Eternal food paradise

Chapter 441 Killing the Dragon Eel

"Have you established a dialogue with Him?"

The 'Staff Advisor' stared at Xia Yan who suddenly put his hands on the table and breathed in fresh air.

"I just heard it unilaterally." Xia Yan replied calmly.

"How long has it been since the injection started?"

"3 seconds."

Xia Yan was amazed.

"Why do I feel so far away, as if I have traveled to the ancient times of mythology?"

"This is normal. You are attracted by the qi machine at the source of your bloodline, and you have glimpsed a corner of the rules of time and space."

Xia Yan nodded, checked the updated cell information, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

""Gourmet Cell·Death Flame" (Example Level), 0%. "

See this.

Xia Yan was satisfied.

Death Flame, broken down to explain, "death" represents the black power of death, and "flame" represents the red lady who is the incarnation of fire.


"Congratulations." Congratulations came from the black mist at the mouth of the bottle. Now only this person can share his secret of evolving gourmet cells with Xia Yan.

Once it's done, it's done. Xia Yan doesn't worry about how the cell power will be updated after the fusion, because it's useless to see it now. He has a premonition that in the next period of time, the power of cells in his body will continue to usher in. Several waves of major updates.

On the contrary, at this moment Xia Yan was more interested in the Dragon Mother and the ancient history before the advent of the 'Seven Pillars God'.

"The Mother of Dragons has left this world?"

"It is better to say that we have left this starry sky. You must know that after Ragnarok, many pantheons collapsed. Today's 'Seven Pillar Gods' are not true gods in the true sense, because they are not yet ranked in the Pantheon. In other words, he has not officially joined the job yet, but he only possesses the elements of the true god’s divinity and priesthood.”

"They are only the weakest gods who have one or two powers."

"In the era before Ragnarok, such as the old Sun God, his priestly authority, in addition to the 'sun', also included dawn, resurrection, birth, etc. Not only was he far superior in the number of priests, but the divine power provided by these core priesthoods The root cause is extreme terror.”

"Humans have gods, elves have gods, dwarves, halflings and even orcs all have their own strict divine systems... but they have all collapsed. The gods have gone from strong to weak, and I don't know how many have been destroyed. In the past, hundreds of priests have been destroyed. Today, this generation has almost completely forgotten it!”

When Xia Yan heard this, he felt a little overthinking.

Nowadays, the world is ruled by six pillars, and the only known evil god is Chaos of Ten Thousand Colors, which is far less than the terrifying number of evil gods from the hell system and the abyss system combined before Ragnarok.

So, isn’t the Mother of Dragons the only big winner after the disaster that destroyed the gods? Anyway, the descendants of the bloodline left behind already rule the starry sky.


The reason why the Mother of Dragons did not perish even after leaving this starry sky is probably because of the "faith" of the Six Pillars + Ten Thousand Colors of Chaos. In other words, this was a move by the Mother of Dragons to secretly intercept an unknown amount of "faith" behind the scenes. .

"The flames of destruction, the purest radiance, the destruction of death, the highest sky, the blue color, the earth and life."

"There is also the unknown authority of the myriad colors of chaos."

"Which of these 'priesthoods' belong to the Dragon Mother herself, and which ones were picked up by the Dragon Mother during Ragnarok?"

No matter what, Xia Yan was determined to inject the 'seven-color' cells to the end.

Even if there is a high probability that he and Dragon Mother will turn against each other.

Going back? Deleted the 'Death Flame' that has reached the paragon level? That's absolutely impossible.

Return to the second floor of the cat house.

The full bowl of "Sichuan Flavored Maoxuewang" has been thoroughly enjoyed by Ms. Bai, Ms. Red and the girl in Black.

They sat at the bar and acted in different ways.

Xia Yan walked to the stairs, looked at the backs of the pillar gods, and couldn't help but feel funny.

Tsk, that decadent aura.

Slumped shoulders.

Either he was breathing heavily, or he was biting his lower lip, his eyes watery.

Or it could be that the two expressions on his face, happiness and unsatisfied hunger, were changing repeatedly.

I'm afraid, this scene is a late-stage disease called "food syndrome addiction", and it's too real.

Hearing his footsteps going upstairs, the three goddesses looked over.

Ms. Bai and Ms. Red had satisfaction written in their eyes.

'Hei' has a cold personality and a girlish appearance, but her eyes reveal a look of astonishment.

The black girl's delicate nose twitched, as if catching the smell in the air, and then her eyes lit up. When she looked at Xia Yan, her whole pretty face was filled with an inexplicable surprise of "It turns out we are the same kind."

Of course.

The transformation and evolution of the double cell power has just been completed.

"Death Flame".

The black girl must have smelled the power of death in Xia Yan's body.

"Hey, I don't want to be regarded as the same type as the ultimate otaku who has been at home for tens of thousands of years." Xia Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, there was movement downstairs.

Princess Victoria and the great sage Aldothios returned from hunting.

But there was an old guest behind him, Alphonse, a strange young woman with long sea-blue hair.

"Manager Xia, please give us permission to summon the 'Magic Door' in the cat house." Princess Victoria said.

Therefore, Xia Yan communicated with the dimensional wonders that supported the existence of the cat house, relaxed the rules, and set Princess Victoria as a whitelist for spell casting.


A new magical portal appeared in front of the bar on the second floor.

Xia Yan followed the master and apprentice in, and immediately his face twitched: "I said you have packed up the entire dragon eel group and brought it back, right?"

Behind the portal, it seems to be connected to a dragon eel farm. You can imagine how big the space is.

"This is the exclusive breeding area for dragon eels that my teacher and I jointly circled. It is not a dimensional space, but actually exists in the blue sea."

"As long as we don't die, this door and this area will not collapse."

"Manager Xia, as long as you pass through the portal, you can easily capture any dragon eel in the area."

"Now, we will give the right to enter at will to Manager Xia free of charge." Princess Victoria did not blink, and the gift she handed out was astonishing.

"Gift?" Xia Yan pinched his chin.

Although he can 100% control the dragon eel and gradually unlock the materials of the dragon eel's body, it requires currency to purchase from the system. It is simply a breeding farm like this.


He made a fist and smashed his palm.

"In this way, I will also cook a new dish, which is considered a return gift, not a sign of respect."

When everyone landed, a silver-white eel with a body length of 6 meters and a weight of about half a ton was taken away from the ocean and dragged out of thin air to an uninhabited beach.

Jumping on the beach, the dragon eel's eyes were full of panic and confusion.

"About 6 meters long!"

Xia Yan was amazed and looked around the dragon eel.

It looks like a silver-white Chinese dragon, a snake with a perfect streamlined body and exquisite scales.

The mouth is full of sharp teeth like swords.

The dragon eel, which was still jumping and struggling violently, obviously felt the invisible pressure on its blood, and suddenly did not dare to move.

There was fear in his narrow eyes.

Princess Victoria, who was just about to confine and restrain the dragon eel, was stunned for a moment and silently stopped casting her spell.

"Here comes the knife——"


Blood light suddenly appeared in an area behind the silver-white dragon eel's head.

This incision where the brain tissue was visible, but not much blood came out.

Seeing the dragon eel leaping ferociously in pain, Xia Yan ignored the flying sand and turned back to Erina who had just stepped into the door and said: "Ask Aletta and Fardaniya to help and get a few more buckets. come over."

Soon, buckets were lining up on the beach.

Everyone retreated a little further away.

I saw Xia Yan grabbing the dragon eel's sharp tail with one hand, and slashed it with another knife. This knife was precise and powerful. It almost broke the sharp tail. The vertebrae at the end of the keel was split open, and the blood flowed violently. Gushing fell into the bucket.

After filling several buckets in a row, Xia Yan suddenly said to Princess Victoria:

"Just a small favor."

"Can you cast a spell to hit this place with a strong wind? It's best to condense it into a bunch and pass through the holes under this bone..."

Princess Victoria stepped forward in confusion and looked at where Xia Yan pointed.

This is the notch of the tail, the cross-section of the tail vertebrae.

There is a hollow hole under the thickest central keel.

Erina also came up and said subconsciously:

"This is the central nervous system throughout the body of the fish creature."

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