Eternal food paradise

Chapter 458 The Cheating Caibo Chaoyang

Nakamura Thisi retrieved the shokuji book and confirmed that the name of the declarer of war was ‘Saibashi Asahi’, and his face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

There’s not much to say about the Shoji halberd’s fine print.

The appointment was private and not public. The judging was arranged by Nakamura Thistle. It didn't even matter if there was no judge. The two sides tasted each other. Of course, all this was done under the camera and there was video backup. Saiba Chaoyang obviously got the Nakamura Thistle right. Can't make any bad off-board moves.

On the appendix page of the document, there is an aggressive statement.

If Nakamura refuses, this document will be disclosed through the voice channel of the Late Night Cuisine Organization.

What's the purpose of this?

Tell the ghost father clearly that you will accept my challenge obediently and don't be a coward. Otherwise, don't blame me for not practicing martial ethics and using public opinion to oppress you.

You must know that Nakamura Ji's return to Neon Island quickly appeared on the covers of major food newspapers overnight. It can be said that he has a huge momentum. If he stays behind closed doors and is too timid to declare war on a young chef's food, this momentum will be seriously affected. damage.

In other words, Nakamura Thistle had a headache and slammed the Shoji documents on the glass coffee table of the hotel suite.

He has no room for rejection!

Nakamura Thistle sighed.

His eyes were full of confusion.

Caibo Chaoyang...

This is his biological son. Of course, it is not the result of love with Managi Nakiri. He is an illegitimate child that cannot be tolerated outside the Nakiri family and the Totsuki Group. If word spreads, it will be a big scandal for the chaebol.

Here comes the problem.

Why does this stupid son dare to challenge a super famous chef?

Nakamura Thisi took out his smartphone, opened his address book, and stared at Saiba Joichiro's number. He was silent for a long time, but still no call was made.

The adoptive father, Saiba Joichiro, may know the answer to the question.

However, Nakamura Ji thought it was better not to make it public about being kicked out of the gym by his own son.

He was disgraced.

"Fortunately, this is a private fight between father and son..." Nakamura Ji held the phone, the confusion in his eyes disappeared, and a cold and arrogant arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, "This silly son, no matter whether you already know your life experience or not... , no matter the reason why you declared war on me, Shi Ji, a top-notch celebrity chef."

"Since it's a duel, there's absolutely no reason to let it go."

"Let me, a father who has not fulfilled his responsibilities, use such a match and a cruel defeat to educate you on why Super Juexian is already the top chef in the world... Status and dignity do not allow any The inferior is acting wild and provocative!"

Nakamura Thisi asked his secretary to get in touch with the party declaring war. The two parties negotiated the theme and content, and set the specific time at 12 noon tomorrow.

The next day.

Right in the basement kitchen of this international five-star hotel.

Ask the secretary to go to the parking lot and bring the opponent.


The door opens.

Nakamura Ji looked up, his eyes were dark and showed no emotion at all, and he looked at the young man who also brought only a secretary to the meeting.

"Caibo Chaoyang." He whispered softly.

The young man reflected in Ghost Father's pupils was tall and tall, with a handsome appearance. In him, Nakamura Ji seemed to see himself who had just graduated from Totsuki. His facial features and facial contours were simply carved out of a template.

Moreover, compared with the previous photos, his temperament, as the son who was fostered by Ichiro's family in Saiba Castle, was much less bold and arrogant, and he showed signs of being deep and restrained and entering a mature stage.

A trace of relief flashed across his eyes.

Seeing Saiba Chaoyang nodding calmly to him, Nakamura Ji confirmed one thing in his heart and felt vaguely relieved:

His life story is not known to everyone yet.

"I'm here." Caibo glanced at Chaoyang, observing the filming and video equipment that had been set up in the corner of the kitchen, and took a sealed ingredient box from the hands of his secretary, a female late-night cook named "Senior" Sha Qi. .

Then, under the instruction of Zaiha Chaoyang's eyes, Shaqi went to carefully check the video equipment. After confirming that there was no problem, he and Nakiri Hisashi's male secretary jointly signed a shokubi document.

The two parties exchanged files, kept backup copies of each other, and then invariably retreated to the corner of the underground kitchen.

One person is in the north and the other is in the south, forming an opposite pattern.

"This time we have a private meal, the theme is 'snacks', no limit on ingredients, no limit on style." Nakamura Ji looked at his son and forcibly suppressed the mood of grabbing the young man's hair and scolding him angrily.

Cheating stuff!

Caibo Chaoyang didn't realize that he was extremely cheating. He cast his eyes on the wall clock and said: "There are still a few minutes until 12 o'clock, but it doesn't matter, let's officially start -"

Click, he immediately opened the ingredient box and took out a series of mysterious ingredients in front of Nakamura Ji.

Carnivorous vine rhizomes, carnivorous vine stems and leaves, carnivorous vine berries, forgetwort...

Take out each one and place it on the bright stainless steel kitchen counter.

The twitching of Nakamura Ji's face was extremely intense.

He knew the forget-me-not.

It has passed this autumn selection competition and is well-known in the neon food world.

In addition, the ‘Carnivorous Vine’ is by no means the first time it has appeared.

Xia Yan had already made Yuanyue school directors aware of this material when he promoted the restructuring of "Xi Shang Xi".

There is no airtight wall in the world.

With the autumn selection, as materials such as 'Forget-Wreath', 'Night Sage', 'White Flame Pepper' and other materials have caused a huge sensation, there is no need for the group of old guys on the top floor of Yuanyue to continue to hide' The news about "Carnivorous Vine" has come out, and only one or two pictures have become popular in the food industry.

He is a chef who is always curious and has a strong desire to discover.

What type is the ‘carnivorous vine’ that has not officially appeared in the autumn selection, and what unique flavor materials does it have?

Nakamura Thistle took a deep breath, feeling shocked and angry:

"Why was he able to obtain the 'Carnivorous Vine'? It's impossible for Yueyue to open up channels and provide even a milligram of the material to people outside the family and direct lineage!"


Compared with the way to obtain materials.

At this time, Nakamura Ji's heart was filled with anger, and the biggest reason why he was so angry and denounced his cheating father was that he did not expect his own son to be so cruel. He showed a desperate fight and brought super heavyweight material to the stage of this private meal. superior.

Nakamura Ji was speechless: "I didn't expect that it was the first time I saw the 'Carnivorous Vine' in real life, and at such a close distance. It was because of the cheating father-son game!"

"I fucking hate it!"

He managed to control his almost collapsed mentality.


Nakamura Ji's eyes were filled with confidence again.

Despite the overwhelming news of Totsuki, Hisashi Nakamura still returned to Neon according to his original plan. Naturally, he has the confidence and support.

And this time, the reason why it was determined was the theme of ‘snacks’.

Because, Nakamura Jiu planned to use a trump card, and wanted to use this father-son game to train and educate his own son.

Anyway, it's private, so you don't have to worry about your trump card being exposed, and you can kill two birds with one stone. You can rely on 'specialized super vanilla' and 'specialized milk and cream' to make "Vanilla Chiffon Cake".

In the heart of his own son, the powerful figure of his old father is engraved indelibly.


Time went back to yesterday. After deciding on the topic of "Dim Sum", Caibo Chaoyang aimed at a recipe in the group chat shop. After thinking about it, he quietly opened a private chat interface.

"Boss, I want to buy this "Flover" cookbook signed by Mr. Gin Dojima!"

"Do you have any suggestions?"

The ID of the person you are chatting with.

"Don't talk about martial ethics-Xia Demon King".

Caibo Chaoyang originally thought it would take some time for a reply, but unexpectedly the private message bounced back quickly:

"Hey, you also want to learn this recipe for Middle Eastern-style snacks?"


Caibo Chaoyang's head was filled with questions.

Could it be that, besides him, any other group member specifically asked the Xia Demon King for his opinion before purchasing this recipe?

"for you--"

What caught Caibo Zhaoyang off guard was that Xia Mowang's second reply was a simplified and castrated version of the "Flofo" recipe, "Although it is a snack type, there are many types of high-end ingredients that can be used, so the recipe items On the stairs is a book with pseudo-lin characters."

"You are still far from your current state. I have castrated many of the mysterious spice materials that will follow, leaving only the soul frame of the carnivorous vine rhizomes, carnivorous vine stems and leaves, and carnivorous vine berries."

"You're welcome, just take it for practice."

Caibo Chaoyang: "..."

What should I do? I feel like a boss throwing a high-end recipe in my face.

"Thank you, boss!"

"The knees are broken.JPG!"

"Thank you, I am the leader of a group of you."

Caibo Chaoyang almost burst into tears.

I'm so touched. It turns out you still remember such a group of "late-night cooks".

Brother Yao didn't know that Xia Yan just copied and pasted another copy of the handwritten recipe that had been given to the elf lady Fardaniya, so easily.


Perspective, back to the hotel’s underground kitchen.

Saiba Zhaoyang looked at Nakamura Jiu in his eyes, and there was only a fiery aggression:

"Humanoid Super Points Gift Pack!"

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