Eternal food paradise

Chapter 471 Falling into the Pit

Don’t you know everything...

Xia Yan had a headache because he had made poor arrangements. Zhu Qi, who behaved erratically, should be treated as if he was mentally ill. But on second thought, Zhu Qi and Mila strutting into Ju and downstairs were not all bad.

At least, everyone knows that the two heavenly kings are here, and if you want to find him, you have to consider passing the gate god first.

"Invite Mila into the group first."

Xia Yan opened the door and went out.

In the inner courtyard, he met the "Blue Eyed Tiger" and the "Spice Queen" Mira.

And at the doorway between the inner house and the outer courtyard, stood Lu Yi, Lan Feihong and Prince Jiang.

When these three people saw Zhu Qi and Mila, they reacted like ghosts.


Seeing Mira taking the initiative, her pace was a little hurried, she took a few steps forward, holding a small spice bag, "What is the name of this spice material?"

Xia Yan looked at the Queen of Heaven's clear eyes that seemed to reflect the entire sky, "Sage."



Different calls came from Mila and Zhu Qi on this end, and the three people on the other side of the doorway.


This is a plant that is distributed in many regions of China.

In summer, it will produce a whole bunch of light purple petals and is famous for its medicinal properties.

Of course, in Europe, sage is often used as a culinary herb. For example, in Italy, it is very popular to use sage to make bread.

"Sage" is apparently in Myra's spice knowledge base.

But in the bag, this kind of dry plant is not light purple, but almost black, and occasionally emits a cool night-like watery smell.

Definitely not within the range of the Spice Queen’s knowledge base!

Facing Mila's confused and incomprehensible eyes, Xia Yan spread his hands and said simply:

"It's a different species."

"To be precise, its name is 'night sage,' not black sage."

After saying that, the corners of Xia Yan's mouth curled up slightly.

as expected.

Mira was silent for a moment, then asked curiously:

"So, its properties? Characteristics? What is its usage?"

Like a scholar, he can't wait to update his brain's vanilla information base with a hot kiss.

Xia Yan turned around and said, "Follow me. Words will always remain verbal. Case classes will be impressive."

Mira followed his shadow without any hesitation.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Zhu Qi was a little dazed, secretly feeling sorry for Mila, who was also a member of the ‘Five Tiger Stars’:

"Little sister, you are so good at abducting me! You are so reserved! You have moral integrity!"

He quickly followed.

Liu Keling was left with a complex expression biting her lower lip.


Lu Yi stood at the door and asked his master's daughter seriously: "Can I enter the inner house? I promise to stay only near the kitchen and not wander around."

Prince Jiang and Lan Feihong also expressed their opinions quickly.

Ever since.

The practice kitchen in the inner house is bustling.

There were many onlookers outside the classroom during this practical spice class that Xia Yan spoke of, and the only student was Mila.

In the kitchen, Xia Yan placed two plates on the table, one plate in front of him and the other in front of Mila.

Each plate holds a bunch of dried night sage plants.

"First tell me your understanding of the use of common sage." Xia Yan glanced at [Option 2] in the mission log and muttered about this mission branch. As expected, he had to do a lot of tricks.

Mila has a "pure heart" in the field of spices, and in daily life, she has a Buddhist-like personality and is the least scheming among the Five Tigers.

Therefore, Mila at this moment is really like a student, answering seriously:

"It is not resistant to high temperatures and should not be cooked for a long time."

"It should be added towards the end of any cooking process."

Xia Yan nodded, turned around and brought out a plate of sliced ​​meat.

This kind of meat is very familiar to Lu Yi, Lan Feihong and others.

It's the "super material" in Xia Yansu's roasted and white-roasted performance not long ago!

Xia Yan pointed to the uncooked fresh meat slices on the plate:

"If you want to make a smoky meat dish, and the only available herbs and ingredients for smoky flavor are 'night sage', what would you do?"

Hearing this, Mira frowned deeply:

"I'll probably do cold smoking."

"Make salted ingredients around night sage, seal it in a jar for one to two weeks, take it out when the flavor is fully absorbed, and hang it up for a few days to dry. There is no need to use any smoking materials such as pine branches, because 'night sage' "Sage" has a smoky flavor.

Xia Yan shook his head, "What if we serve diners immediately?"

Mira was slightly stunned.

'Night sage' also has the characteristics of not being able to withstand high temperatures and should not be cooked for a long time.

And it happens to be the only fumigating ingredient.

The key point of smoking technique is to make use of the hot smoke produced when the smoked material is not fully burned.

But how can the flavor of ‘night sage’ penetrate deep into the meat as quickly as possible without burning it?

"Indeed, 'night sage' is also not resistant to high temperatures and is not suitable for cooking for a long time."

He said this, but in front of Mila, Xia Yan crushed the vanilla plant in his hand and mixed rice grains, sugar and tea leaves with almost the same weight.

This mixture is obviously the compound smoked ingredient prepared by Xia Yan.

He placed it at the bottom of the pot and lit the fire directly.

A dense metal net was placed directly above the smoking ingredients. The boiled meat slices were passed through the boiling water to drain the water, and then they were placed neatly on the net one by one.

Just at this time, the fire burned the smoked material at the bottom of the pot, and smoke was produced.



A flame suddenly burst out.

Liu Keling said "ah": "The vanilla is on fire!"

Suddenly, Liu Keling shuddered.

It was clearly afternoon and the sun was shining brightly outside.

But Liu Keling felt cold all over her body, as if she was sitting late at night with a deep pool of mountain spring water beside her.

Why is it Xia Yan's self-proclaimed "sexy operation"?

If any group chat members were here and saw the night sage being set on fire, they would be so frightened that they would run away.

Because, as night sage has been developed again and again by the majority of members, from current students to graduates, there is a clear guide to its use.

One of the top taboos is:

Do not ignite.

Especially when lit in the dark and dim environment.

Weird things that cannot be explained by science will happen, and you will be haunted by nightmares.

But now, in the dark corner of the kitchen, Xia Yan deliberately turned off the lamp, and even increased the intensity to make the vanilla burn.

May include the nearest Myra.

Everyone only felt a cold feeling coming over them, and then nothing happened.

No weirdness.

No scary daydreams that make you sweat, either.

"100%, perfect control and use!" Xia Yan clicked his tongue in his heart, seeing the tender meat stained with a layer of burnt color.

it is done.

This "Smoked Frostworm Meat" can be served directly to the table.

If [Option 2] hadn't emphasized the spice inequality, Xia Yan would probably have only used 'night sage' as the smoking ingredient instead of mixing rice grains, sugar and tea leaves.

The latter three, simply speaking, are just the ingredients in the spice formula.

But if you want to establish high-level formulas in smoked ingredients, these blue-collar tool workers are indispensable.


The core of 100% control.

It's his cells/bloodline that are already at the "exemplar level".

It was precisely with this that Xia Yan suppressed the weirdness that would inevitably occur when burning night sage.


Mira couldn't possibly know this.

Her "super vision" was being activated. When Xia Yan turned around, he saw the familiar light of the replica eye flashing in Mila's blue eyes.

"How about it? This is my answer to the smoke application of 'Night Sage'. What do you think?" Xia Yan asked calmly.

As the majestic spice empress, Mira obviously can no longer control her passion for spices, and she looks eager to try:

"Can it be burned?"

"You can do it, and so can I! I'll hand in my classwork right now!"

As she spoke, Mira stood in front of the stove in a dark environment at the back of the kitchen.

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