Eternal food paradise

Chapter 482 People eating melons and watching the showdown (Part 1)

Zhu Qi discovered a super high-end material called 'Dragon Eel Blood', but after careful consideration, he decided to choose a familiar material. After all, it was a duel, so he wanted stability and could not overturn.

Besides, there was the case of Mila, and Zhu Qi was at the scene.

An empress who was extremely knowledgeable in the art of spices was deceived by mysterious materials.

Therefore, Zhu Qi would not plunge into such an obvious pit confidently and stubbornly. Anyway, whoever wants to use it can use it! He definitely doesn't need it!

As soon as Zhu Qi turned around from the big basin containing 'Dragon Eel Blood', Shopkeeper Lan and Sun Erniang came here at the same time.


The high-end materials are mixed in this warehouse. The smell and beautiful color are like heavenly materials and earthly treasures with their own charm.

Shopkeeper Lan and Sun Erniang are neither blind nor stupid. They can certainly identify which materials in this room are of the highest quality, and if used properly, they will be subversive and decisive in helping the Shiji battle.

Watching Zhu Qi walk away without looking back.

As for Mila, she didn't even mean to get close and walked straight towards a shelf dedicated to herbs and dry goods.

Seeing the two of them like this, Shopkeeper Lan and Sun Erniang couldn't help but look at each other with surprise and suspicion in their eyes.

This is strange.

The highest quality material is right here, Mingpai.

In a normal situation, isn't it a fierce fight for the "king"?

"Why are there such ingredients in Juxia downstairs!" Shopkeeper Lan whispered, his eyes full of confusion.

"I don't know anyway, do you know?" Sun Erniang glanced at her famous colleague from Shu.

"Well, I don't know this kind of ingredient, and I have never heard of it. Fairy Bei and the former emperor of Sichuan cuisine, Liu Maliu, cultivated this kind of special ingredient. Unless their actions as a couple are really meticulous and airtight. , no news has spread at all..." Shopkeeper Lan continued.

The two Phoenix chefs had a rare moment of silence.

Although not completely confused.

But trouble is certain.

"By the way -" Shopkeeper Lan suddenly took a breath, "I have seen similar ingredients before!"


"The "Wanfu Bridge Cooking Competition" more than a month ago. "

Sun Erniang: "???"

Shopkeeper Lan looked solemn and slowly said the name "Xia Yan":

"He used similar ingredients to easily defeat Lin Chef Lai He and Yang Shi, winning two cities in a row!"

"Later, Zhu Qi also used a kind of 'ingredient' to compete with the Spice Queen Mira and was undefeated!"

Hearing this, Sun Erniang half-closed her eyes in surprise.

The suspicions of Zhu Qi and Mila can basically be ruled out. Her "mother Yaksha" Sun Erniang came from the dark world. She knows the situation in Liangshanbo very well. It is impossible for these dark kings to open up another manor and secretly cultivate a group of special people. material.

Because Kaiyou absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of behavior and behavior.

Materials are equivalent to a chef’s sharp tools.

How could the Tu Emperor Kaiyou allow a strange "arsenal" to appear under his nose? Could this be coveting his position as the leader and planning to rebel?

"That's him..."

After saying something almost similar, Sun Erniang and Shopkeeper Lan had gloomy eyes.

That person did not come forward to entertain them.

At this moment, at the right time, the batch of materials that appeared in the warehouse downstairs of Juxia fully explained his attitude.



If they want to get the legendary kitchen tool "Garuda Knife", they have no other choice but to break through the dungeon of Juxialou.

“I decided not to use any unfamiliar ingredients.”

Sun Erniang slowly added:

"The theme is 'Palace Cuisine'. Since there is no room for reservation, I can only come up with the strongest recipe in this field!"

In the words of the world of Shoji, it is a "must-have dish".

A must-kill for Phoenix chefs.

Shopkeeper Lan's expression was shocked. After a while, he stared at the 'blood' in the basin and said unwillingly:

"Then I'll just use this material."

Sun Erniang nodded without any persuasion.

They are all extremely skilled chefs. In a sense, they have transcended the realm of 'Dragon Chef' and have taken another unknown half-step.

Both of them knew how difficult it was to use unfamiliar high-end ingredients to make palace dishes with complex techniques and procedures.

"The opportunity to contact the new world is here, I can't miss it!" This is what Shopkeeper Lan thinks. Taking half a step means eager to take the remaining half.

But in the entire Tai Chi cooking world, no one has completely taken the step forward.

Bei Fairy is half step.

Liu Maliu is half a step.

Judging from the recent news, the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" studied by Kaiyou are becoming more and more perfect, and he must have taken that half-step.

Therefore, if he finds the slightest opportunity for a breakthrough, Shopkeeper Lan will be the strongest chef in the world.

Perhaps only the legendary "Master Jade Immortal", Liu Maliu's master, stood on a ladder higher than the dragon level, waiting for those who would come after him.

Shopkeeper Lan does not deny that it is this unparalleled ambition that drives him.

No ambition.

What is the difference between it and salted fish?

So, Shopkeeper Lan selected the ingredients and thought about what dishes he wanted to make.

Within a quarter of an hour.

Mila, Zhu Qi and Sun Erniang also returned to the designated areas in the kitchen.

Outside the kitchen, among the crowd of onlookers.

Xia Yan and Liu Keling quietly joined the melon-eating crowd.

"King Mila and King Zhu Qi both chose the same material they are familiar with." Liu Keling whispered. She was responsible for delivering ingredients to the retreating King these days. Of course she knew what materials the two of them were studying.

"Carnivorous Vine."

"Night sage."

Xia Yan's lips twitched subtly.

"The quality of blue and dark blue, the king is unexpectedly cautious." He was speechless. He thought that after the two of them completed the first recipe development and exchanged some group points for it in the system store, they would be bolder in getting involved with high-end materials, such as 'dragon eel blood' .

As for Phoenix Chef.

Sun Erniang only brought back some ordinary materials.

Shopkeeper Lan, who was wearing an iron mask, took two large bowls of 'dragon eel blood'.

"It's pretty good to trick someone."

Are you worried that Shopkeeper Lan will accidentally encounter some opportunity and the small universe will explode?

Xia Yan shook his head inwardly.

If the mysterious material is so easy to handle, why should he bother to manage his gourmet cells and open up another "path".

"Anyway, at least one win is guaranteed."

Glancing at the mission log.

Options 1, 2 and 3 are the first time that they do not interfere with each other, that is to say, the three tasks are carried out at the same time.

Tasks 2 and 3 are stable for now.

In Mission 1, regarding the return of the son-in-law, we have to wait until Xia Yan receives the other two combined rewards, and first clicks on a cooking skill/advancement to the Dragon Realm.

At this time.

There is a tempting mature body fragrance, approaching.

Xia Yan raised his eyes and almost fainted at the first sight.

Hers is too big!

"Yizhangqing" Xiang En stood in front of him coldly.

There was an incomprehensible heat in the woman's gaze: "You should go to the dark world, to the Juyi Hall in Liangshanbo."

Xia Yan:? ? ?

"Why should I go there?" He was stunned.

Xiang En looked enthusiastic, as if he was about to raise his hands and shout: "You will lead the entire dark world to soar to a higher realm and march towards a more noble palace of food."

Xia Yan: "..."

Liu Keling next to her:

"( ̄. ̄)!"

What the hell, the future of the dark world has nothing to do with me.

Xia Yan was a little suspicious that Xiang En was deliberately being weird. In the original novel, this woman was very troublesome and always deceived the protagonists.

The invincible villain Xiaoqiang even joins forces with Sun Erniang in the sequel. Two strange women with giant possessions, oh no, femme fatales, have begun their journey as dark villains again.

But right now, Xiang En doesn't seem to be on the same page as Sun Erniang.

Xia Yan's thoughts started to spin.

It seems...

Is it a [deviation value] delivered to your door?

The ultimate female villain who is tougher than Kaiyudu, she will survive until the sequel. If she is recruited under her command, she will even be placed in a 'group chat'.

Fire the first shot of revolution in the dark world, a clear-cut uprising, and overthrow Kaiyu's cruel regime...


[Deviation value] Resources, don’t you get rich in one wave? !

But first, I had to test Xiang En to confirm whether this woman was sincere or if she was carrying out some kind of undercover plan.

Xia Yan has very good testing methods.

The backhand is an invitation to join the ‘group chat’.

Go in first, calm down, and be a worker. The "Five Tiger Stars" colleagues inside will take good care of you.


Seeing Xia Yan speaking meaningfully to her, she nodded lightly.

Xiang En was convinced that the prompt that popped up in her head was not a daydream, and after lightly replying "Agree", a virtual interface unfolded in her field of vision:

"Hey, there's a new guy, welcome!"

Mrs. Lei Hua was the first to come out and scatter flowers to the newlyweds, followed by her @group message: "It's "Yizhang Qing" Xiang En, everyone quickly gathered around to watch——"

Xiang En: "...I'm being watched?"

Her facial muscles stiffened as she saw the names being greeted one after another.

"Ahem, are they all me?"

"No one in this land dares to pretend to be our group, right?"

"Um...Hello everyone!" Xiang En digested it for a long time before weakly uttering a common greeting for newcomers asking for sex.


Suddenly, another message popped up on the group chat interface:

"[Don't Talk about Martial Arts - Demon King Xia] has started a live broadcast of the group chat. Everyone, hurry up and watch (click to enter the live broadcast room)."

The Zhonghua Yiban World chat group was quiet for a while.

Yan Xian, who acted as the judge of the duel, asked: "Is there a person named [No Martial Arts-Xia Demon King] in our group member list?"


"I turned it over again!"

"What about now?" The guy with the ID [Don't Talk about Martial Arts - Demon King Xia] sent a group message.

Group chat: "..."

"I was invisible before, you can't see me in the list."


I don't know how many of the 'Five Tigers' gritted their teeth and silently recited the name Xia Yan, "It turns out that the authority is limited!"

"Thank you for the invitation!" Xiang En @said.

This time, it was further confirmed that in this group chat, except for the mysterious administrator who was aloof, Xia Yan's own vest was a dog with authority.

And at the same time.

In the Shoji World chat group, a message prompting the live broadcast to allow onlookers was also displayed.

"The Summer Demon King is broadcasting again!"

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