Eternal food paradise

Chapter 44 Pastry

"Here, the kitchen clothes you want-"

Nakiri Erina threw the strange costume in her hand to Xia Yan, and then stood next to him. She thought Xia Yan was in the way, so she raised her eyebrows and said, "Leave the kneading and kneading to me, I don't do other processes. Will intervene, you can give way now.”

The girl's words were thorny. Xia Yan just rolled his eyes and said, OK, you are right.

The "God's Tongue" who didn't have the time to spare and didn't go to high school was so angry that he took the kitchen clothes, put them on neatly, lowered his head and looked around at himself.

Oh, I thought it was an old kimono worn by Senzaemon or Nakiri, but I didn't expect it to be a refreshing Japanese-style cardigan with no buttons and just a belt. The sleeves are also very wide. You won't feel constrained when cooking in these clothes.

The plain-toned material had some high-end kimono-like patterns of flowers and birds. Xia Yan only looked at it for a few seconds and then looked away.

He really doesn't have any special requirements for kitchen clothes. It can block grease and prevent the smell of cooking fumes, and the Yuanyue uniform can protect him so that he won't get dirty after cooking.

Watching Erina Nakiri quickly immerse herself in her dough-making work, she used a small bowl to prepare a mixed liquid of water, sugar and yeast.

Xia Yan nodded secretly: "Then I have to hurry up!"


I didn't do anything else but put the black and gold cast iron pan I just took off. I'm not in a hurry to use this pan.

Turn on the heat and place an everyday pot on the stovetop.

When everyone saw him unscrewing the bottle cap and pouring a large bottle of 'Doubanjiang' into the pot, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Is it the 'Spicy Mountain' move again?"

Yisekhui was surprised.

"Such a visually impactful recipe is not suitable for a 'snack' recipe." Dojima Gin shook his head, his eyes flickering, "No matter what style of snack, it will not be spectacular, it will be very big."

Too! Yisekhui agreed, I'm afraid there is no dim sum recipe that can accommodate a whole spicy mountain.

Kuga Teruki spoke in a low voice: "Look carefully, he is speculating——"

“Fried bean paste!”

Within a few minutes, the sound of red oil boiling came from the bottom of the pot.

Xia Yan shoveled the stir-fried bean paste into a stainless steel basin for later use, then filtered it carefully through a strainer to get a bowl of red spicy oil.

At this time, the pungent spicy smell has filled the air.

Nakiri Erina, who started kneading the dough, seemed to be holding her breath. Her pretty face was stained with red clouds, and her eyes were widened. She looked at Xia Yan and weighed a whole bowl of red oil with satisfaction. She felt that the temperature inside her mouth was rising. , even the saliva that intensified secretion sent a subtle hot and stimulating sensation to her tongue.

"I said, can't you give up the hot sauce?" Nakiri Erina protested and quickly put on a mask, only to feel her breathing became easier.

"Unfortunately, no."

Xia Yan went to open the refrigerator, took out several plastic molds for making ice, and shook all the ice cubes from the molds into the basin.

Then, the steaming spicy oil bowl was surrounded by ice cubes.

"Do you want to dry it with oil?"

Nakiri Senzaemon whispered.

The old man seemed to have thought of something: "He plans to make 'pastry'?"

Both Kyuga Teruki and Nito Hisako have a certain understanding of Chinese cuisine and do not agree with Commander Totsuki's words.

"If it's 'pastry', why do you need to dry it with oil? While it's still hot, add some spices, such as cloves, peppercorns, cumin, etc., and finally add flour and stir together evenly..."

"Yes, this is the correct way to make 'pastry'!"

When questioned by the students, Nakiri Senzaemon only laughed: "Because, he still lacks the very important 'animal fat', and the bowl of chili red oil does not taste good."

animal fats…

Hear the words.

Everyone looked at it. At this moment, Xia Yan threw a piece of steak into the pan and started frying it. In just a few minutes, the steak was about medium done. The beef cubes were all minced.

He squeezed the minced beef with his hands and used the strainer again to get less than half a bowl of butter juice.

Frying the steak and mincing the beef took about ten minutes.

Xia Yan reached out and touched the bowl of spicy oil in the ice basin, feeling the temperature with his fingers. Seeing that the bowl of oil was almost cold, he nodded secretly, "That's it."

And I saw him pouring two bowls of oil into the same mixing bowl.

Dojima Gin's pupils suddenly shrank:

"Chili oil, beef juice and butter, mixed with each other?"

Seeing this, Nakiri Senzaemon smiled lightly: "You have all seen it, right?"

"If you think he is just good at using a lot of hot sauce, increasing the spiciness, and piling up mountains of spiciness, so as to win simply and crudely..."

"That's a big mistake!"

There is no need for lengthy explanations. If you look at each action and detail, even Isshiki Hui and Nakiri Erina, who are the least familiar with Chinese dim sum, have a complete understanding of Xia Yan's operation.

So that’s what it looks like.

Chili oil, red oil, undoubtedly has a very monotonous and rough spicy taste.

And if only "spicy" is a strong presence in a dish or a recipe, then the quality of the dish must be substandard, and the star rating of the recipe will not be that high. Special grade or something like that is a fantasy. .

Kuga Teruki suddenly thought of Xia Yan's "Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper", and the palms on his knees clenched tightly into fists.

The scary ‘Spicy Mountain’ is more like a cover.

It's like putting up a sign with the slogan "I am Dark Cuisine" in a straightforward way.

But actually...

Persimmon is the real "protagonist" that provides the sour, sweet and bitter flavors of the soul!

It brings soul to a recipe.

Looking back now, I gradually grasped the truth. The fog in front of my eyes dispersed. Kuuga Teruki suddenly felt very painful: "It's this method again. Can't you cook beautiful dishes well? Why do you have to wear a hideous mask?" Terrible wolf skin?!"


Suddenly a deep voice sounded.

"It's not 'pancake'!" Nakiri Senzaemon overturned his own statement.

Kuga Teruki held his breath and looked, "Is he here?"

But I saw Xia Yan, throwing a few spoons of flour and a few spoons of pumpkin powder into the mixed fat.

Hearing the commander-in-chief's uncontrollable voice, Xia Yan cast a speechless glance, "Who said I was going to make some pastry? This is just 'pastry'!"

He then used a food processor to smash the entire bottle of mustard.

From a root to a particle.

The size of a small fingernail.

But such control of "size" also hides the philosophy of cooking.

You know, the beef Ding Xiayan is completely minced and turned into minced meat, but why do the pickles still maintain an obvious graininess? It’s just for the moment of crunch when your teeth click and bite down while eating snacks! It’s such an incredible experience that your soul ascends to heaven!


Chili sauce, mustard cubes and beef mince are mixed evenly in a large mixing bowl.


The pungent spiciness is still scary, but besides the strong sense of darkness, the taste is also like a mysterious cave where unknown cold wind blows.

There is a trace of profound breath hidden in the wind, which makes people close their eyes, try their best to let go of the nose's sense of smell, and take a deep breath.

"smell good!"

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