Eternal food paradise

Chapter 443 Alien Cooking Class

Shoji World Chat Group.

As group leader Xia Yan collected all the original characters, large and small, into the group, the useful information in the group chat file column experienced an explosive increase in just one week.

Some people uploaded unboxing reviews of the latest ingredients in the group chat store, some uploaded videos of recipe development for new ingredients, and some uploaded videos of Shokoku duel in the world of "Chinese Ichiban".

In any case, the download volume of these materials represents the point income of the uploader. There are many materials that can be downloaded and viewed without a subscription, but they are often not practical enough and are mostly just entertainment content for you to laugh at.

Group system message:

[Group member ‘Gushan Diao Weng’ uploaded the file “My Special Record of the Food Halberd in the Chinese World 01.MP4”. This file is free and no points subscription is required. 】

In an instant, the silent group chat interface became lively, and the number of downloads of this file increased from zero to more than one hundred.

"Hold the grass, it's amazing!"

"I know the super chef in the video. He is the old chef of Guangzhou Beiyuan Restaurant. This Beiyuan Restaurant came in fourth place in the last dumpling competition."

"I remember, in the last dumpling competition, the top three, the first place seemed to be won by Miss Erina's restaurant, the second place was Yangquan Restaurant, and the third place was Dumpling Brothers..."

The video is taken from the photographer's first point of view.

Everyone in the group chat was very curious about the "Gushan Fishing Man".

This person rarely bubbles and is taciturn.

The last time he spoke was six or seven days ago. The situation at that time was that Xia Yan started his first live broadcast from another world. "The Lonely Mountain Fishing Man" kept up with everyone in the group chat interface and became a copy-paste monster. "Watch and watch +1" is such a group of water.

You must know that the number of people in group chats has increased dramatically recently, and at the same time, more and more people do not hide their true identities.

But there are also members like the "Gushan Fishing Man" who are full of mystery and can't find any trace of reality.

Now this video of Shoji Battle has completely aroused everyone's curiosity.

"This person is..."

Souma Yukihira was attending class in Totsuki's large classroom. He originally thought the lecturer's lecture was boring, but he was lost in thought when he was immediately attracted by the duel scene in the video.

The theme of the showdown is Cantonese cuisine.

I saw the old special from the Beiyuan Restaurant, making the famous dish "Boiled Geoduck".

The uploader of the video, "Gushan Fishing Man," was slaughtering a live lobster.

The name of the dish is "Baked Lobster in Soup".

The key is not that, Yukihira Soma saw the video recorder from the first point of view.

When he lowered his head to dismember the lobster, his hands were old but still strong and dexterous.


Many figures immediately flashed through Xingping Soma's mind, and doubts grew in his eyes: "Could it be a certain old professor from Yueyue?"

He knew that the group chat had been flooded with big names recently, such as Roland Chapel, the director of the French Cuisine Department.

For example, Professor Miyazato Takao is the leading professor of the ‘Miyazato Research Group’ that Marui Zenji, a friend of Jokusei Ryo, joins.

But Yuanyue can pull out not only these two old professors, but also at least a dozen special-level and veteran experts.

""My Special Shoji Video 01.MP4 in the Chinese World"..."

"Professor, 01 means the first article, the first chapter. We are about to start a series of battles. When is the next one?" Yukihira watched the edited duel video with relish, and the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

This is the noon period, and students can choose to go back to their dormitories to get lunch before taking afternoon classes.

Of course, you can also bring your own lunch, or go to the school store to buy it. Xing Ping Soma was not hungry, so he decided to browse the group chat file section to see if he could find some interesting new videos.

As soon as he refreshed it, an unfamiliar file name popped up:

"Dragon Eel Cooking Practice Class".

Uploaded 1 second ago.


Yukihira Soma looked surprised and wiped his eyes.

When I saw the anonymous uploader with the ID "No Martial Arts - Demon King Xia", I was immediately stunned.

At the same time, the group chat interface is also a scene of excitement.

"Oh my god!"

"What did I see-"

"Hold the grass! Hold the grass, grass!"

"Has Demon King Xia uploaded the file? Or is it a subscription that doesn't charge points?"

Xing Ping Soma clicked refresh. In just two or three seconds, the number of video file downloads soared to over two hundred.

He was also one of the first to download it.

Click on the video.

A unique voice that Yukihira Souma is very familiar with came out:

"My friends, it's been a long time since I've seen you. It's rare to be a video creator. I'm still the familiar Summer Demon King to you."

"Well, without further ado, Demon King Xia's alien classroom has officially begun."

"This time we are going to explain and cook the ingredients, Qiang Qiang Qiang——"

The black scene at the beginning suddenly changes to the interior of a clean and new cabin.

The camera also instantly locked onto the huge corpse in the middle of the hut.


Seeing this, Yukihira Souma subconsciously stood up straight, with his hands on the desk, his eyes widened, staring at the void interface that did not exist in the classroom in the real world:

What kind of alien species is this? Why does it look like a giant silver eel?

The voice from the video began to explain in a leisurely manner:

"As the title says, this thing is called 'Dragon Eel'. This name needs to be broken down to explain, it is an eel that contains the blood of the dragon clan. Well, is it easy to understand?"

"Please forgive me in advance. When I thought about shooting the video, I had already completed the treatment of "living" the dragon eel. In short, I started from the beginning to the end and killed the nerves to make it brain dead. , so what you see are completely dead corpses, and living things cannot be displayed. "

“Let us continue the post-revival processing process and make it as delicate and delicate as possible. "

In the picture, hot water is poured all over the body of the dragon eel from head to tail.

"This is hot water of about 70 degrees. This step is to wash away the mucus on the surface of the dragon eel's body. This water temperature is just right for perfect cleaning without worrying about scalding the skin."

Immediately, Xing Ping Soma saw a familiar handed down kitchen utensil, the Eiling Knife.

Doubts arose in his mind, why not the Garuda sword?

In the picture, Xia Yan was seen disemboweling the dragon eel before and after, removing the gills and removing the middle bone.

At this point, the video does not immediately enter the cooking process, but instead focuses on the organs and internal organs removed from the dragon eel.

Conduct detailed anatomical investigations one by one.

While Xingping Chuangzhen's eyes were opened, he couldn't help but make a complaint in the group chat interface:

"The painting style in the first half looks like a class on alien creatures!"

Unexpectedly, the video poster "Don't Talk about Martial Arts - Summer Demon King" immediately saw Souma Yukihira's complaints, caught him @and replied seriously:

“The allusion of the chef Ding’s solution to the ox tells us that only by fully understanding the structure of the material can we flexibly apply knife skills to alien creatures, rather than applying rigid formulas.”

I found that the Summer Demon King was bubbling up, and the group chat was even more lively.

A bunch of people @"Don't talk about martial arts-Xia Demon King".

"Why don't you start a live broadcast!" Alice Nakiri fired the first shot to defeat the Demon King. "You have time to record a video, but you don't have time to start a live broadcast so that we can watch the whole process in real time?"

"Indeed, we want to be on the front line and visit your cooking scene as soon as possible!" The wife Leonora followed up with the second shot.

Some people also saw the video where the eel was being grilled and pressed the pause button.

Weak weak speech to participate in the war:

"Raise your hands!"

"By the way, when will this 'dragon eel' eel meat be put on the shelves in the group chat store? How much points will it cost? I really want to buy one and study it!"


After discovering that this ID was that of Kobayashi Rindou, who is the second among the top ten students this year, Kuaga Teruki popped up on the group chat interface and revealed the truth without mercy. Hehehe sneered:

"Senior sister, I see that you are not eager to study the structure of the 'dragon eel', but you want to taste the deliciousness of eel meat from another world!"

"There is no conflict between the two!" Xiaolin Ringtong replied with a snort.

As a result, the style of group chat has become distorted.

Many people began to discuss dragon eel meat around its delicious taste.

At this moment, on the second floor of the Cat House, Xia Yan was using fresh and hot dragon eel blood to cook a weakened version of "Sichuan Style Maoxuewang" while glancing at the steaks on the grill of the nearby charcoal stove.

The fragrant smell of grilled eel has already swept through the store.

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