady who is the incarnation of fire into a pocket of void.

Xia Yan was very sorry and heartbroken.

Hey, it would be great if it was the product of your own mall.

But when you think about "Death Cheese", there are control and use problems, and you can't bite off more than you can chew.

Seeing Xia Yan starting to "break eggs", the Red Queen nodded with great satisfaction: "By the way, what's the name of your latest flagship dish?"

""Hot Spring Egg Mansion"."

After a pause, Xia Yan emphasized:

"This is also my first time to make a complete version... no, maybe a super powerful enhanced version!"

The difficulty of the recipe for "Onsen Egg Mansion" lies in the ingredients.

After the ingredients were in place, the process flow was difficult for Xia Yan.

Not a few minutes.

The rich egg aroma is like a gas explosion.

"Please use--"

Xia Yan put the extra-large dish he had just prepared onto the bar table, and then glanced at the system log column.

This cooking time officially triggered the main paradise’s territory expansion mission!

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