Eternal food paradise

Chapter 497 Experience Card

Xia Yan: "???"

After eating the first piece of meat wing until only the bones were left, and quitting the ecstasy of eating, Xia Yan discovered the imminent war situation near the dining table.

"What are you doing?"

The six women said in unison: "This is war!"

Xia Yan once again observed the seductive and coveted eyes of the ladies when they looked at the dining table and plates, and he suddenly understood everything.

"A war over food?"

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Is it shock, or should I be proud? After all, the high-ranking Pillar God has descended to earth because of the delicious food he cooked. Even the plastic sisterhood can no longer be maintained, and they are at odds with each other.

"Yes, Food Wars!"

The ladies responded in unison again.


Xia Yan spread his hands: "In fact, you only need to provide the essence of any two legendary creatures, including but not limited to flesh, blood, and organs. I can cook this illegal version of "Cola Chicken Wings" for you anytime, anywhere. .”

As soon as these words came out, the clouds of war dissipated in an instant.


The faces of the ladies also quickly changed from gloomy to sunny, and they were smiling.

Perhaps the only one who continued to have facial paralysis was the Wukou Black Dragon Lady, but her voice that echoed in Xia Yan's heart was filled with unprecedented expectations and joy.

Xia Yan didn't blush or breath.

In fact.

Purchase and exchange "Chichimok's Meat Wings" at the system, and the price is any one legendary material, not two.

The extra money is of course the shady processing fee, not counting the price of the dishes.

As for cheating these pillar gods or those high-end legends, they are all big dogs, Xia Yan has no burden in his heart.

"Legendary material?"

The ladies looked at each other and disappeared.

Xia Yan was left behind, shaking his head, not caring about the coveting and longing eyes around him, and in front of everyone in Yuanyue, he quickly ate the other piece of meat wing until only the bare snow-white bones were left.

"Great, super delicious~" After eating, Xia Yan let out a strange burp in the air, and then patted the little head next to him that was staring at him rather resentfully. Just by smelling the fragrance, he knew who it was, "Next This is for sure, Erina."

"I'll definitely have your share next time."

This sentence aroused the suspicion on Nakiri Erina's face. Hey, when you make a promise, can you first put aside that hateful face of never being satisfied with enough and wanting to monopolize it?

"No more, everyone."

Only the skeletons of two pairs of meat wings were left on the dinner plate.

Xia Yan was very sincere. He spread his hands and said to everyone: "It's not that you don't have the opportunity to taste or buy this legendary material called "Kiki Mok's Meat Wings". I look forward to you unlocking higher permissions in the group chat store." Yo! "

"Report! There's a problem!"

Behind the crowd, a current student raised his hand.

The red-haired greedy cat, Senior Sister Ringtong Kobayashi, is currently the second among the top ten.


"Xia Demon King... No, classmate Xi, are you the biological son of the group chat administrator?"

Xia Yan was amused: "Why do you have such doubts?"

"Because, every time you come up with new material, it's so amazing!"

Suddenly, there was a chorus of nods of approval.

It’s not that no one boldly speculates and approaches the identity of the ‘Administrator’, but the statement of the biological son is incredible enough, and if the Summer Demon King is the administrator’s true form...

People will always subconsciously think that even if it is the truth, it is too outrageous and impossible.

"Yes, I am the administrator's biological son."

Xia Yan nodded and admitted, which caused a lot of noise.

"You may be a permission dog, but you are definitely not the son of the group chat system!"

"So, we might get similar permissions?"

""Chichimok's Flesh Wings", do you hear that? It's a legendary material. How long do we have to fight to unlock this level of authority? "

At this point, the special tea party that moved from Nakiri's house to the cat house was coming to an end.

Xia Yan brought out two dishes——

The ultimate version of "Royal Rice".

"Cola Chicken Wings" is unprecedented and probably unprecedented.

After he was promoted to Dragon Chef, he used mysterious ingredients to create extremely profound and wonderful food interpretations.

He was very satisfied with his performance today.

No, the system pops up the achievement chest again. Congratulations to him for using legendary materials correctly for the first time!

"Bang" sound when opening the box.

Today's second mithril box is not the big explosion not long ago.

Only one card was obtained.

There are portraits of people.

""Experience Card of Sichuan Cuisine Emperor Liu Maliu" (3/3). "

"The specific character experience card, after opening it, will gain Liu Maliu's peak cooking skills, but it only lasts for 10 minutes. It is recommended that the host uses it when creating dragon-level killer dishes."

Xia Yan was a little dumbfounded.

Liu Maliu's profound meaning of "emptiness" and "nothingness", the core of this school, didn't this open the door to him?

But the problem is that his approach does not require "emptiness" and "nothing".


"Mysteries, ingredients and cooking skills, the trinity."

"Liu Malu's mysteries are absolutely top-notch in the world of "Chinese Ichiban". Once mastered, they will definitely help me deepen my own way of the dragon."

Xia Yan knew that what he wanted to create was actually a brand new dragon's way.

Magical, dark.

These two qualities are absolutely indispensable.

Other qualities can be luminous or poisonous.

Liu Malu's emptiness and nothingness can be regarded as the ultimate secret of the luminous flow or the world of "Chinese Ichiban". If he can integrate it into his own Tao, his cooking skills will undoubtedly reach a higher level.

"Even if there is no secret of this genre and the Liu Maliu peak experience card is activated, then I will be a god blocking the killing god. In the whole world, I am afraid that only the leader of the Tai Chi cooking world and the "Cloud Dragon" Kaiyu can have a fight. qualifications……"

Xia Yan pondered, so the timing of using this experience card is very particular. It just so happens that the world of "Chinese Ichiban" has a world-type main line that gathers eight legendary kitchen utensils.

This year, Xia Yan has three items on his body, namely the Yongling Sword, the Garuda Sword and the Demonic Saint Bronze Weapon.

The remaining five pieces...

According to the original work, the Zhuanlong Pot is clearly sealed in the magical city of Shanghai and is under the care of the Tang family of Zhenlong Restaurant.

The Greedy Wolf Pot is sealed somewhere in Mount Tai. The exact information has been obtained by Kai You.

The Ling Cang Treasury was sealed in Dunhuang. If nothing else happens, it should have been taken away by the Taiji Realm or the Dark Realm.

The last two bites of ‘Jade Dragon Pot’…

One bite is enshrined in the highest building of the Imperial Kitchen Department, and is carefully cleaned by the palace dragon chef every day.

The other mouth is in the deepest part of the Forbidden City.


Xia Yan also suspected that these two 'Jade Dragon Pots' were probably lost.

at the same time.

A Chinese world.

In the dark world, Liangshanbo Manor, Kaiyou took down a pigeon letter, which was sent back from Shu and was written in the handwriting of the 'Spice Queen' Mila:

"Xia Yan and Mr. Qin are from the same organization. They can also be said to be a brand new force in the food industry."

There was no other information explanation in the follow-up, only another decisive sentence:

"Here we go, never to return."


Kaiyou tore the book into pieces with a gloomy look on his face.

Mira, after all, was a super genius he selected from a group of orphans. He finally educated and trained her into a world-famous spice empress, but now she was easily abducted. Kaiyou's mood at this moment It's simply disgusting, like my daughter, a cabbage, being raped by a wild boar.

It took a long time to recover from the anger.

Kaiyou took out another letter that was delivered yesterday from his desk, stared at the words "My friend personally expresses his gratitude" on it, and said with a sneer:

"That's fine, no matter who you are in the food industry, since you have found three of the legendary kitchen utensils, you are qualified to participate in the Yangtze Tower Lin Ship Festival in seven days!"

"The Dark Realm, the Taiji Realm."

"And this third party."

"Haha, the three parties will meet, bring the eight legendary kitchen utensils in the world to the ring, and decide the winner with their cooking skills. A shocking confrontation with only the legendary kitchen utensils as the starting point!"

"And the winner will win everything!"

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